How do I get to heaven? Answers to your questions on eternal life.

You are still trusting in your limited experience and finite ideas to guide you into the afterlife. I'm going to choose the time tested, prophecy proven path that brings me peace and holiness and countless answered prayers.
God put two white people in the desert, and they fucked and now we've got everyone. Seems so plausible....


Love this video... lol
I have never parachuted or bungee jumped or flown small aircraft as i am afraid of heights, but I've mountain climbed, white water rafted, had orgies, taken nearly every drug known to man, been engaged, slept with ten women, drove and hitchhiked nearly all of the country minus some deep south and most of the east coast, read many great works of literature and taken enough drugs to forget them. I wouldn't read anything that i know could hurt my faith as it is most valuable to me, and i certainly don't condone the sinful things that i have done when i wasn't following God. But i can tell you that sin left me feeling empty and used up and the only wholesome things i have found in life are loving God and others, the love of a woman, experiencing the earth, and listening to good music or good concerts. And experiencing the arts. The sex was meaningless and left me feeling dirty grimy and ashamed. The drugs polluted my body and used up my once brilliant mind, and all my experiences have shown me the futility of life on this earth and the importance of living a Godly life, and i honestly can't see how anyone could be diverted from this conclusion. Read Proverbs and Ecclesiastes in the bible, Solomon the wisest an who has ever lived had the same conclusion. My favorite writers are Emerson and some Thoreau. I admire C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and i really dig Star Wars. I also really dig good indie films and beautiful poetry. I listen to classic psychedelic rock from the 60's and also enjoy Folk music and blues and Classical. I love attending concerts, going to plays, and seeing Philharmonic performances and curling up under a tree or anywhere outside with a good inspiring book.

Not to mention long walks on the beach lol
This is starting to sound like a dating ad. :)

You read many great literary works, but don't remember them? And none of these great works opposed christian dogma? If you have never read anything that shows the weaknesses and contradictions of christianity, your perspective is very limited, indeed. I believe it is a huge red flag to have invested in ideas that are so fragile that simply reading opposing material would be a danger to those ideas. My beliefs are built on a solid foundation, and I don't fear challenging them. In fact, I often subject them to challenge to see how they fair. It seems to me if were truly the word of god, it could withstand any challenge. IOW, god's ideas so flimsy that you fear they won't be able to stand up opposition. That's not the type of weak shit I would choose to go with...
Fulfilled Bible Prophecy

“Prophecy is history written in advance.”—Oliver B. Greene
The Word of God is a book containing hundreds of detailed prophecies. This page presents numerous prophecies concerning our Precious Saviour, Jesus Christ. Not only were the predictions made 1,000 years before Christ came from Heaven to earth, but they were made over 500 years before crucifixion was first used anywhere in the world as a form of capital punishment! Crucifixion didn't exist when the prophecies were made. The Old Testament prophets wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, "For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" -2nd Peter 1:21.
A scientist picked out 48 such prophecies and determined that the probability of one man randomly fulfilling them all is 1 in 10 to the exponent of 157. That is one followed by 157 zeros! Your chances of winning a typical lottery jackpot is about 1 in 108. (100,000,000). Yet, Jesus fulfilled all these prophecies! Please read It Was Not Finished!
Concerning his birth Prophesied Fulfilled
1. Born of the seed of womanGen 3:15Gal 4:4
2. Born of a virginIsaiah 7:14Mt 1:18-25
3. Seed of AbrahamGen 22:18Mt 1:1
4. Seed of IsaacGen 21:12Luke 3:23+34
5. Seed of JacobNum 24:17Luke 3:34
6. Seed of DavidJeremiah 23:5Luke 3:31
7. Tribe of JudahGen 49:10Rev 5:5
8. Family line of JesseIsaiah 11:1Luke 3:32
9. Born in BethlehemMicah 5:2Mt 2:1-6
10. Herod kills the childrenJeremiah 31:15Mt 2:16-18
Concerning his nature Prophesied Fulfilled
11. He pre-existed creationMic 5:21 Pet 1:20
12. He shall be called LordPs 110:1Acts 2:36
13. Called Immanuel (God with us)Isaiah 7:14Mt 1:22-23
14. ProphetDeut 18:18-19Acts 3:18-25
15. PriestPs 110:4Heb 5:5-6
16. JudgeIsaiah 33:22Jn 5:22-23
17. KingPs 2:6Jn 18:33-37
18. Anointed by the SpiritIsaiah 11:2Mt 3:16-17
19. His zeal for GodPs 69:9Jn 2:15-17
Concerning his ministry Prophesied Fulfilled
20. Preceded by a messengerIsaiah 40:3Mt 3:1-3
21. To begin in GalileeIsaiah 9:1-2Mt 4:12-17
22. Ministry of MiraclesIsaiah 35:5-6Mt 9:35;11:4
23. Teacher of parablesPs 78:1-4Mt 13:34-35
24. He was to enter the templeMal 3:1Mt 21:10-12
25. Enter Jerusalem on donkeyZech 9:9Mt 21:1-7
26. Stone of stumbling to JewsIsaiah 28:16; Ps 118:22 1 Pet 2:6-8
27. Light to GentilesIsaiah 49:6Acts 13:46-48
The day Jesus was crucified Prophesied Fulfilled
28. Betrayed by a friendPsalm 41:9John 13:18-27
29. Sold for 30 pieces of silverZech 11:12Matthew 26:14-15
30. 30 pieces thrown in TempleZech 11:13Matthew 27:3-5
31. 30 pieces buys potters fieldZech 11:13Matthew 27:6-10
32. Forsaken by His disciplesZech 13:7Mark 14:27+50
33. Accused by false witnessesPsalm 35:11+20-21 Matthew 26:59-61
34. Silent before accusersIsaiah 53:7Matthew 27:12-14
35. Wounded and bruisedIsaiah 53:4-61 Pet 2:21-25
36. Beaten and spit uponIsaiah 50:6Matthew 26:67-68
37. MockedPsalm 22:6-8Matthew 27:27-31
38. Fell under the crossPsalm 109:24-25John 19:17; Lk23:26
39. Hands and feet piercedPsalm 22:16John 20:24-28
40. Crucified with thievesIsaiah 53:12Mt 27:38
41. Prayed for enemiesIsaiah 53:12Luke 23:34
42. Rejected by His own peopleIsaiah 53:3John 19:14-15
43. Hated without causePsalm 69:4John 15:25
44. Friends stood aloofPsalm 38:11Luke 22:54;23:49
45. People wag their headsPs 22:7;109:25Mt 27:39
46. People stared at HimPs 22:17Lk 23:35
47. Cloths divided and gambled forPs 22:18Jn 19:23-24
48. Became very thirstyPs 22:15Jn 19:28
49. Gall and vinegar offered HimPs 69:21Mt 27:34
50. His forsaken cryPs 22:1Mt 27:46
51. Committed Himself to GodPs 31:5Lk 23:46
52. Bones not brokenPs 34:20Jn 19:32-36
53. Heart brokenPs 69:20;22:14Jn 19:34
54. His side piercedZech 12:10Jn 19:34+37
55. Darkness over the landAmos 8:9Lk 23:44-45
56. Buried in rich man's tombIsa 53:9Mt 27:57-60
His Resurrection & Ascension Prophesied Fulfilled
57. Raised from the deadPs 16:8-11Acts 2:24-31
58. Begotten as Son of GodPs 2:7Acts 13:32-35
59. Ascended to GodPs 68:18Eph 2:8-10
60. Seated beside GodPs 110:1Heb 1:3+13
Today, the only way Bible scoffers can explain away this astronomical probability is to discredit the prophecies in one way or another. The Bible foretold of these scoffers in 2nd Peter 3:3-4...
"Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming?"
Their only alternative is to accept that God is the author of the Scriptures. The Bible is a reliable book of genuine divine prophecy. You can trust it! Please don't be fooled by the hordes of Christ-rejecters who deny the Bible.
The evidence of divine prophecy presented here is just a tiny portion of the proofs available to establish the divine origin of the Bible. Yet, they are more than sufficient to prove the inspiration of the Bible. There will always be men who scoff at the Bible. You, however, can be confident when you read your Bible that God is the Author, for it is written:
"For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe" -1st Thessalonians 2:13

taken from

Logic Fail! You can't use the bible to prove the legitimacy of the bible. The bible says there are prophecies, and that they were fulfilled. Any source outside the bible that backs this up? Do you know the story of Horus and Osiris? It is ancient Egyptian mythology written millennia before the bible that is almost the exact same story as god and jesus: born of a virgin, 12 disciples, testing by the demon under-lord, and finally bodily ascension into heaven. Christianity is simply a cheap retelling of this story, so how can you believe it is legitimate?

Or, for those you prefer YT videos -

Logic Fail! You can't use the bible to prove the legitimacy of the bible. The bible says there are prophecies, and that they were fulfilled. Any source outside the bible that backs this up? Do you know the story of Horus and Osiris? It is ancient Egyptian mythology written millennia before the bible that is almost the exact same story as god and jesus: born of a virgin, 12 disciples, testing by the demon under-lord, and finally bodily ascension into heaven. Christianity is simply a cheap retelling of this story, so how can you believe it is legitimate?

Or, for those you prefer YT videos -


10,500 BC eh? :-P
Said it before, looks like it bares repeating here, but elaborated:

First, the universe is vast. We are not the only lifeforms. Many are far more TECHNICALLY advanced, and if possible, even more diabolical than our current rulers (who do the bidding of off worlders- or else).

Life on earth is an artificial construct of duality (light v dark), otherwise known as the Matrix. It is controlled/operated by an artificial intelligence (ginormous computer). The ONE true creator is only light. The life-form known as Jesus, said Of my self, alone, I do nothing, and Greater things than these shall ye do It is the father within that doeth the works. His true teachings were of course usurped by the dark forces. Their spin on the truth has been used to control us ever since.

"We" are like lobsters in a heating pot. Those on the bottom (closest to the flame) have become accustomed to 90* degree and rapidly rising temps. For them, this fucked up world is normal. They do not question WHY? They accept this fucked up world on face value, and try to find solace in religions. They do not see that these religions control, divide, and conquer.

Our true power is within, not without. By searching without (prayers), we give our power away to those who collect the energy, and use it against 'us' for their own diabolical reasons.

I recommend George Kavassilas website Our Journey Home, or Walter Russel teachings. Search: The Secret of Light[/B
Said it before, looks like it bares repeating here, but elaborated:

First, the universe is vast. We are not the only lifeforms. Many are far more TECHNICALLY advanced, and if possible, even more diabolical than our current rulers (who do the bidding of off worlders- or else).

Life on earth is an artificial construct of duality (light v dark), otherwise known as the Matrix. It is controlled/operated by an artificial intelligence (ginormous computer). The ONE true creator is only light. The life-form known as Jesus, said Of my self, alone, I do nothing, and Greater things than these shall ye do It is the father within that doeth the works. His true teachings were of course usurped by the dark forces. Their spin on the truth has been used to control us ever since.

"We" are like lobsters in a heating pot. Those on the bottom (closest to the flame) have become accustomed to 90* degree and rapidly rising temps. For them, this fucked up world is normal. They do not question WHY? They accept this fucked up world on face value, and try to find solace in religions. They do not see that these religions control, divide, and conquer.

Our true power is within, not without. By searching without (prayers), we give our power away to those who collect the energy, and use it against 'us' for their own diabolical reasons.

I recommend George Kavassilas website Our Journey Home, or Walter Russel teachings. Search: The Secret of Light[/B

Sounds like a shitty L. Ron Hubbard book... but even less evidence, and more assumptions.
Said it before, looks like it bares repeating here, but elaborated:

First, the universe is vast. We are not the only lifeforms. Many are far more TECHNICALLY advanced, and if possible, even more diabolical than our current rulers (who do the bidding of off worlders- or else).

Life on earth is an artificial construct of duality (light v dark), otherwise known as the Matrix. It is controlled/operated by an artificial intelligence (ginormous computer). The ONE true creator is only light. The life-form known as Jesus, said Of my self, alone, I do nothing, and Greater things than these shall ye do It is the father within that doeth the works. His true teachings were of course usurped by the dark forces. Their spin on the truth has been used to control us ever since.

"We" are like lobsters in a heating pot. Those on the bottom (closest to the flame) have become accustomed to 90* degree and rapidly rising temps. For them, this fucked up world is normal. They do not question WHY? They accept this fucked up world on face value, and try to find solace in religions. They do not see that these religions control, divide, and conquer.

Our true power is within, not without. By searching without (prayers), we give our power away to those who collect the energy, and use it against 'us' for their own diabolical reasons.

I recommend George Kavassilas website Our Journey Home, or Walter Russel teachings. Search: The Secret of Light[/B

Ironic, you think this all needs repeating, yet you continue to fail to answer the simple questions that people have asked you multiple times in various threads...

Why do you believe this to be reality? What evidence do you have to support this belief? I think many of us already know WHAT you believe, but we want to know WHY you believe and if there is compelling reason for any of us to believe it too. BTW, did the Wachowski Brothers get their idea from Kavassilas or was it the other way around/
Galatians 5:13-26

[h=3]Life by the Spirit[/h][SUP]13 [/SUP]You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[SUP][a][/SUP]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. [SUP]14 [/SUP]For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[SUP][b][/SUP] [SUP]15 [/SUP]If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
[SUP]16 [/SUP]So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. [SUP]17 [/SUP]For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever[SUP][c][/SUP] you want. [SUP]18 [/SUP]But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
[SUP]19 [/SUP]The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; [SUP]20 [/SUP]idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions [SUP]21 [/SUP]and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
[SUP]22 [/SUP]But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [SUP]23 [/SUP]gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. [SUP]24 [/SUP]Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. [SUP]25 [/SUP]Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. [SUP]26 [/SUP]Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
admit that Christ is your savior threw all your faults and MANS CURSES. and you will be spared threw all of it. just pray for sight and wisdom as well. it helps.
Hello Old Growth,I set here amazed again, I can not quote scripture very good but I know it says people of the world can not understand the bible until they are filled with the Spirit,to them it's foolish.
The world is unfolding exactly as it says it would, and some still will not believe.
My life has been getting better since I started trying His way of living,I just thought I had been living before
I'm glad he feeds it to me slowly, I couldn't handle it all at once.
It hasn't been long since he reminded me the bible lives (there will be a lot that don't understand that).
My rate of growth is related to how much I put into living a Christ-like life & my faith grows faster when I'm around like minded people.
Man all that and I just stopped by to say Hi!
Have a great day!
Oh God. Quit worring... Tomorrow will worry about itsself.

Jesus is gonna steal all the souls back eventually then if your too embarassed to live by his rules just ask him to put you down after he shows you all the good stuff.

Also... If you wanna fuck with the final anti christ and be tested like every other christian then id suggest you say something we don't know.

The bible is everywear bro and everyone knows whats going on.

Quit pretending like people are bad for serving their masters...

But to answer ur first question the losers serve no one. ahahahha. Those who speak in the tongue speak to God.
Ahahah teh Devil serves the Lord and the Lord serves the Lord of Lords.


Old test is false... and bs. also we dont know if the new testament was changed... WHy not just seek a Godly understanding then leaning on some irrigant wanna be idol. Beware the idol worshippers ahahhahahah

ALso admit the Savior came in the flesh of man in front of men on earth... ALso that he died for your sins and know everyone after him supposidly since he said the dead will remain dead(the people who died before his arrival) bla bla bla everyone is saved and if you seek to know Christ and hopefully find him in your heart he will admit to his father that your trying or that you are a good boy or that your worthy of overcoming this crappy ass planet and a bunch of other good stuff and know that the Lord will direct your footsteps and there is nothing more to worry about. Also know that athiests im sure are serving their own master and pretending to be w/e and what not. The only thing you can truely do to help them is to convince them that living a healthy loving life free of sins and evil that it is better also to admit that serving life has more power then death.

I mean who serves death and is not dead already?

The luke warm ahahahhahahha!

Serve life, and don't correct me if your a christian faggot ;) real christians dont correct the wicked. so if u correct me that means ur a fail anti christ. ahahahhahhaha and ur gonna tell me im going to hell and yadad a dydada ydad just stfu and eat earth.

ALso we are defiled by the words we speak... So keep that in mind... ALso know that if your were not angry at me that the demons in you are and that you need to learn how to control the demons and learn how to destroy the wicked one and there is so much for you guys to learn that it causes an embarrassment to the human raise that your brainwashed by the evil temptation and sin that awaits after reading the bible.

Im not Christian fuck that I aint giving no body rep and especcially because I dont take part in wicked or evil deeds but I rather expand the mind rather then depletat it like a moron who depletes his own brain as he gets older he gets stupider.... Just try not to correct me and ur wont be in danger......... ;)
Oh God. Quit worring... Tomorrow will worry about itsself.

Jesus is gonna steal all the souls back eventually then if your too embarassed to live by his rules just ask him to put you down after he shows you all the good stuff.

Also... If you wanna fuck with the final anti christ and be tested like every other christian then id suggest you say something we don't know.

The bible is everywear bro and everyone knows whats going on.

Quit pretending like people are bad for serving their masters...

But to answer ur first question the losers serve no one. ahahahha. Those who speak in the tongue speak to God.

Ahahah teh Devil serves the Lord and the Lord serves the Lord of Lords.


Old test is false... and bs. also we dont know if the new testament was changed... WHy not just seek a Godly understanding then leaning on some irrigant wanna be idol. Beware the idol worshippers ahahhahahah

ALso admit the Savior came in the flesh of man in front of men on earth... ALso that he died for your sins and know everyone after him supposidly since he said the dead will remain dead(the people who died before his arrival) bla bla bla everyone is saved and if you seek to know Christ and hopefully find him in your heart he will admit to his father that your trying or that you are a good boy or that your worthy of overcoming this crappy ass planet and a bunch of other good stuff and know that the Lord will direct your footsteps and there is nothing more to worry about. Also know that athiests im sure are serving their own master and pretending to be w/e and what not. The only thing you can truely do to help them is to convince them that living a healthy loving life free of sins and evil that it is better also to admit that serving life has more power then death.

I mean who serves death and is not dead already?

The luke warm ahahahhahahha!

Serve life, and don't correct me if your a christian faggot ;) real christians dont correct the wicked. so if u correct me that means ur a fail anti christ. ahahahhahhaha and ur gonna tell me im going to hell and yadad a dydada ydad just stfu and eat earth.

ALso we are defiled by the words we speak... So keep that in mind... ALso know that if your were not angry at me that the demons in you are and that you need to learn how to control the demons and learn how to destroy the wicked one and there is so much for you guys to learn that it causes an embarrassment to the human raise that your brainwashed by the evil temptation and sin that awaits after reading the bible.

Im not Christian fuck that I aint giving no body rep and especcially because I dont take part in wicked or evil deeds but I rather expand the mind rather then depletat it like a moron who depletes his own brain as he gets older he gets stupider.... Just try not to correct me and ur wont be in danger......... ;)

Here we go again.... :D
