How do I Hide my bill


Well-Known Member
I live with my girlfriend and shes on welfare so there for i have my income and she has welfare giving her money! We want to move into a townhouse beacause my growing in my closet with a 400w light aint cutting it any more. I would like to move into a townhouse and use room in the basement for growing (bigger space) with a 600w to 1000w bulb going BUT she has to show her case worker hydro bill! What can i do???
first take a 600w, second, it will affect your bill of like 50$ a month max. calculate yours here: 24h a day * 30 days * 0.6kwh * (your electricity cost, here 0.07$/kwh)= 30$
I ran just a 600 for a growing test in so cal raised my bill by $22. Its not much of a increas a hair drier uses 1850 watts no joke check it out.
thats what i keep telling my buddy but hes an experienced grower and he tells me its risky cause ill be useing more hydro and ill have to be showing our bill to my girlfriends case worker do to the hole welfare thing! BUT i would be useing 400w for veg and 600w for flower at first and then if things went good there id be moveing up to a 1000w!
Another thing is that where i live they are installing SMART METERS and my buddy told me they will be able to see the 12/12 flowering stage....well thell notice im useing allot more hydro for a solid 12 hours! so i guess in that sence id have to have lights on dureing the day and have lights off dureing the night witch i dont like to do!! I like haveing lights on at night so that way my lights are off dureing the day when its most hot so i can battle my temps
Go buy a solar panel and then run your grow off of that. Problem solved =D

May cost alot for startup but once your running it, It will pay its self off.
Yeah - solar panels rock, but they're pretty expensive. I think that electricity usage is too small to make a problem. You could tell them you have a server running - a nice aquarium with a heater, electric heater, flat screen tv. Lots of other stuff use that much electricity so they really can't tell what eats your electricity.
The power supply in a computer is usually around 600w. A social worker isn't going to know you are running a grow light from just what one 600w puts on the bill... and it's not just someone leaving a computer and/or TV on 24/7. Most TVs now draw more than 600w on a continuous basis.

Moral of the story though is that 600w is nothing outstanding and you won't even be running it 24 hours a day. During flowering it will only be on half the time. And during veg you can get away with running a lower wattage light for a majority of the time (seedlings don't need 600w for example).

I'd bet if you were conscious of just turning off your TV, computer, and house lights when not in use... you could even get your bill to go down overall. If you *really* want to save power, have your hot water heater turn off when it's unlikely to be used, skip using the dryer and hang dry some clothes, and use your central AC/heat less.
My reptile tank has more wattage then my 400 watt hps, I keep it on a timer at 12/12 as well......Not to mention it puts off more heat then my HPS as well.... be creative
This guy is a fucking idiot. Trying to post a few threads to get insight on how to beat society let alone the gov. Dude the gov beats you no matter what thats why you have a job u are a slave to the federal goverment and society through paying taxes let alone living on welfare. I think that she should get a job or you should get a new girlfriend that we do have to hear about her livin on our tax money. There clean and clear :) happy growing In your new town home
im all for scamming the government/faceless entities. get that. smart people beat systems. if you think the real world wont cheat your joking yourself. cutthroat shit just get your light and use that instead of heat in the winter or shut off your tv
For real man I agree but in the end you will still have to pay bills I'm all for the cheat the gov out of making you their slave thing but it still Happens. I just think that welfare is "low rent" especially If that person is capable of havin a job let alone holdin one and trying to hide their grow bill and cheat society out of the hard earned cash money that is solen from every hard working American here. I don't believe In that shit let alone stand it because I consider that stealing out of my hard working pocket so some welfare living female can proceed and continue to live off welfare. And my pocket to that extent. Fuck THAT shit.
And I mean honestly you are a part if he "cheat" that the gov pulls on us because you still support the "faceless entities" by buying grocieries watching tv typing on your computer shit like that. Technology has been a major downfall of our civilization yet a major uprising.
the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.
In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.

Thats how I feel about our nation
So am I. I do it because I have to live. The only way things would change is if everyone does something. But most people are to scared to say something to their bosses that they hate and can't and won't because they want to keep their jobs so do t think I'm not apart if the cheat as well. I am. We are. I mean it just fucks with the balance of things if you don't do your part till the next uprising/civil war happens.'cuz I'm pretty sure its gonna wart somewhere In the world aNd spread
Why hide it? It's none of their fucking business what your bill is or why it is what it is. If they make determinations based on it, then oh well they will make it based on the current bill. They will not break everything down and analyze what's using what power.

The power company doesn't give 2 shits if you use your electricity in 12/12 cycles. Any amount you personally use will be insignificant to the overall usage of power. There is also no reason to suspect you are growing weed when your consumption jumps 600 or even 1000 watts for a 12 hour period. What if you had an electric stove and had a home baking business? Welder? Computers (a couple servers could easily draw as much as a grow op)? What if I just like to run a space heater or air conditioner for 12 hours each day? Or maybe I do have a grow light for my indoor herb garden. Nothing like fresh basil.
if people claim welfare it doesnt bother me atall.not everyone can work for different reasons.even people who want a job may not be able to get one.
i think things would be alot worse if welfare didnt exist.more poverty,more crime.

anyway dont worry about the bill,the slight increase shouldnt make anyone suspicious.
and if you want to cut it back some instead of using a 400w for vegg use CFL's.........and ive also herd that if you establish a high energy usage from the day you move in its harder to get cought.......start a big grow get the hang of it make some real money then do your self a favor and get off wellfare if you grow right you wont need it and if your still getting welfair while you dont really need it then that just makes you a scum bag.........