How Do You Keep Your Mouth Shut?


Active Member
I know it seems like a really stupid question, but really, on first grows when you are SUPER excited, how do you keep your damn mouth shut? I know it's a main rule to not tell anyone that you grow, but, here we are on a forum showing and talking about where that rule works in. What I do know is that I'm so excited people are noticing that I'm always excited and ask what's up...anyone have good tips on how to hide excitement? Idk...little stoned atm so I'm not sure I;m making any sort of sense, but it's a legitimate question to me...


Well-Known Member
well if your uncontrolably excited... you may have a brain problem....or be too young to be growing, its just a few pot plants man chill out. your not having a fucking baby.


Well-Known Member
get all your bragging off your chest here on the boards. post pics and brag about your pized buds and when you smoke out with friends and stuff act like its paid for. if you always have the best buds though, it gets pretty obvious. especially if your lighting them up one after another. also dont fuck up and say your friend grows it cuz they will see right passed that.


Well-Known Member
JUS dont! turn that smile upside down.. cuz it wont be so cute when ur gettn ya doe kickd in (police,robbery)
If u have a Veeeeeeeeeeeeeery best friend.....then maybe. JUs know next time he wants to look cool with a great story. he'll be tellin urs!!!!
Use the forums. I started and found this to be a great outlet. Not only is it fairly anonymous, but the people on here are guaranteed to be kindred spirits who will actually listen and care about your grow stories.

Not only that, but as far as keeping my mouth shut, the more time you spend on the forums, the more you realize you know nothing compared to some of these growers, humbling so much that i don't have a lot left to say about my little closet :)



Active Member
I told all my FB friends. But the only reason was because I expected them to be at my uncles house, I was just starting them out. I wasn't going to tell anyone they were at my uncles and no one knows where he lives anyway. Just chill man. You can tell AND show them what you grew in the end. Way more exciting, Having your buds :wink: smoke some buds you grew.


Active Member
But see here's where I get stuck with being an a forum about growing. I think we all know that there are plenty of members on here who grow illegally either by country or states laws, now what about police from those parts? Couldn't they just come on here and find people? What about tracing IP addresses? It seems safer to me to talk about it irl since word of mouth can only get the police so far as they would still need proof and a warrant to break in, but they come on here and there's all the evidence they'd I know my peeps wouldn't rat on me because then they wouldn't get to reap the benefits and we'd all lose.

mconn333: They are our babies, that's actually what we call them. The plants are even named. Makes talking about it a hell of a lot less suspicious when you can say that "Cathy" is growing right up. Point is, it's exciting, I LOVE growing plants, any plants.

Maybe we just found the cure to depression. We should just give everyone that is depressed a pot plant.
It works, works even better when you reap the rewards. Cannabis really does wonders for depression, I prefer it to Prozac by far.


Well-Known Member
The country I live in kills you if you are caught selling Marijuana.

Pretty easy to keep your mouth shut when you don't want to die.


Well-Known Member
Man, you just need to be calm and act normal.. It's normal to be excited to grow something you like.. But.. just.. relax about it..


Well-Known Member
Yea I could see that...what happens if they catch you growing? Same fate?
Growing is a minimum of 3 years.

If you are caught using, first offense you are sent to a drug rehab center. Second offense is minimum of 3 years.

This is the reason you don't see a scale within 100 ft. of me.


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say that, dont post anything incriminating and change ur signature to something like mine if ur gonna do that.


Active Member
I sincerely doubt most of the posters on this site are going through the trouble of setting up proxies and routing their posting through services that guarantee internet privacy. Even then, a subpoena works wonders on garnering even supposedly secure online posting information. If you are not doing anything to guarantee your privacy all it would take is for your provider to be given a subpoena and voila! you are no longer anonymous.

But even though I am positive at least 80% of the posters here are simply logging onto their home or school accounts and using that to access the internet and this site, you don't read a thousand threads a day about being busted because of what they posted online. Most of the "busted" threads come about because the person told someone, and that person either ratted them out or told someone else who did.

If the cops had the resources to sift through all of the crap posted on this and other marijuana boards and then use that to build a case, well we are so far down the police state path at that point you might as well line up to get your social security number tattooed on your forehead and the government's tracking chip installed in your anus.

Now if you were the next Bruce Perlowin and had commercial grows with pictures of your crew harvesting and working thousands of plants .... well, you might be an idiot to post that online. But your closet grow? I doubt the DEA has the manpower or desire to track you down and bust you.

But hey ... you might still want to jack that unsecured wireless account your neighbor down the street broadcasts to everyone within range, or post through a proxy address that you connect to via a Starbucks location. Not saying I do that ... then again, not saying I don't either. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Loose lips sink ships. Do you realize that most crimes are solved because people can't keep their mouths shut! One of my trusted family members knows of my growing and I shit my pants every day because who knows who he has possibly told. For years it was a best kept secret and lived and died with ME! I was always relaxed and confident because I knew that no one else in the whole world knew but me about what I was doing.

Do yourself a favor, talk to your plants, wack off in front of your plants, love your plants but don't tell anyone about your plants!


Well-Known Member
I sincerely doubt most of the posters on this site are going through the trouble of setting up proxies and routing their posting through services that guarantee internet privacy. Even then, a subpoena works wonders on garnering even supposedly secure online posting information. If you are not doing anything to guarantee your privacy all it would take is for your provider to be given a subpoena and voila! you are no longer anonymous.

But even though I am positive at least 80% of the posters here are simply logging onto their home or school accounts and using that to access the internet and this site, you don't read a thousand threads a day about being busted because of what they posted online. Most of the "busted" threads come about because the person told someone, and that person either ratted them out or told someone else who did.

If the cops had the resources to sift through all of the crap posted on this and other marijuana boards and then use that to build a case, well we are so far down the police state path at that point you might as well line up to get your social security number tattooed on your forehead and the government's tracking chip installed in your anus.

Now if you were the next Bruce Perlowin and had commercial grows with pictures of your crew harvesting and working thousands of plants .... well, you might be an idiot to post that online. But your closet grow? I doubt the DEA has the manpower or desire to track you down and bust you.

But hey ... you might still want to jack that unsecured wireless account your neighbor down the street broadcasts to everyone within range, or post through a proxy address that you connect to via a Starbucks location. Not saying I do that ... then again, not saying I don't either. :fire:
The D.E.A./D.T.F. agencies have WAY better things to do than to sift through all these posts/threads to see whos growing and whos not growing... who's legally growing... and who's not legally growing. The po-po/DEA agencies aren't going to waste man power and tax dollars.. on trying to make a case against someone who is just growing a little dipitty-do grow op. I mean, if your just growing two or three plants.. I'm telling ya.. they're not going to waste their time and our tax dollars.. on trying to track you and your 3 plant grow op down. It's just not gonna happen.

Now.. if you had like 15 plants or more.. then yeah your going to probably draw some attention. The bigger the grow operation.. the more likely the D.E.A. is going to try and get you. Plain and simple. But again, they're not going to waste time and money.. and make themselves look like assholes in front of their bosses and the media.. for 2 or three fucking plants. I've been through the system.. I know how they think and how they work. ;)

This is why I never grow more than 2 (maybe 3 max) each time.. because I know the popo/dea won't waste their time with it. They want the big fish.. not the small fish. Why? Because if they can catch the big fish.. they know if they shut down the big fish.. every group/person that's below the big fish.. will suffer and fall apart.

That's why when people get busted.. that's why the pigs will try and get that person to cooperate and snitch out someone. It's a domino effect really.. if that person snitches.. then they bust that person that they snitched or set-up.. then they'll try and get that person to snitch as well.. and so on.

But yeah.. their not going to waste time and resources to try and bust some small time grower that's growing 2 or 3 plants.

anyhow.. I got errands to run.
