How invasive are spidermites?

@growingforfun It’s $10 , if it don’t work, it don’t work lol. Lots of threads on here saying they work great. It’s not to attract the insects, it puts of a gas. I’m going to turn off my exhaust fan tonight during lights out to increase effectiveness. Like I said I will let New Age know how it works.
Gotcha, didnt realize they put off a gas so that's something that could be helpful actually.
I think I’ve just discovered mites as well. I’m thinking of going to grab a no-pest strip. Have you tried them ?
So you use these? No bueno

This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer.
Here is whats in the No Pest Strip


Dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate) 18.6%
Related Compounds 1.4%
Inert Ingredients: 80.0%
TOTAL: 100.0%
This product contains the toxic inert ingredient Bis (2-ethylhexyl) adipate (DEHA) at 19.8%.
Yeah I know, from what little research I did on Dichlorvos, it shows it doesn’t effect the plants. Apparently everything is known to cause cancer in the state of California lmao. Sure glad I don’t live there !
These two strains are very resistant to them I'm only seeing between 5-10 on each leaf. What do you think about ladybugs?
The problem with ladybugs is your plants are about to become big sticky traps. The mites and ladybugs will be stuck in resin. Best option I've found at this point is to extract the material when the run is finished, and then go into kill mode on those bastards, lol. Good luck, stay vigilant.
The problem with ladybugs is your plants are about to become big sticky traps. The mites and ladybugs will be stuck in resin. Best option I've found at this point is to extract the material when the run is finished, and then go into kill mode on those bastards, lol. Good luck, stay vigilant.
Thanks macs is that right the lady bugs will get stuck in the bud too, no good, my buddy found a cockroach size bug in his medical one time, never bought from that dispensary again. The only thing is I'm trying to get a steady perpetual going I got two tents and 3 lights, I just rooted 6 clones to go into the other tent. Now the thing is I do have a buddy @Mattthebs420 who has his own space and can accommodate my clones if need be. I also have a friend who will put 4 of my 5 infected plants at her place it's back in the woods and already has fencing in place, but I've always heard that lady bugs will eat them up, the Trailer Park Boys did an episode on it and they were I door, or am I just as stupid as they are lol???
Thanks macs is that right the lady bugs will get stuck in the bud too, no good, my buddy found a cockroach size bug in his medical one time, never bought from that dispensary again. The only thing is I'm trying to get a steady perpetual going I got two tents and 3 lights, I just rooted 6 clones to go into the other tent. Now the thing is I do have a buddy @Mattthebs420 who has his own space and can accommodate my clones if need be. I also have a friend who will put 4 of my 5 infected plants at her place it's back in the woods and already has fencing in place, but I've always heard that lady bugs will eat them up, the Trailer Park Boys did an episode on it and they were I door, or am I just as stupid as they are lol???
If you bring ladybugs into your house I'd call you on par with them yes.

Predator mites maybe fine sure, but not lady bugs.
I think you should really concider what your plans are and figure out if yoyr doing the best things you can haha
If you bring ladybugs into your house I'd call you on par with them yes.

Predator mites maybe fine sure, but not lady bugs.
I think you should really concider what your plans are and figure out if yoyr doing the best things you can haha
Well fuck here we go again lol!!! Was I really that baked in high school @hotrodharley I could a sworn I environmental science that a species can only be sustained by the allowance of the ecosystem, so that would mean they can only populate as long as there is sufficient mitage to feed them, I check my plants top to bottom with a jeweler's loop, there are no other bugs just the mites. So live heard that you can suck them up with a handheld dirt devil.
Well fuck here we go again lol!!! Was I really that baked in high school @hotrodharley I could a sworn I environmental science that a species can only be sustained by the allowance of the ecosystem, so that would mean they can only populate as long as there is sufficient mitage to feed them, I check my plants top to bottom with a jeweler's loop, there are no other bugs just the mites. So live heard that you can suck them up with a handheld dirt devil.
So your saying that you dont see how they can possibly survive when put into shelter from predators and the elements, and be given a potentially huge food source? You know they dont only eat spider mites right? Never heard the stories of houses that got infested with them until the walls were covered then I guess.
So your saying that you dont see how they can possibly survive when put into shelter from predators and the elements, and be given a potentially huge food source? You know they dont only eat spider mites right? Never heard the stories of houses that got infested with them until the walls were covered then I guess.
No I've never heard of that, and yes you make a good point I'm providing a perfect ecosystem for them to thrive, what my plan was was to realeas 32 into the tent they say you need 2 per square feet, well from the very quick research I did today. So they say the adults will eat between 10-25 mites a day each, the larvae can eat as much as 50, so I'm only seeing 10 at the most on each leaf, now that's the peppered leaves the actual mite damage. So I figured in a week two at the most my pants would be relatively free of mites, see I already knew that the best approach is to spray them in veg but I already did that and they're not responding, now like I said these plants are all very resistant to them and they didn't show pepper until the last week, 2 weeks after flip.
That's how far along they are. I'll try to get a good close up
That's how peppered they are I've seen much worse my buddy's plant was just Pure white
Well fuck here we go again lol!!! Was I really that baked in high school @hotrodharley I could a sworn I environmental science that a species can only be sustained by the allowance of the ecosystem, so that would mean they can only populate as long as there is sufficient mitage to feed them, I check my plants top to bottom with a jeweler's loop, there are no other bugs just the mites. So live heard that you can suck them up with a handheld dirt devil.
The predator mites will starve to death once their target meal is gone. Ladybugs are beetles and will hang around.
I’ve said this like 10 times on this site already, but green clean. Will knock mite population down by 90% first spray if you do it right. Pump sprayer under all leafs etc. then keep up with it for weeks and you will get rid of them. Organic made from soy beans used all stages of growth and works on eggs too
How long will it take for the mites to die? And for the eggs to hatch and those mites to die? In sweltering July and August heat 27-35 celcius?
That I can’t tell you except once the mites are gone they starve pretty quickly. You might do 2 releases. The second after you see any from eggs.
That I can’t tell you except once the mites are gone they starve pretty quickly. You might do 2 releases. The second after you see any from eggs.
Oh ok you're talking about the mites to take care of the spider mites ya I was looking at those too they're expensive tho, do you think its realistic to real ease 32 lady bugs into a 4×4 tent with those plants in the pics infested and the vacuum them up I two weeks. If I have to spend $130 for a thousand of the predatory mites I will you k ow of a better deal that ships to Canada?
Oh ok you're talking about the mites to take care of the spider mites ya I was looking at those too they're expensive tho, do you think its realistic to real ease 32 lady bugs into a 4×4 tent with those plants in the pics infested and the vacuum them up I two weeks. If I have to spend $130 for a thousand of the predatory mites I will you k ow of a better deal that ships to Canada?
If you don’t spray Coke or something on them to prevent the ladybugs from flying they’re gone when you release them. They’ll be sent from hibernation and they require some flight time before they eat. I can understand the hesitancy considering the cost on the predator mites.Perhaps asking some of the agricultural services at the universities could help. I know there’s some huge greenhouse operations in the eastern parts of Canada. They’re used by more than pot growers.