How invasive are spidermites?

I’ve said this like 10 times on this site already, but green clean. Will knock mite population down by 90% first spray if you do it right. Pump sprayer under all leafs etc. then keep up with it for weeks and you will get rid of them. Organic made from soy beans used all stages of growth and works on eggs too
That stuff does work and it looks like he's early enough in flower that he could still spray.
BTW not to start an argument in here but, I have ladybugs in all my veg areas. Been doing this for a while and haven't had any kind of bad bugs since I started doing this. I find it pretty beneficial for my setup.
BTW not to start an argument in here but, I have ladybugs in all my veg areas. Been doing this for a while and haven't had any kind of bad bugs since I started doing this. I find it pretty beneficial for my setup.
Very good to know macs, ya they're supposed to find an equilibrium right.
Very good to know macs, ya they're supposed to find an equilibrium right.
Ya they seem to do pretty good. I don't always take care of them, so if they're population declines, I order another batch. I think I'll start putting out a diy ladybug food or two. I found a bunch of household things that can be fed to them or made into food for them. They're pretty chill in my book, and seem to do their job well.
Ya they seem to do pretty good. I don't always take care of them, so if they're population declines, I order another batch. I think I'll start putting out a diy ladybug food or two. I found a bunch of household things that can be fed to them or made into food for them. They're pretty chill in my book, and seem to do their job well.
That's great, so the worse that could happen is I'm picking a few out while I'm trimming right, they're not gonna get engorged in the bud right???
That's great, so the worse that could happen is I'm picking a few out while I'm trimming right, they're not gonna get engorged in the bud right???
Idk probably depends how many you release. I tested it with 20 or so in flower and they were all stuck, lol. I don't know if I would want to release a bunch in flower, might get messy. I think you're either going to have to ride it out or the green clean was a good suggestion too. I haven't used predatory mites so I can't tell ya how that goes.
I’ve never used predators so I can’t speak about them. I had used a handful of other mite products out there, including avid and in my opinion they were all horrible. Green clean is the only stuff I’ve used that gets the job done with proper use. I also use lady bug killer which is the name of a product made from mint I believe, organic. It works somewhat and is good for light problems but I wouldn’t trust it. Recently read about iso on these forums and that seems to work going by what people say, you can buy that at cvs and give it a test within hours. Place I read was 50% iso and 50% water but I’d research and test a leaf or two.

And if you guys don’t know yet, clicking your iPhone 3 times puts it into microscope mode. Better than any Luppe
Ya they seem to do pretty good. I don't always take care of them, so if they're population declines, I order another batch. I think I'll start putting out a diy ladybug food or two. I found a bunch of household things that can be fed to them or made into food for them. They're pretty chill in my book, and seem to do their job well.
What do you feed them bro? I just ordered a thousand I have a few friends who will use them too.
Nothing wrong with ladybugs inside. But they are not going to do anything for mites. It’s not what they eat.

Also, when ordering any preditory bugs, you need to talk to your supplier about the environment in which your rooms stays. Someone who runs a high vpd shouldn’t use the same bugs as someone who runs 40% humidity from start to finish. Explain your temps and humidity to them. And were it’s gonna go for the next few weeks.
That's not 100%, we eradicated mites on outdoor plants this year with ladybugs. It wasn't a bad infestation yet, but they ate em up.
Mites are bad if they get bad and can come back well after your sure they are gone for good.

Dont let pets around your plants

Clean your room as good as you can and use the foggers 2x stronger than recommended 3 times 3 days apart on your empty room. Carpet is your enemy.

Get your room temps as low as you can when you have mites as this GREATLY SLOWS their reproduction.
i agree with this,this guy knows what he talking about...hit them 3 times,3 days apart,this is to eradicate all stages of their growth....i would us spray bombs,keep your intake fan off,people say no fans,but depending on the room size i find a small oscillating fan at a 45 angle helps move the bomb around
Not sure if you care much at all, but that No-Pest strip I bought seems like it worked great. The leaf damage has stopped spreading and I can’t find any of those little bugs now.