How invasive are spidermites?

Nothing wrong with ladybugs inside. But they are not going to do anything for mites. It’s not what they eat.

Also, when ordering any preditory bugs, you need to talk to your supplier about the environment in which your rooms stays. Someone who runs a high vpd shouldn’t use the same bugs as someone who runs 40% humidity from start to finish. Explain your temps and humidity to them. And were it’s gonna go for the next few weeks.
When you google "do ladybugs eat spider mites " it says they eat "mostly aphids and spider mites"
Get a small industrial ozone generator for sterilizing the room. you shouldn't use them in a room with living plants They help with smell also.
No macs I thought you just released them near dark period, please explain.
Release them at lights out for sure. Time it to where you water your plants when you release them, and some stray drops of water on your fans leaves is a good thing too. Put out some food and water for them. If they have everthing they need to thrive, they will want to stay. Google diy ladybug food. They will focus on your bug problem, but a happy environment will keep them around.