Your in a pickle... slinger, every pun intended. I have seen the movie, and it did not shake my Faith and I will tell you why. First you can see Christ in everything , maybe not at the moment you are looking, but neither can you see everything anyone does. Why would you not find in religion, astrology, nature and the cosmos signs pointing to Christ. Why wouldn't the enemies of God not "change" the name to protect their interest in the lie they have loosed on the world. I say you can find God anywhere if you look, listen and have an open mind, even by yourself. When you do even if it is in some religion, you see glimpses of Christ(or at least Christ consciousness), God wants this, it is how he points to your Salvation. Do not get me wrong I am Christian, no mystic, I believe in the Trinity of God, so you could say I am mostly protestant in my view. I know how confusing it can be to be Christian, there are stronger men than I can ever hope to be, that have had their Faith tested to extremes, and come out with Faith strengthened. Some have lost their life, only to make many more believe, and strengthen the Faith of believers already present. The only thing I can say is talk with God, He will show you everything thereby increasing your Faith. God will show you His Son and your Salvation.