How many Neoliberals in the Democratic Party before the Democratic Party is a Neoliberal party?

What's worse is they actually appear to believe their drivel.
Explain again why racism will just go away if we stop talking about it. I didn't understand the last time you explained it to me.

Also, kiss my ass tty. You always say we should be nice and explain ourselves to people we disagree with so kiss my ass. Or is it just neo-Nazis that you kiss ass?
Say, aren't you the guy who tries desperately to distract from his obvious dullness?
did you take my direct addressing of the topic to be a distraction? huh. odd

you responded to me saying "nope" to padaraper's absurd claim that moderate leftist democrats like me were responsible for trump's illegitimate win

i pointed out that i was out knocking on doors, making calls, and doing the actual work a campaign does while you were sitting at home on your slightly obese ass degrading the best candidate the democratic party has seen in decades as "shillary" and giving the respect of a formal title to the murdering dictator from russia who attacked our nation to install his racist puppet as president.

if you have anything else to say to actually address these facts (and since they are facts you cannot rebut them), feel free to say it

There is a lot of propaganda being put out by right wing lobby groups that say exactly what you just said.

Most Democratic congressmen support progressive issues more than 80% of the time. 2/3 of all Democrats meet this criteria. Pelosi and Sanders are among the best. The worst Democrat in Congress is leagues better than the best Republican is on progressive issues.

These are facts that cannot be denied. What you espouse is belief which is fine but don't expect people to deny facts to your unverifiable claims.
incel flux reeks of plant
I still wonder if some of them are right wingers pretending to be democrats.
There is a lot of propaganda being put out by right wing lobby groups that say exactly what you just said.
Kyle Kulinski's show is a propaganda media outlet that supports the right wing agenda. Anything that comes from that show is suspect.
Most Democratic congressmen support progressive issues more than 80% of the time. 2/3 of all Democrats meet this criteria.
How many establishment Democratic congressmen support progressive issues? How many establishment Democratic congressmen support progressive issues when they actually have the legislative power to affect progressive change in a meaningful way?

We can check the congressional record, just curious first what you would guess?

An establishment Democratic congressman being defined as one who accepts corporate or PAC funding for their campaigns?

To remain consistent, my guess is you would guess pretty high, right?
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i pointed out that i was out knocking on doors, making calls, and doing the actual work a campaign does
the best candidate the democratic party has seen in decades
You did all that work and "the best candidate the Democratic party has seen in decades" still lost to a reality TV show contestant and businessman who filed for bankruptcy multiple times, was caught on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women, and didn't rent his properties out to black people?

"The best candidate the Democratic party has seen in decades" couldn't beat that guy?

If your best can't beat their worst, what's the likeliest cause of your insanity for believing it's a smart move to keep promoting neoliberal losers who can't win elections against Republicans?
LMFAO indeed.

About 2/3 of all Democrats in Congress almost always vote in favor of progressive causes. Check for yourself:

These are simple facts recorded in the Congressional Record. No need to appeal to emotions when one has facts to help distinguish bullshit from reality.

Among the top voters who support progressive causes are Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi.

why are you trying to sell this so hard?
More convinced than ever he's not even a lefty. Equating Bernie to Nancy Pelosi over and over again, gtffooh. A common propaganda tactic is to simply repeat a lie over and over again until it is accepted. IE: The Iraq war, or more currently, russiagate. That seems to be fakedogs whole schtick.
How many establishment Democratic congressmen support progressive issues? How many establishment Democratic congressmen support progressive issues when they actually have the legislative power to affect progressive change in a meaningful way?

We can check the congressional record, just curious first what you would guess?

An establishment Democratic congressman being defined as one who accepts corporate or PAC funding for their campaigns?

To remain consistent, my guess is you would guess pretty high, right?
Sanders and Pelosi have the same voting record on progressive issues. Because you call Pelosi an establishment Democrat and despise her yet give Bernie who has virtually the same record a pass then I have no idea what effect you think corporate PAC money is having on Pelosi's votes. Pelosi has done more to affect progressive change than Bernie, who you love so again I have no idea what you mean by "meaningful way". I know you can't understand this but your antipathy to Democrats makes no objective sense.

Pelosi is as strong on progressive issues and more effective in making meaningful change than Bernie. Given that this is objectively and factually true I'm wondering what's your beef about accepting PAC money? Also wondering why you'd put Democrats at a disadvantage in campaign spending for apparently no good reason. Please recall that the only reason Bernie's bill to repeal Citizen's United in 2014 is because Republicans stopped it. Every Democratic Senator at that time supported the bill through their votes as shown in the Congressional record.

As shown by their votes in the Senate, contrary to what you say Democrats do support campaign finance. We should press them to do so when they are able to enact it. If one looks at their campaign reports, there are moderates who reject campaign contributions and progressives who accept it. Right now, it's up to their electorate to decide and pretty much what the primaries show us is for the most part the electorate is more concerned about local issues and countering Trump's actions. Near as I can tell only about 6 to 8 of your kind or Progressive(TM) are even running for seats in Congress. Some will win and I think they will fit in just fine and be welcomed into the Democratic Caucus as good liberal Democrats.

You Berners have been listening to right wing propaganda from shills like Kyle and Dave. Sorry to burst your bubble of certainty but they are leading you down a right winger garden path.
More convinced than ever he's not even a lefty. Equating Bernie to Nancy Pelosi over and over again, gtffooh. A common propaganda tactic is to simply repeat a lie over and over again until it is accepted. IE: The Iraq war, or more currently, russiagate. That seems to be fakedogs whole schtick.
Is rhetoric the only measure you have? About 95% of the time, Bernie and Pelosi vote to support crucial progressive issues. Virtually the same record. The lie comes from you. What I cited are facts about actual votes in Congress and recorded in the Congressional Record.

I totally agree that a common propaganda tactic is to repeat lies over and over again. What you say fits exactly your definition of propaganda, repeated to you by right wing propagandists.

Now we get to the nub of your complaint. Russiagate. LOL

You'd stop the investigation if you could. Wouldn't you?
No, because your "facts" are cherry picked, you make up your own definitions for things and you constantly try to reframe things to better suit your agenda. In short, not an honest actor, not a serious person, not credible, not worth listening to.
did you take my direct addressing of the topic to be a distraction? huh. odd

you responded to me saying "nope" to padaraper's absurd claim that moderate leftist democrats like me were responsible for trump's illegitimate win

i pointed out that i was out knocking on doors, making calls, and doing the actual work a campaign does while you were sitting at home on your slightly obese ass degrading the best candidate the democratic party has seen in decades as "shillary" and giving the respect of a formal title to the murdering dictator from russia who attacked our nation to install his racist puppet as president.

if you have anything else to say to actually address these facts (and since they are facts you cannot rebut them), feel free to say it

Yeah, I've seen him do the same to me.

It's very common for tty to just plow right over facts and evidence that prove him wrong.
All across the country, republicans are running against Pelosi because the public is quite familiar with her corrupt, pro wall st, pro war, pro corporate history. They equate their opponent to Pelosi and then use her flaws to depict "democrats" as 100% Pelosi level schills.
Which is exactly what Fogderp is doing here to Bernie. Granted, he's inept at it, but kinda hard to say that's not what's going on here.
No, because your "facts" are cherry picked, you make up your own definitions for things and you constantly try to reframe things to better suit your agenda. In short, not an honest actor, not a serious person, not credible, not worth listening to.
I haven't heard you cite a single fact.

Citing the voting records of Congressmen isn't cherry picking. This argument started when I cited the fact that 2/3 of all Democrats in Congress vote for progressive issues more than 80% of the time. I'm wondering why you hate Pelosi so much yet love Bernie when they both have virtually same voting record on issues important to progressives. Look it up yourself:

Now then, about russiagate. Would you discontinue Meuller's investigation?
All across the country, republicans are running against Pelosi because the public is quite familiar with her corrupt, pro wall st, pro war, pro corporate history. They equate their opponent to Pelosi and then use her flaws to depict "democrats" as 100% Pelosi level schills.
Which is exactly what Fogderp is doing here to Bernie. Granted, he's inept at it, but kinda hard to say that's not what's going on here.
Not true. When asked by pollsters, Pelosi is not an issue in the local elections for house seats. I'm not a big fan of opinion polls but can cite them if you like. You don't so I won't either unless asked.

It may be true that in your district Pelosi is top of mind to voters. If you want you can cherry pick the few districts that care about Pelosi. I'll be glad to shred it.

Pelosi is a California Democrat and I live in Oregon. Pelosi isn't really my concern either. I'm just holding her record up and comparing her record to Bernie's to show how poor your arguments against her are. She's gotten a ton more done in Congress than Bernie has.

All Bernie has to show for his 12 years in the Senate is a couple of post offices renamed and some solar heating systems installed on a few government buildings. These are facts you can look up. He's been woefully unproductive for somebody who makes such towering statements in policy.

Now back to russiagate. Would you end Mueller's investigation if you could?
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All across the country, republicans are running against Pelosi because the public is quite familiar with her corrupt, pro wall st, pro war, pro corporate history. They equate their opponent to Pelosi and then use her flaws to depict "democrats" as 100% Pelosi level schills.
Which is exactly what Fogderp is doing here to Bernie. Granted, he's inept at it, but kinda hard to say that's not what's going on here.
And if Democrats show their hand and name another leader the right will come up with a new reason to dehumanize them all the while the Bernie crowd will bash them
And if Democrats show their hand and name another leader the right will come up with a new reason to dehumanize them all the while the Bernie crowd will bash them

How about if these so-called Progressives(TM) get more of their own elected? I don't know why they think they can choose Democratic leadership when they only hold about 10 seats in the House.