How many people understand the US Constitution?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
if you decide your store is gonna be a private club where it's OK to kick out black people, as your store would certainly be, the government can't grant or revoke that. it's your decision, you dumb racist retard.

Demonstrably false. What happens if a person decides not to fill out any government required forms ?

Also, for the umpteenth time, I'm not endorsing a racists point of view. I am endorsing his right not to be forced to do anything, but leave others alone.


Well-Known Member
Wow that escalated quickly. I didn't know watching a thread and laughing at your expense made me a white pride. By the way I'm mixed race you fat white Fuck. thats right people uncle buck is white .racisim is dead it's just kept on life support by people like you now move on the rest of the world has


I'm a proud white person.


Well-Known Member
Yep I am a proud white person. As I said mixed race. Saying one cannot be proud of being white is racist. See me on the street I'm a "white man" see my brother on the street he's a "black man" same mother and father. We get a good laugh out of this sort of shit and it's at your expense


Well-Known Member
your clever unclebuck I see you have found the reply button *slow
doesn't it just suck when you get caught in an obvious lie and look like a complete dumbass?

you white pride folks are just so fucking dumb though. you bring it on yourselves.

you have only yourself to blame for being so fucking dumb.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahaha I think your embarrassed .where is the lie? My mother's black (not black like midnight but black enough) fathers white I took on his complexion my brother took on my mother's complexion. And by the way we know your a fat lonely white dude pretending to be black. I'm waiting for big lou to turn up any minute ohhhh that's right you stopped using two accounts because we found out your little false account trick using lol as a backup black man


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahahaha I think your embarrassed .where is the lie? My mother's black (not black like midnight but black enough) fathers white I took on his complexion my brother took on my mother's complexion. And by the way we know your a fat lonely white dude pretending to be black. I'm waiting for big lou to turn up any minute ohhhh that's right you stopped using two accounts because we found out your little false account trick using lol as a backup black man
there is no need to be upset, white pride guy.


Well-Known Member
I'm really here to kill time race fighting is for losers dude just to let you know. She this trolling actually feels kinda good I guess I know what makes you tick now


Well-Known Member
Are you OK Bucky boy? Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Or is my Caucasian complexion to dumb and racist for you?


Well-Known Member
OK you need positive reinforcement I guess you have some kind of special needs. So I'll try again... Good work uncle buck that is the reply button you have found good work