How much of an affect did "BUSH" have on our Nation as a President????

agreed..but this guys defending Bush, how could you????????????come on??????????

hey man i voted for him too. its easy to defend someone you dont necessarily like when you're getting spewed at by some angry person who's trying to rant.

the trick is, to stay fuckin high man. just stay cool and calm. Be one with the Dude inside you.
When did I defend bush? I missed this as well. Because I don't think he was the worst president. (Go pick up a book, and tell me who started the war on drugs.) If it wasn't for nixon, weed might still be legal. That would add about a billion jobs to the US. But since bush did something that hurt your feelings (I want to hear how bush ruined our economy.) he's the worst president. This dude is flippin out, if only the faces were visible he'd see that I'm chuckling not taking this seriously at all.

I directly asked you like, 3 questions, so why not enlighten me to your vast intellect?
When did I defend bush? I missed this as well. Because I don't think he was the worst president. (Go pick up a book, and tell me who started the war on drugs.) If it wasn't for nixon, weed might still be legal. That would add about a billion jobs to the US. But since bush did something that hurt your feelings (I want to hear how bush ruined our economy.) he's the worst president. This dude is flippin out, if only the faces were visible he'd see that I'm chuckling not taking this seriously at all.

bush allowed the legalization of gambling on wall street----credit default swaps----actually it was Greenspan---but every economist knew that was a bad idea---he didn't do anything about it---left it alone in other words---but he did voice concern over Freddie and Fannie's capital---that was a symptom of credit default swaps and populist social engineering.
those are my opinions, maybe you have a degree, maybe you dont? But you know what speak your mind, and i will speak mine. so what your stating is that he had nothing to do with this mess we are in?lol
I knew bush was going to F shit up as soon as he was in office... I mean he did steal the election. That was the the start right there.

Bush has affected me because he put this country in so much dept its unreal. He could have possibly ruined this country forever. The next 20 years are going to be ROUGHHHHH if you not already rich :(
I knew bush was going to F shit up as soon as he was in office... I mean he did steal the election. That was the the start right there.

Bush has affected me because he put this country in so much dept its unreal. He could have possibly ruined this country forever. The next 20 years are going to be ROUGHHHHH if you not already rich :(

congress voted for the war, the bills, the tax breaks for wallstreet too - :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

he didnt singlehandedly do anything.
if you feel he's a moron, you should then also then feel if he was that dumb he couldnt mastermind any of these things.
This has been going on for 25 to 30 years. Bush is not good enough to blame for all this bullshit. I do not like him, he is not the cause.
People saying Bush is dumb haven't taken a look at Obama fairly---His nominations have been a disaster---he issued ethics wavers for lobbyist---there is no bipartisanship (remember half the country didn't vote for him)---his economic stimulus plan was handed over to Pelosi and Reid for them to write (one of the dumbest polictical moves possible)---he makes promises he can't deliver on---he uses a corporate visit to push his stimulus plan, invoking their name---and they disagree with him :) He's burning through all of his political capital in an extremely stupid way---once the media divorces him---he's fucked---he's also adopting many of the policies and making many of the same stupid decisions as Jimmy Carter----come on!!!!

Every day he does something else stupid.
People saying Bush is dumb haven't taken a look at Obama fairly---His nominations have been a disaster---he issued ethics wavers for lobbyist---there is no bipartisanship (remember half the country didn't vote for him)---his economic stimulus plan was handed over to Pelosi and Reid for them to write (one of the dumbest polictical moves possible)---he makes promises he can't deliver on---he uses a corporate visit to push his stimulus plan, invoking their name---and they disagree with him :) He's burning through all of his political capital in an extremely stupid way---once the media divorces him---he's fucked---he's also adopting many of the policies and making many of the same stupid decisions as Jimmy Carter----come on!!!!

Every day he does something else stupid.

as ive been known to say "Obama: The Biggest Rick Roll EvaR"
I like how they are rushing through the largest government expenditure in history---and they aren't even giving people time to read it before they vote on it---it's over 1k pages---finished it last night at 11pm and they put it online in a format that you can't search from home---and they want to vote on it today :)
