How much of an affect did "BUSH" have on our Nation as a President????

what the fuck? im thinking your in BED with this guy (GWB)???LOL. Are you guys cousins or family?

no but he was my president, and he wasnt nearly the worst.

once more, for all the stuborn lefties, congress passed the same votes and bills that his ADMINISTRATION posed. he didnt write out all those bills,war doc's himself.

anyways im unsubscribing, politics on the internet is for jerk-offs who think bush is responsible for their shitty lives :roll:

this baby is put to :sleep:


i bet you thought obama was gunna magic the country into shape.
Usually when people say bush did something they really are implying his administration. You know, cause saying bush administration every fuckin time gets annoying. Just sayin'.
no but he was my president, and he wasnt nearly the worst.

once more, for all the stuborn lefties, congress passed the same votes and bills that his ADMINISTRATION posed. he didnt write out all those bills,war doc's himself.

anyways im unsubscribing, politics on the internet is for jerk-offs who think bush is responsible for their shitty lives :roll:

this baby is put to :sleep:


i bet you thought obama was gunna magic the country into shape.

I didn't know you felt that passionately about the moron. And when someone says "Bush", keep in mind that it's metonymous for his administration. I know it wasn't him alone. It was HIS administration (which he's responsible for). He was the most brazen, unethical president of ALL time. The only way you cannot see this is if you're from Texas, which I assume you are.

And no - Obama is no savior. I WAS conservative until your buddy Bush fucked up the party line. Neo-cons suck. Don't assume people are from the left simply because they hate your boy. More conservatives hate him when compared to liberals. Remember, liberals like him because he convinced a large majority of America to vote democratic due to his incompetency...
obama your so fine, your so fine you blow my mind... obama .. obama

losers, losers.... who are u .. a mccain voter... remember that southpark??and fuck bush
idk if it's been said because I didn't feel like reading through all of the bull shit probably said in here but for the record, Bush isn't solely responsible for our economic hardships. his administration isn't, that is.
we love 1, is on to something, THEY, want you to think their is democracy, however is that possible if both parties are 1? BUSH is a dirty mother fucker!!!thank you for your support!!!!!!!!!!BUSH SUCKS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
we love 1, is on to something,

You know it! ;-)

THEY, want you to think their is democracy, however is that possible if both parties are 1?


Its a scam. Both parties have their subtle differences but if there is a problem they unite. They want to keep their monopoly.

BUSH is a dirty mother fucker!!!thank you for your support!!!!!!!!!!BUSH SUCKS <<<<<

Your welcome, I'm glad You see the light! Thanks for opeing Your eyes, We need more people to unite and bring real change to the gov't.
