How much of an affect did "BUSH" have on our Nation as a President????

Told you i am not endorsing Obama. Did not even vote for the Tom! However give the man some time? you allowed the other moron to run the country for 8 years. Hes in office 30 days maybe? he has to pass the the bill, we are fucked either way? the bill is here and passed because of the previous 8 years no, we are in the mess we are in because of our past administration. Let me put it in these terms? was He(BUSh) the best WE(america) had to offer in regards to Brains,ethics,responsiblity, honesty, as our nations leader? this fucken clown????
When did I defend bush? I missed this as well. Because I don't think he was the worst president. (Go pick up a book, and tell me who started the war on drugs.) If it wasn't for nixon, weed might still be legal. That would add about a billion jobs to the US. But since bush did something that hurt your feelings (I want to hear how bush ruined our economy.) he's the worst president. This dude is flippin out, if only the faces were visible he'd see that I'm chuckling not taking this seriously at all.

I directly asked you like, 3 questions, so why not enlighten me to your vast intellect?

I'll give you the only REAL answer to what bush did to ROYALLY FUCK this economy... He went to war... Didnt solve shit....Made things worse than they were before.... And then caught Sadam for his daddy...which in return made even MOREEEEEE people hate us... His actions as president rose the price of oil (which also in return, finacially set him for life)....EXAMPLE: If your drug dealer doesnt like you is he going to give you a good deal on the weed?? HAHAHA FUCK NO!! he gets as much as he can without losing his costumer!... hmmmm that sounds like what the arabs did. I mean they do supply what 60% of our oil? If terrorists cant bomb this country, they influence Oil companies, or Drug cartels to hit america HARD. Its going on right in front of our eyes. Everyday the gas prices go up. Then they magically drop alot. Only to go back up. Its all a fucking system to get as much money as they can. Criminal economics 101.

EDIT:Afganistan now supplies 80% of america (and also i believe 60% of the world) with pure herion to its ever growing "herion chic" Population/Users (when it used to produce little to non) .... Drug cartels hard at work

Now say im not right. bongsmilie
I'll give you the only REAL answer to what bush did to ROYALLY FUCK this economy... He went to war... Didnt solve shit....Made things worse than they were before.... And then caught Sadam for his daddy...which in return made even MOREEEEEE people hate us... His actions as president rose the price of oil (which also in return, finacially set him for life)....EXAMPLE: If your drug dealer doesnt like you is he going to give you a good deal on the weed?? HAHAHA FUCK NO!! he gets as much as he can without losing his costumer!... hmmmm that sounds like what the arabs did. I mean they do supply what 60% of our oil? If terrorists cant bomb this country, they influence Oil companies, or Drug cartels to hit america HARD. Its going on right in front of our eyes. Everyday the gas prices go up. Then they magically drop alot. Only to go back up. Its all a fucking system to get as much money as they can. Criminal economics 101.

EDIT:Afganistan now supplies 80% of america with pure herion.... and i believe 60% of the world. ....Drug cartels hard at work

Now say im not right. bongsmilie

I don't disagree with any of that but "afganistan now supplies 80% of america with pure heroin"
the way thats phrased makes it sound like 80% of america does pure heroin and thats just not true......
If you meant 80% of americas pure heroin is from afganistan that is more believable but where are you getting you facts? It sounds like you arbitrarily picked a number that was high
I don't disagree with any of that but "afganistan now supplies 80% of america with pure heroin"
the way thats phrased makes it sound like 80% of america does pure heroin and thats just not true......
If you meant 80% of americas pure heroin is from afganistan that is more believable but where are you getting you facts? It sounds like you arbitrarily picked a number that was high

Nah i didnt pick a high number. Read this if you dont believe me...

Bush's Legacy in Afghanistan: More Heroin on the Streets of America

Submitted by BuzzFlash on Sun, 09/03/2006 - 8:26am. Editorials A BUZZFLASH EDITORIAL
Bush "conquers" Afghanistan and it shoots up to become the all-time leader in producing opium, as in more heroin on our streets.

Bush "invades" Iraq and precipitates a civil war and creates a magnet for terrorists, where none had the ability to function before.
Bush cuts taxes for the wealthy and spends on the military-industrial complex like a drunken sailor, proceeding on a course to bankrupt America.

Bush allows the rapid outsourcing of American jobs to nations like China, our real future adversary as a world power.

Bush dismantles the Constitution, what he claims the terrorists are attempting to do, but he does it for them.

What more evidence is that we have a Manchurian Candidate in the White House?

Could the terrorists do any more harm to America than Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are doing?

The terrorists don't have to lift a finger. Bush is doing their work for them.

They can just sit back, take a nap or two, and dream of the virgins in their heaven.

They've found their stooge -- and he's our president.

PS: I fixed my edit :blsmoke:
Bush will go down as a messiah after this dummy gets out of office. Throwing money at problems never helps. :)

No! burning money never helps. He wasted so much money, he was probably whiping his dick with brand new Franklins's After he just took a piss. I would doubt he was whiping his ass with the constitution also.... I mean seriously he just burnt it up like it was nothing, like some tranny hooker on baltimore st. With an std.... Not careing just doing it becuase he wanted to.

...Now giving money to the right people helps ;-) ....:finger: Ya feel me? bongsmilie
Politicians are all into the mad grab for our cash. We are in an economic depression and no help is in sight. Hope you all like rice and beans.
No! burning money never helps. He wasted so much money, he was probably whiping his dick with brand new Franklins's After he just took a piss. I would doubt he was whiping his ass with the constitution also.... I mean seriously he just burnt it up like it was nothing, like some tranny hooker on baltimore st. With an std.... Not careing just doing it becuase he wanted to.

...Now giving money to the right people helps ;-) ....:finger: Ya feel me? bongsmilie

Dude, thats what i want to hear,,Obama has no choice to sign this bill....GWB, has spent more $$$$$ and put us in the situation at hand..he royally fucked this country with all you dumb ass mother fuckers sleeping..he single handedly increased the oil when it was 4.55 a gal,,for what ? was their a shortage of oil???LOL,,,fuck no,,he was leaving office in 6 months so he helped his friends the OIL companies make record profits??then all of a sudden the price comes down to 1.50???lol,,,wake up America..the new world order is in process..we are a nation swimming in finical mess,,we are BROKE or will be BROKE in a matter of years, thats the plan for the banks, to enslave the counrty in a huge massive dept, so we are all working for the system,,what happened to this country?
Dude, thats what i want to hear,,Obama has no choice to sign this bill....GWB, has spent more $$$$$ and put us in the situation at hand..he royally fucked this country with all you dumb ass mother fuckers sleeping..he single handedly increased the oil when it was 4.55 a gal,,for what ? was their a shortage of oil???LOL,,,fuck no,,he was leaving office in 6 months so he helped his friends the OIL companies make record profits??then all of a sudden the price comes down to 1.50???lol,,,wake up America..the new world order is in process..we are a nation swimming in finical mess,,we are BROKE or will be BROKE in a matter of years, thats the plan for the banks, to enslave the counrty in a huge massive dept, so we are all working for the system,,what happened to this country?

We've been broke and in debt since 1914......its all a matter of how much debt we are in.....the major world power is shifting.....china is on top now and slowly yet surely taking the United States over financially. Things will never be as good for us as they were.
i love when people defend bush and just fail miserably at it

the guy came in with a surplus, left us in a bigger amount of debt.

he started a fake war, and countless othershit. i'm not an obama nut

just a person who sees through lies
Any one complaining about Obama's 800 billion dollar plan needs to first consider the nearly ONE TRILLION that Bush spent in Iraq, and for no fucking reason. Ultimately, he accomplished NOTHING with that 1 trillion and it surely didn't help America out at all. At least Obama's 800 billion is being spent here. I'm not at Obama fanatic (or even a democrat) and I don't like big spending bills, but BUSH ROYALLY FUCKED OUT COUNTRY!!!! It's that plain and simple. Don't pull the whole "well 9-11 happened..." bullshit. He didn't have to go to Iraq, but chose to for counterfeit reasons. He fucked us and history will reflect this.
Any one complaining about Obama's 800 billion dollar plan needs to first consider the nearly ONE TRILLION that Bush spent in Iraq, and for no fucking reason. Ultimately, he accomplished NOTHING with that 1 trillion and it surely didn't help America out at all. At least Obama's 800 billion is being spent here. I'm not at Obama fanatic (or even a democrat) and I don't like big spending bills, but BUSH ROYALLY FUCKED OUT COUNTRY!!!! It's that plain and simple. Don't pull the whole "well 9-11 happened..." bullshit. He didn't have to go to Iraq, but chose to for counterfeit reasons. He fucked us and history will reflect this.

right and congress didnt vote to go to iraq, right?:roll:
In England Bush has really hurt Americas public relations.
Also the American and English press hurt both countries leaders by casting Bush as the puppet master and Tony Blair as his puppet.
Personally i expect they were both as bad as each other.
I know a lot of people from England are fearful of visiting America now,not everyone but many more than before.

In the past America was viewed from a Disneyland point of view by most English people.
I think Bush and Cheney are mostly responsible for this change of viewpoint and that a lot of your ruined economy is due to several million less tourists per year than usual.
Check the tourism figures for yourselves and see.bongsmilie
Thanks guys for coming out, and supporting the fact of GWB was the worst(in my life 40 years)DudeLebowski tell me what BUSH did in positive terms for this nation?The Man spent TRILLIONS TRILLIONS,!!!! on a war thats NOT EVEN CLOSE TO START OR END....Just think of the amount of $$$$$ he made HE and his Oil buddies made during his administration..I cant belive ANYONE would defend this moron???unreal? whos lives in the cave Cheney or america or you?
LOL,,your a funny dude,,you must be medicated ALOT, cause you throw out alot of 2 cent comments lol.. with no valid points?
Thanks guys for coming out, and supporting the fact of GWB was the worst(in my life 40 years)DudeLebowski tell me what BUSH did in positive terms for this nation?The Man spent TRILLIONS TRILLIONS,!!!! on a war thats NOT EVEN CLOSE TO START OR END....Just think of the amount of $$$$$ he made HE and his Oil buddies made during his administration..I cant belive ANYONE would defend this moron???unreal? whos lives in the cave Cheney or america or you?

turk, he didnt do it single handedly.
He had more than enough votes from the people we elected into congress.

get over it.
and what did i said its easy to defend a moron when idiocracy is the only other choice.