How Much Would You Pay for a Pound?


New Member
Then you wouldn't smoke.
Pathetic that your governments restricted it to the point of prices being practically on par with chemicals.
If a gram was 30+ dollars I dont see why anyone would choose to pay that, when they could get a half g of coke or mdma.
Keep MJ cheep, its not nearly as judgmental on your health as chemicals, and shouldn't be priced as such.

Where im at its $10 a gram, thats $10 for either a gram of dirt, or $10 for a gram of kush, and no one would pay more than that, as an oz of kush is only 240 at the most.

Green Inferno

Active Member
I dont see why anyone would choose to pay that, when they could get a half g of coke or mdma.
Some people don't do coke. It's not a matter of which drug is cheapest, but which they prefer to do. I would never do coke. If my
choices were $30 for a gram of weed, or $30 for a 1/2 gram of coke, I'd just buy a 12 pack of beer.


New Member
I know some people feel that way, but im referring to society as a whole- What I was trying to get across is that prices like this may impact the decision of what people choose to get high from.
Just like how you would decide to drink, some people may potentially go the other way and choose harder drugs.
Where as if green is only $10 a gram it works as a happy medium, its cheaper and safer than anything else.

Green Inferno

Active Member
I know some people feel that way, but im referring to society as a whole- What I was trying to get across is that prices like this may impact the decision of what people choose to get high from.
Just like how you would decide to drink, some people may potentially go the other way and choose harder drugs.
There are no alternatives to weed.
Some people just like to get messed up regardless of how.
I'm thinking where KuLong is, all drugs are expensive, because of the risk involved in having and selling them.


New Member
Thats what im getting at, some people are in it just for the resulting high. If thats the case why would you choose to pay x amount for mj, when for the same amount you can buy your self something that has a much better high?
I'm not advocating hard drugs by anymeans, if anything im recommending the use of mj, but in order for everyone to see/choose that it should be priced in a way that does so.
As for where KuLong lives, I was kind of wondering that myself, but even my buddy from north Carolina talks about a gram of funk being upwards of $30


Active Member
reggos 900-1100 a lb
now danks is diffrent cuz theres alwayz new shit comin through and always diffrent prices but soon as i get my med card there will be no more prices :P


Well-Known Member

There are more places on the Planet Earth than the states.

Without knowing exactly where I am at, the culture and the laws here, your assumption of the "why" the prices here are higher than your location are understandable.

It is so easy for people to "talk" about what should and shouldn't be. I just do what I do. I started growing solo here because I disagreed with the growing practices of the group I was with before. I still help them out for some benefits, but I do my own thing now.

As far as doing other drugs, I don't do them. As for paying these prices for Cannibus, I do not. I grow.


Well-Known Member
In and around boston, once again depending on who you know a lbs can run up to 5g but luckily I've been getting them for quite a while so the prices I pary are 1200 a Q and 4200 a P. Alot of people sell .7 .8 for 20 bills but I remember how shitty it was getting bags like that so I do 1.2's for 20


New Member

There are more places on the Planet Earth than the states.

Without knowing exactly where I am at, the culture and the laws here, your assumption of the "why" the prices here are higher than your location are understandable.

It is so easy for people to "talk" about what should and shouldn't be. I just do what I do. I started growing solo here because I disagreed with the growing practices of the group I was with before. I still help them out for some benefits, but I do my own thing now.

As far as doing other drugs, I don't do them. As for paying these prices for Cannibus, I do not. I grow.
When did I ever suggest that you were from the united states?
I actually take offence to that, your statement doesn't only imply that I'm ignorant, but that I'm an ignorant american. Lol
I'm from Canada, I never said you were from the US, from what you had said about the local restrictions on importing to where you were from, I had never believed that you were. I was only saying that I had a buddy in NC with those prices.

I dont think anyone seemed to understand what I was getting at...
I know why the prices of where you live are higher, its because the laws limit the supply, while the demand remains the same, because of this I was blaming your local government. By treating marijuana like hard drugs, its lead to prices like that of hard drugs, I believe this can potentially impact peoples choices in what they choose to get high on, therefore the government is helping no one, and worsening the situation.


Well-Known Member
How you could take offense to my reply is beyond me. You could of just replaced "the states" with "Canada" and still get the point I was making.

I dont think anyone seemed to understand what I was getting at...
I know why the prices of where you live are higher, its because the laws limit the supply, while the demand remains the same, because of this I was blaming your local government. By treating marijuana like hard drugs, its lead to prices like that of hard drugs, I believe this can potentially impact peoples choices in what they choose to get high on, therefore the government is helping no one, and worsening the situation.
You have no idea on how the government of the country I now reside in enforces drug laws...

Your assumption is just that, an assumption.

You couldn't be more wrong to be honest.


New Member
That is if you could get it in my country. ;)

It's near impossible to import Marijuana, K, Cocaine and Ecstasy here.
Unless you live on the moon, and its hard to import drugs there because the fact you have to travel through space to get them there, this implies that the local governments made tight restrictions on the drug.

I'f I'm really that wrong then explain the situation, because I cant see many other logical reasons for the pricing, other than demand being higher than the supply. This could be from either a small supply(like i suggested), or either a very high demand(as in everyone and their grandmother smokes all day, everyday)

And that first part was more of a joke than anything, whats up your ass guy?


Well-Known Member
And that first part was more of a joke than anything, whats up your ass guy?
Nothing is "up my ass".

There is so much more to it than "supply and demand" and I really don't want to write you a personal essay on the economics of my situation.

Waste of time and energy...

So get your last word in and lets move on shall we?


Well-Known Member
In SA, the cannabis plant is just pseudo-illegal, so anybody can afford it. A 20 bag of regs is just a dollar here. Big Brother USA is demanding to many countries in the UNO to keep marijuana illegal for the majority population, etc, however, in SA there is not enough support for the USA's antiMJ policies. The guerrilla grows it (enemy of the state, not ...monkeys), they even build home made submarines to sneak up to 3 tons of drugs at a time into the USA. I'm sure that if we could get the President of the USA to put marijuana reform in the hands of the people, it would be cheap there too, like some cancery brown ciggs of Marboro. However that time isn't gonna pass in reality. Bill Clinton liked MJ but he didn't legalize it, Obama is black, but he didn't legalize it (not all blacks like cannabis) etc etc. So until the anti marijuana campaign of the usa is done in the world, I will keep my 3rd world home as long as it it full of dank sticky buds that smell a little fruity and don't have seeds inside. Peace!