How the wealthy constantly screw the poor

The progressive wing of the Democratic party is the biggest obstacle to building an actual leftist movement?
ROFL, the sad part is that you actually think there's a faction within the party that is more or less progressive than the rest of the party. The party itself is already a coalition ranging from center right to slightly left of center, joined to try to defeat the extreme right. What Bernard did was to create an overnight inflatable movement of dumb ass patchouli scented kids together and convince them that they were "our revolution™" (no refunds) at the perfect time to deflate any chance of any actual progressive movement gaining steam when a generation of millennials were finally starting to listen to the growing waves of activists that had been shaping political rhetoric for many years and divert them back into the DNC.

That's why leftists call him a sheepdog. Try to keep up, young man. The rest of us have been politically aware for much longer than you. I for example was a founding member of a veteran's antiwar group before you were out of high school. Instead of being bewildered and hurt that I can't stand Bernard, why don't you quit pining for him and recognize that he was sheepdoggin all along, way before he spent months campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Seriously you berners are to the DNC as Rawn Pawl was to the GOP.
ROFL, the sad part is that you actually think there's a faction within the party that is more or less progressive than the rest of the party. The party itself is already a coalition ranging from center right to slightly left of center, joined to try to defeat the extreme right. What Bernard did was to create an overnight inflatable movement of dumb ass patchouli scented kids together and convince them that they were "our revolution™" (no refunds) at the perfect time to deflate any chance of any actual progressive movement gaining steam when a generation of millennials were finally starting to listen to the growing waves of activists that had been shaping political rhetoric for many years and divert them back into the DNC.
How did Sanders' rise "deflate any chance of any actual progressive movement"?

Again, you need to define your terms. What do you mean by "an actual progressive movement"?
My positions have nothing to do with my criticism of Bernard based on Bernard's positions. The position I hold above all others is that I'm not here to push my ideas and I certainly find it fallacious that one would wish to visit them in response to my critique of something unrelated.

If the labels don't fit you, don't respond to the usage of them.
As a proponent of your ideas, your approach needs work.

I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say, I've voiced my disappointment in what passes for socialism in America and I've repeatedly tried to engage you in serious and honest discussion about your views. You don't need to 'push' your ideas; I'm already interested.

At this point, you're just acting the asshole rather than a potential thought leader. If you don't care about whether others understand or might even agree with your stances the fault lies with your attitude, not the rest of the world.

Rude and angry ends up isolated.
Years ago, I remember my boss telling me the company couldn't afford raises.

Then his wife pulls up in a brand new E class Mercedes.

Then they couldn't afford Christmas bonuses.

His daughter comes in from college in her brand new Cadillac STS.

Then they couldn't afford paid time off for any holidays anymore.

They bought a new beach house in St. Augustine, Florida and a new 50 foot boat.

On a Friday afternoon in August of 2001, while they were all out on their boat off the coast of St. Augustine, everybody walked out. All 22 of us. We locked the doors, turned out the lights, and left. None of us ever went back.

They went belly up a year and a half later.

All it takes to overcome the rich is the conviction to put them in their place. Sadly, the people of this country don't have it on anything approaching a large scale.

You want Walmart out of business? Stop buying from them. They'll go under.

You sick of the stupid amounts of money professional sports teams are charging for tickets? Stop buying them. Completely. They'll all go under.

Anything we as a people want done we can make happen, we're just spineless pussies that will never follow through with doing it. It's we that are the problem, not the rich.

The rich only do it because we let them do it.
were did all 22 of you go to work afterwards ? cool story though
There goes some more of that irony...

It seems that if anything isn't a bunch of pro-bernard clatter, you deem it valueless. I really don't think you have the capacity to wrap your head around the notion that Bernard is irrelevant.

See my first comment in this thread. Please do not employ leftist rhetoric if your stated goals are counter to leftist ideals. You Berners are clearly opposed to revolution.
But you haven't explained shit. You've just said you hate everyone.
It's not hard to believe at all for me. I worked for a Muslim family that did the same thing. They wanted so very hard to do the right thing by us...almost to a fault.

One day I went looking for the bindery production manager, who was a black fellow and couldn't find him anywhere. I went up front and the receptionist was not there either. I finally went into the general manager (one of the family) and asked where the bindery manager was (I needed his figures to set schedules as I was the production manager).

He just looked at me as if I should have known and said, "Well, it's Martin Luther King day." as if that explained everything.

They had given only the black folks the day off paid.

It's how they roll, man.
ROFL, the sad part is that you actually think there's a faction within the party that is more or less progressive than the rest of the party. The party itself is already a coalition ranging from center right to slightly left of center, joined to try to defeat the extreme right. What Bernard did was to create an overnight inflatable movement of dumb ass patchouli scented kids together and convince them that they were "our revolution™" (no refunds) at the perfect time to deflate any chance of any actual progressive movement gaining steam when a generation of millennials were finally starting to listen to the growing waves of activists that had been shaping political rhetoric for many years and divert them back into the DNC.

That's why leftists call him a sheepdog. Try to keep up, young man. The rest of us have been politically aware for much longer than you. I for example was a founding member of a veteran's antiwar group before you were out of high school. Instead of being bewildered and hurt that I can't stand Bernard, why don't you quit pining for him and recognize that he was sheepdoggin all along, way before he spent months campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Seriously you berners are to the DNC as Rawn Pawl was to the GOP.
He quoted your words, and all you could manage was more of your vacuous self superiority syndrome by way of a response.

I'm beginning to think you don't have a position, you're just here to toss bombs.

It's easy to tear things down, much harder- and more worthwhile- to build them. You're fast proving yourself to be inadequate to the task.
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How did words come together and make an a
As a proponent of your ideas, your approach needs work.

I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say, I've voiced my disappointment in what passes for socialism in America and I've repeatedly tried to engage you in serious and honest discussion about your views. You don't need to 'push' your ideas; I'm already interested.

At this point, you're just acting the asshole rather than a potential thought leader. If you don't care about whether others understand or might even agree with your stances the fault lies with your attitude, not the rest of the world.

Rude and angry ends up isolated.
I want small businesses to realize they are not C corps and vote left; I've stopped buying from them because I used to support to the point of where I'd spend 50% more for the SAME product at Wal-mart and THEY don't get it..I put myself out for them- no more.

I did this forever and stopped a few months ago- tired of putting myself out financially for my neighbor when they don't return the favor.
I quit shopping at Wal-Mart. I buy local when I can.

I admit I use amazon but they built several facilities here and created a lot of jobs.
He quoted your words, and ask you could manage was more of your vacuous self superiority syndrome by way of a response.

I'm beginning to think you don't have a position, you're just here to toss bombs.

It's easy to tear things down, much harder- and more worthwhile- to build them. You're fast proving yourself to be inadequate to the task.
Are you kidding? This guy's entire past year of posting history consists of trying to convince the forum that berners are more progressive than the rest of the DNC while never once standing up to the racial bigotry of the right wing blow hards. There was however no shortage of calling some of us racist for our willingness to call out white settler history. The only racism he has a problem with is anti-white stuff. Some kind of leftist, hates idpol...

That's your political ally.
But you haven't explained shit. You've just said you hate everyone.
I don't owe you an explanation. You trumpet bernard, we talk about bernard.
How did Sanders' rise "deflate any chance of any actual progressive movement"?
by being a sheepdog
What do you mean by "an actual progressive movement"?
A movement that is not a fake progressive movement, such as the inflatable one called "Our revolution™" (no refunds) which is full of people who hate actual leftist struggles known as idpol. Please learn to read.
Are you kidding? This guy's entire past year of posting history consists of trying to convince the forum that berners are more progressive than the rest of the DNC while never once standing up to the racial bigotry of the right wing blow hards. There was however no shortage of calling some of us racist for our willingness to call out white settler history. The only racism he has a problem with is anti-white stuff. Some kind of leftist, hates idpol...

That's your political ally.

I don't owe you an explanation. You trumpet bernard, we talk about bernard.
I do feel that all RIU Bernie Babies deserve a weekend at Bernies lakefront home.
Are you kidding? This guy's entire past year of posting history consists of trying to convince the forum that berners are more progressive than the rest of the DNC while never once standing up to the racial bigotry of the right wing blow hards. There was however no shortage of calling some of us racist for our willingness to call out white settler history. The only racism he has a problem with is anti-white stuff. Some kind of leftist, hates idpol...

That's your political ally.

I don't owe you an explanation. You trumpet bernard, we talk about bernard.
I'm looking for solutions to America's problems and instead of discussion you're just slinging poo.

I apologise profusely for mistaking you for someone who had any ideas.
by being a sheepdog

A movement that is not a fake progressive movement, such as the inflatable one called "Our revolution™" (no refunds) which is full of people who hate actual leftist struggles known as idpol. Please learn to read.
A definition in the negative only goes so far.

You're against everything and for nothing you can/will articulate.

You sound like a two year old throwing a tantrum.