How to ACTUALLY make America great again

I hate to say it but I love money and do need it to

How much? Do you want so much of it that you'll never spend it all, even knowing that many thousands suffer grinding poverty because of it? I couldn't have that on my conscience, yet that's how real wealth is often gained; through coercive means, by fiat.

I want to see everyone on a level playing field, with everyone getting the benefits of a modern nation's level of prosperity. The entire ship of state is listing so badly right now that we're in danger of capsizing.
How much? Do you want so much of it that you'll never spend it all, even knowing that many thousands suffer grinding poverty because of it? I couldn't have that on my conscience, yet that's how real wealth is often gained; through coercive means, by fiat.

I want to see everyone on a level playing field, with everyone getting the benefits of a modern nation's level of prosperity. The entire ship of state is listing so badly right now that we're in danger of capsizing.
Lets not get all carried away, I am way to generous a person to not share everything I have, and I do, including donating 100's of hours a year on medical missions here and abroad...
Actually I proved he was thoroughly white supremacist (his own quotes) and since he was also an imperialist, was quite responsible for the direction the US went and so was not simply a product of his times, but a shaper. To which, you distorted my argument, since you lack the logical wherewithal to explicate it. You then proceeded to insist that I misused the word explicate, since logic is not your strong suit.

Except you went off on a butt hurt tantrum about how the two axis chart was flawed while you vigorously defended it.

Yet you spent several hours distorting my arguments that day and have continued to do so now, and yet claim to @ttystikk that I blew my lid, when in fact I blew your lid until you got emotional and left because your distortions were failed.

You suck at logic.
Nah, you just can't read because you're too lazy, so you actually have no fucking clue what I said. You just keep spewing out your little buzzwords because you have no actual counterpoints to my assertions. You just want to keep moving the goalposts. I just refuse to keep going back and forth with someone who has about as much intellectual originality as a knock-off barbie doll and won't even give the common respect of reading things in their entirety before forming a strong opinion and responding based on that. You're just a little, angry person who doesn't really give a shit about actual discussions if you can't shape them into your little diatribes about imperialism. Keep telling me what I said when you didn't even read it. Try to quote a single thing I said in "Vigorous defense" of the crowdpac ranking. Besides the fact that you have already shown a complete lack of intellectual capacity when the best argument against something you have is "it's retarded", you also conflate my explaining the specific flaws of just the graph you posted and the website it is from with me somehow saying ALL two axis graphs are wrong (something I have repeatedly stated is not the case, as I have repeatedly stated my preference for even more than 2 axes). But you couldn't be bothered to read enough to figure that out, and since this is probably ALSO tl:dr for your stunted little mind to work through, I doubt you'll figure it out even after this, and will probably just respond, again, with some ignorant bullshit.
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Lets not get all carried away, I am way to generous a person to not share everything I have, and I do, including donating 100's of hours a year on medical missions here and abroad...

It was an existentialist question, not an accusation.

What would I do with a vast fortune? Find ways for it to benefit as many people as I can for as long as possible.

And maybe a plate of escargot with a nice bottle of wine at a cafe on the Rhein.
It was an existentialist question, not an accusation.

What would I do with a vast fortune? Find ways for it to benefit as many people as I can for as long as possible.

And maybe a plate of escargot with a nice bottle of wine at a cafe on the Rhein.
I don't know, I know I would be giving a lot of money away to people in need, set up some nice homes for a bunch of veterans, sanctuary's for the unwanted, feed as many people as I could, adopt a bunch more list is endless..
I don't know, I know I would be giving a lot of money away to people in need, set up some nice homes for a bunch of veterans, sanctuary's for the unwanted, feed as many people as I could, adopt a bunch more list is endless..

So wtf is wrong with those who actually DO have great wealth? You and I seem to have a reasonably decent moral compass, so what is it about them that makes them feel above such obligations to their less fortunate fellows?
respond, again, with some ignorant bullshit.
Logic really isn't your standpoint. Just because I boil your emotional diatribes down to the only part I feel like responding to doesn't mean I can't read. Ironically, your habit of distorting my arguments is sound evidence that you're either terrible at employing logic or that you in fact, do not have much skill in reading comprehension. I wager it is both.
Funny thing is, you've just accused me of moving the goalposts, when in fact, I have stayed directly on point this entire time, both times actually, despite your distortions and red herrings. I called your graph retarded, and continue to remind you of how retarded it was. You asked me to quote you saying something about crowdpac, but it's just yet another ironic example of you moving goalposts. I never mentioned Crowdpac, I simply said that the grapsh you posted was retarded. I made a very specific claim about Roosevelt and my premises regarding this conclusion were that he was a shaper of his times and not a product, because of his imperialism, both pertinent to my claim, which you dispute.

In both of these debates, you have shown a complete disregard for logic while emotionally ranting about how I don't pay attention to you. Also, that graph you posted, that goes from Liberal to Conservative, as if it encompasses all political thought, yeah that was retarded as fuck. You see that? That's me staying on point while you try to move the goalposts.
So wtf is wrong with those who actually DO have great wealth? You and I seem to have a reasonably decent moral compass, so what is it about them that makes them feel above such obligations to their less fortunate fellows?
I have no idea, it is sad, selfish, and to have so much and do so little they really are very alone in the world..
Logic really isn't your standpoint. Just because I boil your emotional diatribes down to the only part I feel like responding to doesn't mean I can't read. Ironically, your habit of distorting my arguments is sound evidence that you're either terrible at employing logic or that you in fact, do not have much skill in reading comprehension. I wager it is both.
Funny thing is, you've just accused me of moving the goalposts, when in fact, I have stayed directly on point this entire time, both times actually, despite your distortions and red herrings. I called your graph retarded, and continue to remind you of how retarded it was. You asked me to quote you saying something about crowdpac, but it's just yet another ironic example of you moving goalposts. I never mentioned Crowdpac, I simply said that the grapsh you posted was retarded. I made a very specific claim about Roosevelt and my premises regarding this conclusion were that he was a shaper of his times and not a product, because of his imperialism, both pertinent to my claim, which you dispute.

In both of these debates, you have shown a complete disregard for logic while emotionally ranting about how I don't pay attention to you. Also, that graph you posted, that goes from Liberal to Conservative, as if it encompasses all political thought, yeah that was retarded as fuck. You see that? That's me staying on point while you try to move the goalposts.

Is it just me or are right wingers generally not too sharp with the logic and/or critical thinking skills? :confused:

Doth thou wonder if mayhap this be not the coincidence it might first appear? :mrgreen:
I have no idea, it is sad, selfish, and to have so much and do so little they really are very alone in the world..

This might help explain their ofttimes belligerent, polemic and shrill tones when dealing with others.

Might extreme wealth be a peculiar disease unto itself? Perhaps an addiction?
Logic really isn't your standpoint. Just because I boil your emotional diatribes down to the only part I feel like responding to doesn't mean I can't read. Ironically, your habit of distorting my arguments is sound evidence that you're either terrible at employing logic or that you in fact, do not have much skill in reading comprehension. I wager it is both.
Funny thing is, you've just accused me of moving the goalposts, when in fact, I have stayed directly on point this entire time, both times actually, despite your distortions and red herrings. I called your graph retarded, and continue to remind you of how retarded it was. You asked me to quote you saying something about crowdpac, but it's just yet another ironic example of you moving goalposts. I never mentioned Crowdpac, I simply said that the grapsh you posted was retarded. I made a very specific claim about Roosevelt and my premises regarding this conclusion were that he was a shaper of his times and not a product, because of his imperialism, both pertinent to my claim, which you dispute.

In both of these debates, you have shown a complete disregard for logic while emotionally ranting about how I don't pay attention to you. Also, that graph you posted, that goes from Liberal to Conservative, as if it encompasses all political thought, yeah that was retarded as fuck. You see that? That's me staying on point while you try to move the goalposts.
Considering that you still haven't accurately represented a single point I have made, I'll continue to trust the evidence that you lack basic reading comprehension. I am done trying to explain myself when you lack the ability to understand it.
Considering that you still haven't accurately represented a single point I have made, I'll continue to trust the evidence that you lack basic reading comprehension. I am done trying to explain myself when you lack the ability to understand it.
It's not that I lack the ability to understand it, it is that it is either part of some emotional diatribe or impertinent to the debate or simply a distortion of my arguments. This is why I just stay on point and ridicule your RETARDED FUCKING GRAPH.
It's not that I lack the ability to understand it, it is that it is either part of some emotional diatribe or impertinent to the debate or simply a distortion of my arguments. This is why I just stay on point and ridicule your RETARDED FUCKING GRAPH.
Because that's all you have. "Retarded, retarded, retarded", and If it's not what you want to talk about, it's not part of the debate. Grow up.
Because that's all you have. "Retarded, retarded, retarded", and If it's not what you want to talk about, it's not part of the debate. Grow up.
I would like to talk about how retarded your graph is, you know, the one with a scale from Liberal to Conservative, excluding everything else.