Subhanallah We will be rewarded here after for faith and loyalty
I'm not afraid to say that, nor my general support of jihad likewise.
You don't have to live in a battlefield to support jihad, physical or not.
If you live in say, South Korea and are Muslim, there is no call for you to leave your birth land of beauty to fight.
If you stumble upon a war, with infidels against our brothers and sisters, then it is your duty to support your jihad.
You do not have to fire a rifle at your enemy to do such. I can and would lend my hands to those seeking refuge, wounded civilians and soldiers, stock and transport inventory, etc.
At the same time it is right for our mujahideen and jihad to fire their rifle into the enemy.
And it is not- that how you do your jihad that matters. Allah rewards you only for true faith, the real want to instill his grace and mercy, die for him and the cause not for your glory or personal attack/gain