How to Combat Sunni Jihad

So much blatant intolerance in this thread... the two people being called "fruitloops" , "fucked in the head", etc have shown more reason and class than the rest.

Well, true, but is it not passion, says the White Bear? It is the sputtering sound that some make when they try to think about very hard subjects. :)

But, the issue is not that, is it? It is Global Conquest intentions and we fight it. Not about religion. It is about the right to secular govt. No denials.

And you won't hear these two say that Islamic Govt is not the way to go. They seem Brotherhood aligned. Sunni Jihad. Practiced, they think, in slippery theoretic.
well i ask, as i have seen other folk doing similar stuff on another internet forum a long time ago
and these folk were not stupid either
looking for clues researching Muslims, looking for plots, then preaching to others on how dangerous muslims are
scary thing is, if you don't agree with them, they often will turn on you, call you a towelhead lover or something
i try to avoid all fanatics , it's safer that way, but i do find it interesting when smart folk become so driven by causes
maybe the 9/11 thing pushed some people over the edge, they will never come back now , shell-shock

He isn't all that smart, he just thinks he is. He makes a thread about fighting against Jihad, but he would never enlist to go wear boots and carry a rifle in the desert. He criticizes theocracies, but supports Israel. He is a hypocrite.
So what if I want an Islamic Govt? You don't think there are Jews or Christians who want or support the same thing? Why do you not criticize the Jewish state of Israel?
well i ask, as i have seen other folk doing similar stuff on another internet forum a long time ago
and these folk were not stupid either
looking for clues researching Muslims, looking for plots, then preaching to others on how dangerous muslims are
scary thing is, if you don't agree with them, they often will turn on you, call you a towelhead lover or something
i try to avoid all fanatics , it's safer that way, but i do find it interesting when smart folk become so driven by causes
maybe the 9/11 thing pushed some people over the edge, they will never come back now , shell-shock

Well, for me, I never mention Muslim, Islam, or Holy Qu'ran. I am talking about the scum that hide behind that.

And I call out those that would seek to wrest self rule, from us, on made up principles of Divinity.

Religions of Peace are peaceful. War cults are war like. And since the Muslim today, sees it his duty to hide those we challenge and not speak out, claim we chase ghosts, whatever, is not helping. It makes it worse as you see here.

You would contest that we can rule ourselves without Islam. You would hide the extremist in your fold while you laugh at us.

Well, we see it. Guys. Thanks. We laid it on the table. Big stinky fish.
He isn't all that smart, he just thinks he is. He makes a thread about fighting against Jihad, but he would never enlist to go wear boots and carry a rifle in the desert. He criticizes theocracies, but supports Israel. He is a hypocrite.

It was the other guys who were smart, both very good programmers
each knew so many disturbing muslim facts, maybe they had joined an anti-muslim group or something lol

they were driven and passionate about the message they were preaching
Doer seems to have a similar vibe, perhaps not the same level of intelligence as the programmer guys i know
but i do not think Doer is stupid, i have seen other comments and threads by Doer about muslims

convinced after their research that all muslims are bad, and they are all plotting to take over the world
with a secret agenda or jihad

its hard for me to understand, i guess i am intrigued as to what drives these seemingly smart folk to become so driven
and often so hateful , as they will turn on you if you do not hate with them

"how can you not hate muslims, look how they treat women" .. and so on
As you said, you didn't do the research.

And you can dumb it down as you do. I never mentioned Muslim or the Religion or the tenets of Allah handed to the Prophet, blessing be upon him. . You are just an apologist.

I have much more respect for Constiello, right now.
well i ask, as i have seen other folk doing similar stuff on another internet forum a long time ago
and these folk were not stupid either
looking for clues researching Muslims, looking for plots, then preaching to others on how dangerous muslims are
scary thing is, if you don't agree with them, they often will turn on you, call you a towelhead lover or something
i try to avoid all fanatics , it's safer that way, but i do find it interesting when smart folk become so driven by causes
maybe the 9/11 thing pushed some people over the edge, they will never come back now , shell-shock

Islam is fueling their own hysteria. People tend to notice nutjobs killing others over foolish shit like humorous cartoons of their perverted idol. Or should I dare say crashing fucking planes into skyscrapers. There's really nothing else that's needed when looking for attention.
As you said, you didn't do the research.

And you can dumb it down as you do. I never mentioned Muslim or the Religion or the tenets of Allah handed to the Prophet, blessing be upon him. . You are just an apologist.

I have much more respect for Constiello, right now.

Perhaps having your respect is of value
perhaps not having your respect is of value
ill get back to you on that one

i never said you are wrong , perhaps the muslims really do want to kill us all and take over the world
but you are in the minority with this belief

Doer did your youtube research uncover Muslim facts the discovery channel missed ?
So what if I want an Islamic Govt? You don't think there are Jews or Christians who want or support the same thing? Why do you not criticize the Jewish state of Israel?

Well, there you are wrong. And again prove yourself under informed. It is a secular Democracy, in self rule that has 20% Palestinian representation by Israeli citizen.

You lie and say their Constitution is Jewish. It isn't any more than ours is Christian. Now, go put the fire pants out.

You know what I mean. Where Allah is supreme ruler in heaven and on earth it is the Mullah or what you call it.

A Mullah govt based on Sharia is an abomination to mankind as we plainly see and not here in the USA, nor will we ever allow it a rest from our scattering and confusing this conquest plans.

The Sunni in the Levant made the wrong bet. They backed the Nazi. For that they get Zion and our boot shaped cruise missiles from time to time.

I will say, we well understand the ways of inner conquest....don't make me laugh. Get into the secular societies and get paid off with oil money, hiding behind religious freedom. Inner jihad is the way of the usurper in secular rule.

It is what you seek to conquer as Israel, though you expect us to believe the lies. It is what you continue to throw at us.
Islam is fueling their own hysteria. People tend to notice nutjobs killing others over foolish shit like humorous cartoons of their perverted idol. Or should I dare say crashing fucking planes into skyscrapers. There's really nothing else that's needed when looking for attention.
What role did Islam have in 9/11. Explain in detail.
Perhaps having your respect is of value
perhaps not having your respect is of value
ill get back to you on that one

i never said you are wrong , perhaps the muslims really do want to kill us all and take over the world
but you are in the minority with this belief

Doer did your youtube research uncover Muslim facts the discovery channel missed ?

Why do you keep saying Muslim, troll? I don't.
Islam is fueling their own hysteria. People tend to notice nutjobs killing others over foolish shit like humorous cartoons of their perverted idol. Or should I dare say crashing fucking planes into skyscrapers. There's really nothing else that's needed when looking for attention.

people who do that kind of thing are thought of as "extremists" or terrorists , or freedom fighters

its the folk who believe all Muslims are security involved in the same terrorist agenda
you use the term "Islam" , that incorporates all of them, extremists and non extremists

is it possible for a Muslim to be non violent and peaceful ?

i have not done the research so i do not know, perhaps i have been duped by the muslim
perhaps they are all wicked and cruel
Why do you keep saying Muslim, troll? I don't.

Not like you to not call a spade a spade

what's wrong with me saying muslim
now you are suspicious of me, no i'm not trolling
if you would rather i use a different term for them i am happy to do so for you