How to Combat Sunni Jihad

Not like you to not call a spade a spade

what's wrong with me saying muslim
now you are suspicious of me, no i'm not trolling
if you would rather i use a different term for them i am happy to do so for you

No, look back. I said nothing of the religion, Islam. I am talking about extremist that have taken certain aspects and come up with world Conquest and you defend them. Are you drunk?

And if you are a spade, what could be wrong with that?
No dumbass I am asking what evidence you have that it was done because Islam commands them to.
According to Osama Bin Laden it was because of US atrocities committed in Muslim lands, the support of Israeli's oppression of the Palestinians and military bases in our lands. Those are all legitimate grievances however of course IF he did commit 9/11 then that was wrong.

That's what I thought, so go ahead and repeat after me, 911 was caused by Muslim fruitcakes.
No, look back. I said nothing of the religion, Islam. I am talking about extremist that have taken certain aspects and come up with world Conquest and you defend them. Are you drunk?

And if you are a spade, what could be wrong with that?

So you don't have a problem with me because I am a Muslim. Also do you not like Sunnis or Wahabbi or both?
people who do that kind of thing are thought of as "extremists" or terrorists , or freedom fighters

its the folk who believe all Muslims are security involved in the same terrorist agenda
you use the term "Islam" , that incorporates all of them, extremists and non extremists

is it possible for a Muslim to be non violent and peaceful ?

i have not done the research so i do not know, perhaps i have been duped by the muslim
perhaps they are all wicked and cruel

Hyperbolic Sophistry. Not all. A few. When they become warlords they cause trouble. Not muslim, the may as well claim Mormon. It is warlord.

It is about the idea of secular govt. Ask them.
Are you saying Islam had nothing to do with jihadist crashing planes into buildings?

when christians go out and kill abortion doctors or bomb gay dance clubs, you say they are perverting christianity and thus do not represent christians.

but when muslims go out and fly planes into buildings, you change your tune.

double standard anyone?

the 9/11 bombers were eating oreos and hiring hookers before they flew those planes into buildings, do ya really think they were representing islam very well?
when christians go out and kill abortion doctors or bomb gay dance clubs, you say they are perverting christianity and thus do not represent christians.

but when muslims go out and fly planes into buildings, you change your tune.

double standard anyone?

the 9/11 bombers were eating oreos and hiring hookers before they flew those planes into buildings, do ya really think they were representing islam very well?

bahaha Islam apologist, fucking epic.
So you don't have a problem with me because I am a Muslim. Also do you not like Sunnis or Wahabbi or both?

Brother I love everyone. I don't think this is about like and dislikes but, indeed, I like you fine...better and better. :)

I think you will agree there are Christian extremists and Scientilogical crazies, as well. The Christians say their Jesus idea is the only one that works for "everlasting life." And many will get pissed enough to lash out at you in a bar, for example, if you are not careful.

But, whatever you want to call it I think the Brotherhood is the latest best example of this conflict cloaked in Islam, not created by it, necessarily.. Killed Sadat, and caused trouble in the voting blocks until they could fake their way in. Then began jacking it into Sharia rule.

The Army, our buddies, says, oh no you don't. Let us purge the Baathists and put some reasonable General in charge and pump up their army faster than that Putin can spend his oil money on that though Assad.

The problem as they are only hinting at, the command and control of these weapons are whacked. But, I understand the Oppostion is crumbling right now, based on the gas attacks and maybe we are just saying to Assad, hurry up!
No, look back. I said nothing of the religion, Islam. I am talking about extremist that have taken certain aspects and come up with world Conquest and you defend them. Are you drunk?

And if you are a spade, what could be wrong with that?

No i do not consume alcohol
i maybe a little bit high though, aren't you ...
who did i defend what is the name of those who i defended "them" ?

are you saying not all Muslims are the same , i think that's what you are saying
just clarifying
I have never condoned Christian activity, which makes you a terrorism apologist you sick bastard.

terrorism apologist lol surely someone could of come up with a better buzz-word
doesn't even roll off the tongue, and we all know in private folk will be saying sandnigger this and sandnigger that
towelhead this and towelhead that

political correctness got to love it sometimes ironically lol
Nontheist I feel bad that you have no spiritual abundance. What do you do with your life? What are you going to do when our ride on this spaceship is over? You can't expect to step into space without without a space suit
No i do not consume alcohol
i maybe a little bit high though, aren't you ...
who did i defend what is the name of those who i defended "them" ?

are you saying not all Muslims are the same , i think that's what you are saying
just clarifying

I am high as fuck shit, man! Thanks for asking. :) The Extremists. When they form warlord we fight that.

I call it Jefferson's War. Don't mix them into Islam. It is as fine as any as a Religion. Poetic, Uplifting.

Just like the Klan ain't Christian and I ain't a hillbilly.
Nontheist I feel bad that you have no spiritual abundance. What do you do with your life? What are you going to do when our ride on this spaceship is over? You can't expect to step into space without without a space suit

Got it all figured out, do you?
I am high as fuck shit, man! Thanks for asking. :) The Extremists. When they form warlord we fight that.

I call it Jefferson's War. Don't mix them into Islam. It is as fine as any as a Religion. Poetic, Uplifting.

Just like the Klan ain't Christian and I ain't a hillbilly.

well i am glad you said that, thinking "them" are all the same does ring alarm bells of paranoia
i don't think i have called you a hillbilly today or in a while for that matter
i prefer the term colonial cousin at the moment .. do you like it ?

i would of thought you more cowboy than hillbilly anyway
Cliff Barnes son of Digger Barnes or something
hahaha nice seeing you again Dr. Kynes I see you are still full of shit and I am still waiting for you to post those verses where it says to kill non-Muslims its probably been around half a year?

wa alaikum salaam we are treated wrongly based upon other peoples ignorance

yeah yeah yeah they WERE provided, and you danced a fine jig, claiming the translation was a jew plot to defame islam, just like the achmendinejhad "wipe israel off the map" english translations, which were good enough for the iranian government to publish, but apparently not good enough for anybody else to discuss.

youre still a one note joke.
Nontheist I feel bad that you have no spiritual abundance. What do you do with your life? What are you going to do when our ride on this spaceship is over? You can't expect to step into space without without a space suit

You couldn't even grasp the fundamentals of space without brave souls defying religion. I will die just like every other living organism on this rock the only difference is I have no fallacy of kingdoms, virgins, and I don't need magical underwear or to kill anyone to get me there.