How to keep aerocloner temps below 75

Have you tried using Hydroguard or Great White in place of the H202?....Much more effective at keeping bad microbes from growing and you can easily run water at 75F.... just my opinion though, of course. Don't fix it if it isn't broken...haha.
Happy Growing :)
Have you tried using Hydroguard or Great White in place of the H202?....Much more effective at keeping bad microbes from growing and you can easily run water at 75F.... just my opinion though, of course. Don't fix it if it isn't broken...haha.
Happy Growing :)
Haven't used the h2o2 much yet. I also have clear rez
Ah, I see. At least you haven't had the need for it lol. Should you ever run into rez problems of any type (algae or root rot), definitely give Hydroguard or Great White a try... they work wonders for the root zone. Hope all stays well!
I read about so many people aerocloning with great results. I've also read that even though not needed , airstones in the res makes clones root faster. I checked my res temps last night and I be damn, 85 degrees. Way too hot! So I put my water pump on a timer. 15 on 15 off. Temps still hovering in low 80s. My question is how the hell everyone else keeps their temps below 75. My grow room temps are around 80 degrees. And so are most others I've read. My question is how do u keep 10 gallons of water surrounded by 80 degree ambient room temp below 75 while a water pump and air pump are running, which both produce heat. Frozen water bottles are not really practical. They melt within a half hr then temps go back up eventually. I'm stumped damnit. Air stones or no airstones, water bottles or no water bottles. HOW DO YALL DO IT?!

IDK how :) I just change mine water out every few days and keep my tanks on the basement ground (54F but the water is definitely 70+)
You could get a peltier cooler, they don't' run an arm&leg in cost.
I read about so many people aerocloning with great results. I've also read that even though not needed , airstones in the res makes clones root faster. I checked my res temps last night and I be damn, 85 degrees. Way too hot! So I put my water pump on a timer. 15 on 15 off. Temps still hovering in low 80s. My question is how the hell everyone else keeps their temps below 75. My grow room temps are around 80 degrees. And so are most others I've read. My question is how do u keep 10 gallons of water surrounded by 80 degree ambient room temp below 75 while a water pump and air pump are running, which both produce heat. Frozen water bottles are not really practical. They melt within a half hr then temps go back up eventually. I'm stumped damnit. Air stones or no airstones, water bottles or no water bottles. HOW DO YALL DO IT?!

So you don’t use a pump you use the pressure from your home water supply with a solenoid? What kind of on times do you use? I use HP Aero for cloning and keep the water spraying for a couple minutes because I don’t want the cut stem to dry out or rot before root development. Can you really clone with 1-3 second on times?
2 seconds of mist with the off timing geared to keep the stems moist but not wet. If you mist for 2 minutes you may as well use low pressure, soaked either way :) You have to break the habit of treating HP like hydro, less is more.
I'm using a 27 gallon tote from lowes. Black tote with yellow recessed lid. 633 water pump with 15 360 degree spray heads. Please help fellas?
That 633gph pump at 15 minutes on is probably warming up your cloner water. I always use a 396gph pump at 2 minutes on with 10 minutes off. Also the more water in your cloner the easier to keep it cooler and look at other things in your grow room that can impact your water temperature.

Good luck and happy growing
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Have you tried using Hydroguard or Great White in place of the H202?....Much more effective at keeping bad microbes from growing and you can easily run water at 75F.... just my opinion though, of course. Don't fix it if it isn't broken...haha.
Happy Growing :)
silver bullet roots is even better
After a pretty big break due to some unrelated issues, I've gotten back to it in DWC! I have found that Great White is certianly a good replacement option for hydroguard. I haven't done the plants side by side, I can only compare my last grow to this one, but I'm not seeing any massive differences between either experience. I think that the Great White has produced better results, but I can only say for 100% sure that it is at least equally as effective at preventing root rot as Hydroguard, anything else on my part would just be opinionated. I have not tried Silver Bullet; is it a newer product?