I read about so many people aerocloning with great results. I've also read that even though not needed , airstones in the res makes clones root faster. I checked my res temps last night and I be damn, 85 degrees. Way too hot! So I put my water pump on a timer. 15 on 15 off. Temps still hovering in low 80s. My question is how the hell everyone else keeps their temps below 75. My grow room temps are around 80 degrees. And so are most others I've read. My question is how do u keep 10 gallons of water surrounded by 80 degree ambient room temp below 75 while a water pump and air pump are running, which both produce heat. Frozen water bottles are not really practical. They melt within a half hr then temps go back up eventually. I'm stumped damnit. Air stones or no airstones, water bottles or no water bottles. HOW DO YALL DO IT?!