How to mitigate smelling like your garden so you don't get fired?

No, I told you what I did and wanted to see what you came up with and also asked for you to post your experience. How'd it go?

AutoCAD? You said dont give my work your number. I was assuming you are a CNC operator / cad drawing as well?
The vac seal worked great. The weed that has been in vac smells perfect still and the stuff I cracked still smells ok but not as loud and fresh as the vac
AutoCAD? You said dont give my work your number. I was assuming you are a CNC operator / cad drawing as well?
The vac seal worked great. The weed that has been in vac smells perfect still and the stuff I cracked still smells ok but not as loud and fresh as the vac

I know what cad is I was fucking with you. I think I got my first taste at about 12.

Before I was a stay at home dad due to covid I ran a fabrication shop.
I was over at the folks place and their cat was going nuts on my shoes my moms picks up my shoe and smells it (ya wtf) and she's says your shoes smell like marijuana! That's why the cats like them. I said ...your cat likes cannabis? She said ' the weed kinda smells like catnip so she prob thinks it's catnip'. I nearly died laughing.
I do consume alot. I mean I smoke 3-4 doobs a g each just making BBQ (and maybe a tallboy or 2). Plus a dab before. Generally take my 'canna caps' daily too.
Good point, I don't wear my outside clothes and shoes in my garden. My slippers that I do wear in the garden smell like weed. I say slippers, they are crocks.
Good point, I don't wear my outside clothes and shoes in my garden. My slippers that I do wear in the garden smell like weed. I say slippers, they are crocks.
Yooo garden crocks are a must, so comfy.

So back to OPs question- Tyvek seems to be the best option + (if possible) a staging area near the entrance where you can change. Cheers
First of all, it is shitty and not your fault that you have to work in a society where "your ass is on the street", and you have to be so paranoid about not getting fired from your current job.

It's entirely believable what you said about smelling like weed even after some minor contact with the plants. Especially people who are non-smokers (of tobacco or cannabis) will very easily be able to pick up the smell. I've also found that the smell is quite "reluctant" to leave, even after some good hand washing.

I guess you will have to suit up before tending to the garden. That is inconvenient, but consider that some people have to do that routinely for work every day (e.g. one of my friends now works in pharma production, and she takes 30 minutes every day to suit up before getting to her station; or think about the surgeons who will have to do that all the time).

If I was you, I would only go near the garden AFTER work, or at times when you're partaking anyway, and the smell from the plants won't make a difference. Automate the garden (esp. the watering) as far as you can, so there will be less reason to get in contact with the plants.
I work 12 hour shifts I get up at 4 AM go mess around in the garden take a shower out of the shower at 5:30 at work at six get out at six…. take a shower. Gó mess in the garden….. eat sleep repeat.
Just wear long sleeve shirt, pants, and gloves whenever you are in the garden before work.

The best/easiest way I have found to get smell and resin off sticky hands is using pure coconut oil on DRY HANDS (IMPORTANT). Use about 1 tbsp and rub on hands to dissolve the resin, use more if your hands are extra sticky. Once the resin is dissolved add a squirt of dish or hand soap and rub on hands to mix with the coconut oil then just rinse it all off with water. Works like a charm, just make sure to not to use water until the very end to rinse the soap away or it won't work as well.
To remove smell, one can also rub the hands against stainless steel (e.g. a knife blade, but don't cut yourself). Sounds ridiculous, but it actually works.

I've found a "stainless steel soap bar" (no kidding) in a kitchen store, to get garlic and onion smell off the hands. I was less than ready to believe that would work, but surprisingly it does. (Haven't tried with weed smell, but works with garlic and that surely is a very sticky smell.)

Just wear long sleeve shirt, pants, and gloves
The smell will stick to the clothes, he would have to change. Painters suit is more convenient in that case I would say.
To remove smell, one can also rub the hands against stainless steel (e.g. a knife blade, but don't cut yourself). Sounds ridiculous, but it actually works.

I've found a "stainless steel soap bar" (no kidding) in a kitchen store, to get garlic and onion smell off the hands. I was less than ready to believe that would work, but surprisingly it does. (Haven't tried with weed smell, but works with garlic and that surely is a very sticky smell.)

The smell will stick to the clothes, he would have to change. Painters suit is more convenient in that case I would say.
I chopped garlic yesterday, rubbed them with lemons (helps) but smell is still there today. Thanks for the SS trick, any idea how to remove fingerprints from my fridge?
I chopped garlic yesterday, rubbed them with lemons (helps) but smell is still there today. Thanks for the SS trick, any idea how to remove fingerprints from my fridge?

If it's a stainless fridge buff with the grain citrus oil till it's nice.
I'm from Germany, when I read "SS" it always makes me pause and miss jokes. Got the fridge joke, though. However, it's easy to remove finger prints there: use ethanol.
Good point. Same with US social security (ss?). It's an easy acronym but certainly can make one think nazi ss. My dad was a teenager during ww2 and he told me he was surprised when Kia cars came out. To his generation, kia means killed in action.