How to save 58% on nutrient costs using AN products and still grow huge buds.

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Hey i used to use silica blast when i started. When i mixed it into my nutes, it destroyed my solutions and would lockup anything it came in contact with when i did not add it before all of my other nutrients, When i add the Rhino skin the same way it did not effect my solution at all. I understand they the same chemicals but that is on the molecular level. Not the atomic level. The difference is how the products are made. All these people on here claim they have the same "stuff" in them. Why do you think marinol does not have the same effects as smoked thc? because it molecularly the same but not atomically and (sub atomically)

Go learn about some chemistry then come back at me. Don't just read off the internet. Take the classes for 4 months in college like i did Thermodynamics, Materials Science , Physics I and II, Chemistry, Statics, Dynamics, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, calc 1,2,3, business enterprise and operations research and get a B- or better. I would say I have a pretty good understanding of how a product is made from the design stage, development, manufacturing, product testing, sales, marketing, and Return on investment
4 months, son, you are so clueless.
^^^ so 1 semester that's it. My buddy has a BA in chemistry from Chapman U. Took him 5 years. He used to work in pharmacology. He is a head hunter now for same industry. He gets paid twice as much being a head hunter. No way all those classes were in 4 months. Unless you did pheonix Online and that's more than 20 units. Most people take 12-15 units. It would of taken 4-6 semester just to do calc 1,2,3. Any business classes you have to take business 101then 110.
As a prerequisite.
^^^ so 1 semester that's it. My buddy has a BA in chemistry from Chapman U. Took him 5 years. He used to work in pharmacology. He is a head hunter now for same industry. He gets paid twice as much being a head hunter. No way all those classes were in 4 months. Unless you did pheonix Online and that's more than 20 units. Most people take 12-15 units.
Maybe he stayed at a holiday Inn express for those 4 months,lmfao
You guys are dumb 4 months how long it takes to take one class, you can take up to 5 of those classes a semester I took and average of 16 credits a semester. Shows you never went to school to know thats what i meant or just ran out of things to say and just nit pick any minor detail.

Anyone whose read my thread and this has helped them out Im glad to have helped you! Hope I saved atleast one person some money!

EDIT: Business enterprise is not just a business class, it is the engineering science behind business decisions are made. They are teaching engineers business skills now too because an engineer is more valuable if he understands the business and economics behind his designs and decisions.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

So True. I've been learning that more and more since I joined this site.
You nAmed off over 40 units of classes. (credits are for high school) Theres about 1-2 years of gen ed classes you have to take as prerequisites before you can go towards your major. You said you took all those classes over 4 months. So that makes you seem inept. You should specify how many years or semesters you actually took. Some of classes you named off would take a few years to complete. Others are graduate classes. So you are looking at 10 + years to complete all.

We don't read minds here.

Edit :

You one here has an understanding on how nutes are made unless you are involved in making them..there are so many things in bottled nutes that are not on the label. That info has to be disclosed to the state to be able to legally sell them. Majority of bottle nutes even ones labeled organic. Have some of the same chemicals found in liquid plumber, Arsenic, and all kinds of heavy metals. even cancer causing agents
You guys are dumb 4 months how long it takes to take one class, you can take up to 5 of those classes a semester I took and average of 16 credits a semester. Shows you never went to school to know thats what i meant or just ran out of things to say and just nit pick any minor detail.

Anyone whose read my thread and this has helped them out Im glad to have helped you! Hope I saved atleast one person some money!

EDIT: Business enterprise is not just a business class, it is the engineering science behind business decisions are made. They are teaching engineers business skills now too because an engineer is more valuable if he understands the business and economics behind his designs and decisions.

So True. I've been learning that more and more since I joined this site.
Obviously ENGLISH wasn't one of your classes. Probably spent all your time trying to get handies off the boys in band class.
Take the classes for 4 months in college like i did Thermodynamics, Materials Science , Physics I and II, Chemistry, Statics, Dynamics, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, calc 1,2,3, business enterprise and operations research and get a B- or better.

You guys are dumb 4 months how long it takes to take one class, you can take up to 5 of those classes a semester I took and average of 16 credits a semester. Shows you never went to school to know thats what i meant or just ran out of things to say and just nit pick any minor detail.

Perhaps you could explain how you took Physics I and II along with Calc 1,2,3 all in one semester (not to mention all those other classes to boot), since physics 1 is a prerequisite for physics 2 as well as the three calc classes you are claiming.
Perhaps you could explain how you took Physics I and II along with Calc 1,2,3 all in one semester (not to mention all those other classes to boot), since physics 1 is a prerequisite for physics 2 as well as the three calc classes you are claiming.

Where did i say what classes i took in one semester. The classes i listed are core classes, i also took gen eds and technichal electives while taking those classes, That was just a list of classes i have taken in the past. A Semester lasts 4 months. That is what i was saying. How is this hard to understand? HOw the F is it possible to take all those classes in 4 months or one semester when some of the classes are prerequisites for the others wtf I'm not superman or the flash as hyroot would say. U guys just got nothing to say but retartedness.
Where did i say what classes i took in one semester. The classes i listed are core classes, i also took gen eds and technichal electives while taking those classes, That was just a list of classes i have taken in the past. A Semester lasts 4 months. That is what i was saying. How is this hard to understand? HOw the F is it possible to take all those classes in 4 months or one semester when some of the classes are prerequisites for the others wtf I'm not superman or the flash as hyroot would say. U guys just got nothing to say but retartedness.

I guess I didn't understand, but this is what you said..

Take the classes for 4 months in college like i did

Then you went on to list a shitload of classes. Made it sound like they were somehow all taken in 4 months. I agree that you needed to take more english classes, and perhaps some comprehension classes as well.
I don't spend money and I make money.
I guess thats ok if you like settling for less than the best. My nutrients end up paying for themselves with a lot more on top of that as well anyway with all the extra bud i get. If i look at it the way you do, I spend negative dollars to more make money.
I guess thats ok if you like settling for less than the best.

Bullshit. Now that you've spent all that money, who you trying to convince/deceive other than yourself?

With most of the gardens I've seen following the path you've taken, you're setting yourself for less if not total failure.

I'll clue you in one more time - it's not bloom foods that produce more yield (they actually induce less), it's an abundance of green healthy leaves up to harvest.

Live and learn.....
AN and the other cannabis specific hawkers intentionally TARGET noobs. That's where the money is.

I watch the hydro store guys showing new customers (new to hydro) the Canna and AN nutes... pushing them... then we get to chatting and it's a totally different conversation about what we are finding success with lately.

Whether AN is superior or inferior... this is true. AN targets newbs.
I guess thats ok if you like settling for less than the best. My nutrients end up paying for themselves with a lot more on top of that as well anyway with all the extra bud i get. If i look at it the way you do, I spend negative dollars to more make money.

Honestly dude... I was not going to say it, but.. look at some of your plants... You've got some leaf issues. My thinking is that if you have leaf issues you are probably not reaching full potential... that is a little more than just an "opinion".
I bet if you just started dropping some of those additives you would start seeing healthier plants.

I bet you would be better off with an incomplete solution than nearly complete with the "bloom" excesses. That's jmo.
Why buy AN overpriced garbage at all? Many other better Nutrients out there for significantly less money.

I have seen massive monster plants grown with just 6 ML GH FLora Micro, and 9 ML GH Flora Bloom. REZ for example, uses those two only and has won awards. H3AD is a legendary grower and he came up with the formula.
Don't bother entertaining this guy. He doesn't know anything about anything. He talks out of his ass. He Argues for the sake of arguing. Once he gets put in his place. He instigates an argument with some one else. 2 of his threads were locked and this one was moved from advanced cultivation section to the general growing. section. He's on thin ice. If anything just ignore him. Don't fuel the fire.

Theres an old saying. If you run into an asshole in the morning. One In the afternoon and one in the evening. Well you just might be the asshole.
How come all my haters all post pictures of their scraggly plants claiming they are awesome and how good they are and

View attachment 2721163

only pics i got, nothing freshly manicured or hanging, just these pics 20 days out from harvest.

Who is posting pics of scraggly overfed nutrient deff. plants?

UMMM. that'd be you

AN is for newbs that don't know any better. Run 1 plant next to your AN plant and use only dyna-gro and you will see for yourself.
good advice chuck, but he won't take it. He is getting "amazing" results now.

AN and the other cannabis specific hawkers intentionally TARGET noobs. That's where the money is.
Situation.... you should listen to those who know more than you. Like this guy^^^

AN has the best products on the market.

Thank you for the new line in my sig. Many will get a kick out of it I am sure.

Hydroponics will also grow larger plants than in soil which is a well known fact.

Ahh, no. Hydroponics achieves faster growth. Not larger. Plants can grow just as big in dirt. It just takes longer.

Typical noobie Knowitall. Grown a couple of crops and sold it to your college buddies. Wait till ya get out in the real world buddy.
Call any other nute company tech support besides AN and tell them you are growing medical marijuana and see what happens.....just sayin....all other companies besides AN denies cannabis involvement, and does not support the movement.
Who is posting pics of scraggly overfed nutrient deff. plants?

UMMM. that'd be you

good advice, but he won't take it. He is getting "amazing" results now.

Situation.... you should listen to those who know more than you. Like this guy^^^

Thank you for the new line in my sig. Many will get a kick out of it I am sure.

Ahh, no. Hydroponics achieves faster growth. Not larger. Plants can grow just as big in dirt. It just takes longer.

Typical noobie Knowitall. Grown a couple of crops and sold it to your college buddies. Wait till ya get out in the real world buddy.
Over 4 years of growing and never used AN, who you callin a noob?
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