How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?

Hey, so I forgot i made this thread so long ago, but yea, i actually did get my shit into Washington DC from Canada.

Heres what I did, i compacted the weed underneath a bedpost on my bed for a few days prior to the trip, then put that compacted weed into a tiny water ballon, i then tied it off as tight as i could and snipped off the excess. I THEN wrapped the balloon in hubbabubba gum and pretended i was chewing gum the whole time, i put it in the washroom on the way there, then put on fresh gum right before we landed.

In the DC airport a drug dog came within 5 feet of me and sniffed at me and kept going, i was sketching shit in my head but hah, im happy i got the good memories in the US.


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Wtf!!!?? In fucking canada weed is almost legal.. So? R u a fuking loser that u cant find weed where u land... And u call ur self a smoker!!?? Get tha fuck out and eat some heavy ass brownies ( just for the ride plus some hours until u find the pot cant be so hard aint it?.... Its canada after all...
Funny thread. I havn't flown with less than an eigth since I was 14 lol. If a customs official finds a small amount of pot on you they're gonna be mad that they have to spend their whole night doing paperwork for that, and they'll probably do anything they can to avoid doing that kind of bust. Their probably gonna pretend they didn't see it unless their boss saw it, too. They're just people like you and me who probably feel unfulfilled by the stupid job they got stuck in, and will avoid extra headaches if it's not gonna get 'em fired. I guarentee that dog did smell your pot and the cop knew it, too. They won't alert like crazy unless primed to do so, and the cop was proly thinkin you didn't exactly look like a terroritst harboring chemical weapons in your tye dye backpack. I had a dog put his nose right on the spot in my backpack where my nugs were when I was at the ticket counter, and the cop took one look at me and jerked him away and I was on to my flight. I would agree that you just don't carry ANYTHING that might make them want to search you, vibrators included. Hasn't anyone seen Fight Club?? Don't wrap it up like crazy cause that looks funny in the x-ray machines. I just throw it in with my toiletries and make sure they are sealed up good, though that won't throw off the smell for the dogs.

Happy travels!
nono he was LEAVING from Canada and going to the states. Personally I hate asking around for weed from strangers. It can be really humiliating if you get the wrong person. And even if you find some random dude to sell you some, who knows if it's even gonna get you stoned.

Hey Steez is that you in the pic??!! You got some balls little homie! Smokin there AND postin photos of it?! lol right on.
didnt read other suggestions but the best way is wrap it up alot of times in plastic wrap then buy a cheap candle that is some what big. like i mean a candle that you can carve out the bottom and melt wax over it. so it looks untouched. done it a few times and works like a charm, also go with a scented candle and dont put it in a carry on check your bag. I know canada has a lot of good tree but if you dont want to look for it thats the best way. a candle about 2 and a half inches in diameter and 4 inches tall. just carve out the bottom a bit and melt wax over it. make sure you compact the bud alot before you create the hole in the candle. will work everytime and its simple. Also when melting the wax over plastic you will prob need to put a bit of card board so the melted wax doesnt burn a hole in the plastic bag containing the weed.
wow so i guess i should have read the thread that sounded like a lot of work my idea for all future travelers is much easier.0
i seen steve-o do this with about a qtr, hes stuffed it in a condom and swallowed it. and eventually he uh . . . shit it out and well, had to dig it out
Wtf!!!?? In fucking canada weed is almost legal.. So? R u a fuking loser that u cant find weed where u land... And u call ur self a smoker!!?? Get tha fuck out and eat some heavy ass brownies ( just for the ride plus some hours until u find the pot cant be so hard aint it?.... Its canada after all...

Read the thread dude,
does customs in the u.s seach everysingle person or hav dogs sittin sniffin every1 that walks past ?????

been to amsterdam a brave few tyms and always been shit bak 13+ grams its a gift jus make sure its well wrapped up most tyms i jus stick it in2 a dax wax tin (hairgel) and den put the wax bak in over da top, hu wud no the wiser ... and den as i seen in a comment b4 its al down 2 how u act, pretend u dont hav a care in the world even get cocky and stand infront of the seethrew mirrors and fix ur hair lol ...
i dont see dogs much in the usa. its mostly machines, and now that weed is not the biggest prob its easier. However there are machines that are similar to metal detectors at dif airports that can detect chemical compositions via smell. crazy i know but its true.0
1. Buy A couple Carrier Pigeons
2. Feed them for a few weeks and train them that they are home.
3. Mail them to Canada
4. Strap an O to his back
5. Release
6. Wait for him to arrive at home.......HE WILL

; )
im glad to hear that you did not get caught in your efforts to get your weed to the u.s, and +rep for the cool pic of you smoking in D.C
seran wrap it take lotion out of like the little ones that are circular or regular wrapthe bud tight and skinnnyy wrap again with duct tape place in conatiner and put the lotiobn you took out back in
Wtf!!!?? In fucking canada weed is almost legal.. So? R u a fuking loser that u cant find weed where u land... And u call ur self a smoker!!?? Get tha fuck out and eat some heavy ass brownies ( just for the ride plus some hours until u find the pot cant be so hard aint it?.... Its canada after all...
dude before you hate maybe you should read...he went from canada to must feel so cool now?? dont you