How to smuggle 2 grams on airplane to USA from Canada?

i agree...the day you have to stick some shit up your ass is the day you take a break....don't be so dependent...

But no really I know this is probably too late cuz you have alreayd come and gone on your trip but for next time..... my mom is a flight attendant...i been flying around the world since i was a little tike....

I had a girlfriend who brough an 8 ball of coke on a plain in her pocket...did the whole thing with her friend in the bathroom on the plane....

But the BEST way to smuggle weed onto a plane is to buy a pack of swisher sweets.... your choice on the flavor... take out the tobacco and roll up your blunts as usual... but make them as PERFECT looking as possible, and save the celophane wrappers that they come in and your going to put them back in the box after you have rolled up five blunts with as much as 2 grams/ blunt and then keep it in your pocket.....

IF....IF....IF....IF.... which you won't.... but IF you get searched just pull it out right away and set it on the counter with your keys and shit... NO ONE!!! will think twice of it besides being anyting besides a pack of cigars... who knew weed was in it!!!! i personally did this and checked my bag..... my mom told me my biggest worry was when it was put through the conveyer belt who would see it and open it up and steal it.

you gotta go prison style and kiester that might be able to bring an ouce if you put you mind to it.remember to use plenty of lube and have your girlfriend help so you seem less gay.
you gotta go prison style and kiester that might be able to bring an ouce if you put you mind to it.remember to use plenty of lube and have your girlfriend help so you seem less gay.

wear a pair of boxer breifs. tape your stash to the inside crotch, wrapped up tight. when you spread your legs for a frisk your pants will get tight in this area. they wont feel whats floating on top of the inside of the bottom crotch of your breif when your pants are streched tight while your legs are spread
i liked the gum idea best, worst comes to worst just swallow it. you could say you got some real good shit to your, sorry i couldnt help myself
never heard of something as dumb as "im going from canada to the us, how do i sneak 2 grams onto a plane?"

don't canadians do this FOR US? for fucks sake, by the pound!

I hope a stem didnt tear through that stuffed condom in your rectum... the blood and feces might cause a nasty infection :(
wear a pair of boxer breifs. tape your stash to the inside crotch, wrapped up tight. when you spread your legs for a frisk your pants will get tight in this area. they wont feel whats floating on top of the inside of the bottom crotch of your breif when your pants are streched tight while your legs are spread

bullshit... cops feel on your nuts... they will check to make sure there is only 3 lumps down there if they have to (your penis and your two nutters)

I know... i've been frisked a million times... sort of feels homosexual after a while... especially when you've been frisked 2 or 3 times in a row by the same cop. :confused:
that would make drudgereport ;)

you must be retarded if you have that many run ins with the cops. if they dont have reasons to suspect you their not going to touch your nuts. do my way right and they wont find it unless they strip you. think about they way boxer breifs are tight and have that crotch area compared to where that same area of your pants is. your pants crotch area is at least a few inches lower than your boxer crotch. when pants are pulled tight with legs spread, you boxer breif crotch is safe from detection by regular security
dude,ive been in more trouble with the law than i think anybody else in here, and ive NEVER had a cop feel up on my 3 piece set.
you must be retarded if you have that many run ins with the cops. if they dont have reasons to suspect you their not going to touch your nuts. do my way right and they wont find it unless they strip you. think about they way boxer breifs are tight and have that crotch area compared to where that same area of your pants is. your pants crotch area is at least a few inches lower than your boxer crotch. when pants are pulled tight with legs spread, you boxer breif crotch is safe from detection by regular security

Wow dude... you're really into making friends aren't you? :finger:

Who's the retard? I've never been put into a jail cell, regardless of the heavy weight I roll around with. Have I been searched plenty? Yup - but any busy beaver will get searched on the voyage for loot.

Maybe you should stop wearing the boxer briefs... I think it's cutting off circulation to your brain. :finger::roll::finger::lol::hug:
does customs in the u.s seach everysingle person or hav dogs sittin sniffin every1 that walks past ?????

been to amsterdam a brave few tyms and always been shit bak 13+ grams its a gift jus make sure its well wrapped up most tyms i jus stick it in2 a dax wax tin (hairgel) and den put the wax bak in over da top, hu wud no the wiser ... and den as i seen in a comment b4 its al down 2 how u act, pretend u dont hav a care in the world even get cocky and stand infront of the seethrew mirrors and fix ur hair lol ...

Nah they don't search everyone and there isn't dogs on every person, but they walk freely through the airport. THe dog is walking the cop for the most part. I've come close to a dog maybe 2 out of ten times, and only one sniffed me. Cop pulled him away. I like the strategy of acting cool too but don't ham it up too much lol that looks suspicious. I try to think about just being myself and then rationalize when I start to get scared: "do I really feel like a criminal for having some weed? that's stupid. I don't look or feel like the kinda person that deserves the attention of people protecting our national security!" and so forth. and I laugh to myself. And I don't pay special attention to being prepared for every checkpoint and I'm annoyed with them just like everyone else, but not more annoyed or more casual.
put it in your pocket... my brother had 3.5 grams of weed in his pocket from canada to the bahamas... then from the bahamas.... to Philadelphia then back to canada.... funny thing is he didnt know he had it in his pocket... till he pulled it out in customs in philly... luckily no one saw.
Why not just wear a pair of boxer briefs and stick your bag in the little crotch pocket that extends all the way to the gooch! If you got patted down, the last thing they'd do is pat at or squeeze your gooch! lol
Why not just wear a pair of boxer briefs and stick your bag in the little crotch pocket that extends all the way to the gooch! If you got patted down, the last thing they'd do is pat at or squeeze your gooch! lol
i think that is the best idea yet! besides if the dog comes you can always act all happy go lucky and pet him!!! ohh what cute lil sniffin dog!!..aski his name make up a conversation with the cop act friendly then go out smoke a blunt and laugh about that retarded cop!
Trust me...the gooch pocket has gotten me out of a few sticky situations where I've had over 7 grams on me.

The dog wouldn't approach you unless he smelled drugs, but the worst the dog could do would be sniff at your crotch (like all dogs do) and you can always shrug it off as the dog being a dog...unless the dog barks at your crotch.
Doesn't most airports have those body x ray machines, doesn't that pick up any abnormal looking lumps of matter stashed on a persons body?
why has nobody said to either put it in your socks. or empty a pack of smokes and fill em with ganga? i would think that both of those ways would be fool proof and they wouldnt ruin the weed at all.
why has nobody said to either put it in your socks. or empty a pack of smokes and fill em with ganga? i would think that both of those ways would be fool proof and they wouldnt ruin the weed at all.

I have to say both of those ways would work. have used them in the past. Also put it in your socks in your check in luggage it works if they dont call your name and the plane takes off claim your luggage..:joint: