How to turn your buds purple

SlikWill has never tried changing his buds to purple. He's only read on this forum that it harms the bud. Re-spitting information. Try it on a couple of buds, burn both food colored bud and bud that hasn't been colored and see if you can tell the difference. I've read posts on this website saying it ruins weed, but I tried it on a small amount last time and it didn't harm it. But then, I cure my bud for a month and it likely gets rid of the harsh chemicals that you guys are saying you can taste.

Like I said, try it on a small amount. It's the only way you'll know if it's worth the extra bag appeal.

assumptions, assumptions....

i havent personally tried it with my weed, but ive stood next to others while they ruined thier weed.
Whatever...y'all some short dick's.

I told the guy what he wanted to know. Y'all are pretty fucking stupid because if this guy grows some high quality that isn't purple and dye's it...This guy can sell it for twice the amount I know I could and I have before fuck yea its deception eat that shit up bitches deal with it.

And by the way this does not ruin it you dumb dick I have done it before and when I get some things done I will be posting a TUT on this subject in about 2-3 months...

And the experiment works and the Tut will show that and I will be showing that is does not ruin your weed. Good Day!
plants usually turn pruple below 45 degrees.... either that or genes, no stressing make plants purple sorry
wait a minute i re read and some dude says put pruple food coloring in then calls slikwill out cause hes respitting info? HOLY FUCK PUT A NAIL THROUGH YOUR STALK, CLIP OFF ALL YOUR FAN LEAVES AND SPRAY YOUR PLANTS WITH SUGAR WATER AND BERRIES, FUCK IF YOUR PLANT IS TOUCHING THE LIGHT MAYBE ITLL GROW FASTER. alright im done now your stupid dude whoever said it
and if you didnt get it, dye is for dyeing, not for smoking, if you do that to people your a fucking dickhead and i hope someone puts bad shit into something u consume, u wouldnt appreciate it, thats the single most ingnorant thing, what if i spit on your buds to make them gooeyer, would you wanna smoke that?, its disguisting and downright WRONG to put dye on buds, ur gonna fuckin poison somebody....neg rep
wait a minute i re read and some dude says put pruple food coloring in then calls skillwill out cause hes respitting info? HOLY FUCK PUT A NAIL THROUGH YOUR STALK, CLIP OFF ALL YOUR FAN LEAVES AND SPRAY YOUR PLANTS WITH SUGAR WATER AND BERRIES, FUCK IF YOUR PLANT IS TOUCHING THE LIGHT MAYBE ITLL GROW FASTER. alright im done now your stupid dude whoever said it

thank you.

dont forget to bury fish with your roots.

and i hear a pep talk from chuck norris work wonders.
Any one that says purple bud taste bad has never had a well grown purple strain.
I have only smoked my gdp for over six months. Still tastes great and rocks my world every time.\
i not saying if its purple its good because that is never true. Most purplish buds are mid grade but only most.
There is always an exception to the rule.

I was going to say the same. If you get any good strain, purps, gdp, purp lady, ive had all of them and they are so sweet you can hit the bowl, drink something, and still taste the weed.

I too have been smoking Granddaddy for about a week now, its a serious couch lock, ive fallen in love.
In cali... the fake "grand daddy purple" is froze in a freezer. It does turn it purple. The purple usually is not a potent just looks better.. SO real purple smokers can tell.. Could get beat up for that where I live. But yes,,. freezing works.

And BTW to that dude that says he does and its deception.. Why are you on this forum? I thought real growers hung out here. Learn to breed , grow , feed. First off. Purple bud's are because of 2 things. 1. you fucked it up. Bottom line. freezing fucks it up. Ever heard of mosture or mold? your an idiot.

2. Buds are purple because ITS IN THE STRAIN. You sound like a peaseant. If you want to sell purple. GROW SOME.
Purple is like 8-11% ... TRy some rhino , or wreck, or even better Crystal .. 15-18% stop smoking trendy buds and enjoy the real stuff.
Ha ha OK y'all are funny because of how stupid y'all are it's downright amazing. I think I'm in the next generation already lol.

AKNIGHT you do not put the dye on the weed. Also if food coloring is poison why is it in almost every food the world consumes? Please go back to school before you try to look smart on forum's.

I will show these photos one more time for yall. :finger:
Also most people will say that it will ruin your buds because when you cut them and put them in the dyed water the will get to moist and get fungus or bud put a fan on your bud while you dye it and continue as you normally would when Harvesting drying and curing.
Also most people will say that it will ruin your buds because when you cut them and put them in the dyed water the will get to moist and get fungus or bud put a fan on your bud while you dye it and continue as you normally would when Harvesting drying and curing.

Yo , you must be selling to squares son. Any real smoker would know. Anyways , Get a purple strain. And grow that. Stop making big bud purple. HAHA
2. Buds are purple because ITS IN THE STRAIN. You sound like a peaseant. If you want to sell purple. GROW SOME.
Purple is like 8-11% ... TRy some rhino , or wreck, or even better Crystal .. 15-18% stop smoking trendy buds and enjoy the real stuff.

from the site i get seeds they say rhino and wreck are more like 25-30%, only bringing it up cause i was about to buy some on that assumtion, also is White Widow 30%,? sorry to hijack a thread but this one is out of whack anyway
from the site i get seeds they say rhino and wreck are more like 25-30%, only bringing it up cause i was about to buy some on that assumtion, also is White Widow 30%,? sorry to hijack a thread but this one is out of whack anyway

Plant type: Best suitable for indoor growing.
Plant height: Medium- Indica/Sativa mix
Stoned or high?: Stoney yet high- Allround Buzz
THC level: Strong 15-20%
Flowering Weeks: 8/10
Yield (Sea of Green on one m2) : 325-425
Harvest Month: 9/10
Grow difficulty: Moderate

Im preaty sure your "site" is good at marketing. But this site is one of the most popular.. and most site say the same % on average.
Im preaty sure your "site" is good at marketing. But this site is one of the most popular.. and most site say the same % on average.

its my opinion that thc percentage is just marketing. light, nutes, and so many other things effect thc levels i dont see how they can say such a thing.