How to turn your buds purple

on the internet, anyone can have a degree in anything. at any age!

and we're all super ripped!
Well if you idiots knew how to read something called English, you would see that a stated that I started college at 16 due to completing highschool at 16. Because I started school when I was 4.

Also wake I never said I was super ripped or ripped at all. I only work out 4 times a day not 7. I don't have abs or anything I'm just big but not ripped. So ya y'all can talk all the shit you want and blah blah blah.

And good don't believe one bit of it, I really don't care if y'all believe me or not. I got pictures I am also featured in Time magazine in 2006 on page 43 for being a super young achiever for completing high-school at 16. I also have an IQ of 162 which is very shy of being a certified genius. I believe to be a certified genius you have to have an IQ of 175-178.

Also MOTIF your statement has no resources where the hell did you come up with that? Your a loser dude. And yes did all this stuff and smoke weed at the same time. I believe marijuana does not affect your brain at all. I go to school high almost every-time.
Im not at all going to jump further into this but uh... I hooked up C02 the last three weeks of flower and the plant seriously went from green to deep purple and the bud was delicious, not to say that I havent had green bud just as good. Ive heard that bottle co2 can influence the colors. Not a genious enough to explain why.
Well if you idiots knew how to read something called English, you would see that a stated that I started college at 16 due to completing highschool at 16. Because I started school when I was 4.

Also wake I never said I was super ripped or ripped at all. I only work out 4 times a day not 7. I don't have abs or anything I'm just big but not ripped. So ya y'all can talk all the shit you want and blah blah blah.

And good don't believe one bit of it, I really don't care if y'all believe me or not. I got pictures I am also featured in Time magazine in 2006 on page 43 for being a super young achiever for completing high-school at 16. I also have an IQ of 162 which is very shy of being a certified genius. I believe to be a certified genius you have to have an IQ of 175-178.

Also MOTIF your statement has no resources where the hell did you come up with that? Your a loser dude. And yes did all this stuff and smoke weed at the same time. I believe marijuana does not affect your brain at all. I go to school high almost every-time.

1. I deleted it because bottom line is, anyone is a genius on the internet. Your a douche for even posting such dribble..

2. You say you work out 4 times a day and Im going to call the bullshit card right here sir. Before I fell ill, I was a competitive athlete of no renown both in my childhood and as an adult. I would NEVER work out 4 times a day and like I said, athelete of NO renown (hehe well I did do a little something here and there.)

I'm trying to think of a sport where you would do 4 serious workouts in a day. When I was seriously bodybuilding (again before my illness), i worked out 5 outta 7 days, and did some 2 a days rarely. When really getting huge the problem of overtraining is really bad if you spend too much time working out and not enough time sleeping. Any sport where you would workout 4 times in a day would mean that you would be light to moderately built. Not a big guy to be afraid of...

..and like your going to show up at someone house anyway? your going to beat someone up thru the internet? If your so smart why do you have to resort to braggery? Wrong is wrong I guess you don't get it.
Don't bother, dude. Just a stupid troll. He's just going to come back with some "argument" that has some "facts" about how you're wrong and he's right, and some more "facts" about how "intelligent" and "amazing" he is. He thinks he sounds smart, but in reality he's just another internet dumbass.
Hey sorry typing mistake...I've been on business....

I meant to say 4 days out of the week instead of 7 times a week cause someone said I worked out 7 times a week.

Also I never said I was a genius, again if you could read you would know that I said I was very short of being a certified genius so no I'm not a genius.

I believe anyone can be as smart as they wanna be if they try hard.

I never said I was going to beat anyone's ass through the internet sir...See that's whats wrong with people today they think if someones so smart they must be a skinny nerd, and that would be stereotyping a person. So I cant be smart and work out 4 times a week?

Or since I'm kinda fit from working out I must be a stupid jock? There's a very long list of things I can do. I know a little about a lot, but I know a lot about a little. :)
Hey sorry typing mistake...I've been on business....

I meant to say 4 days out of the week instead of 7 times a week cause someone said I worked out 7 times a week.

Also I never said I was a genius, again if you could read you would know that I said I was very short of being a certified genius so no I'm not a genius.

I believe anyone can be as smart as they wanna be if they try hard.

I never said I was going to beat anyone's ass through the internet sir...See that's whats wrong with people today they think if someones so smart they must be a skinny nerd, and that would be stereotyping a person. So I cant be smart and work out 4 times a week?

Or since I'm kinda fit from working out I must be a stupid jock? There's a very long list of things I can do. I know a little about a lot, but I know a lot about a little. :)

Okay, a little confused here. Thought this thread was about how to change bud color. Looks like Ray to the rescue.

First off, Dman, why do you keep trying to defend yourself over the internet? Its a form of media that in no way necessitates self-defense, you can just exit the thread, done deal. You are wasting your time by making frivolous attempts to garner some kinds of virtual RIU respect points. Meaning: Stop trying to flaunt your "achievements" to a virtual crowd who does not care.

Second, there is no "certifiable genius" rank in an IQ chart. Assuming you did in fact have an IQ of what?- 162? Then you would be ranked as exceptionally gifted. 175 and above is considered Profoundly Gifted... Good job on being born with a high IQ. Congrats, you can now pay money to be part of mensa.

Real intelligence is qualitative kid, not quantitative. Its what you do with your high IQ and workout regiment that counts, meaning spending time on the internet debating those exact things serve as juvenile messages of empty-headed frivolity and frankly, just make you look mad dick.

Just keep growing. Be humble (or else you wouldn't need RIU) and be peaceful. You're a smart guy right? Then you should know what the word peaceful means. That's all this place is really about.

Oh, and nugs, lots of tasty nugs.

:leaf: :peace: :joint:

- Ray Fox

shit!! help!!!

i was reading the post and got to the part about coloring your buds. so i tried it. with the whole batch. while waiting for them to dry, i continued reading the post, and found out boy genius was wrong.

what do i do now. can i die them back to green. i have green food coloring.

holy shit this was fun guys. could we start another with a different myth topic. any suggestions on the topic? i got it lets debate the meaning and origin of "dro"

hey ray. very nice sir. :clap::clap:
Well "yelodrvr" I don't know if your being serious or not but if I was wrong then why would your buds be purple? Because why would you want to change them green if they never turned purple?

Cause you wouldn't they did turn purple and if you would have done it exactly how I told you I'm a 100 percent sure your buds will be purple and perfectly ok to smoke.

Ray Fox, I like your post. I do believe there is an IQ considered to be a certified genius. Go to and type in Certified Genius and it will bring up this guy with an IQ of 175 or 178 and says that he is a considered a genius, that is where I took that info from not a book or IQ chart so I could be wrong and so could the genuis on youtube.

And it was about turning your buds purple till a bunch of un-humble pussys wanted to call me out and start arguments if they didn't care then why do they keep being such pussy's.

Instead of talking about how turning your buds purple is wrong, why don't yall actually try the fucking experiment.
50 % percent of Purple Kush plants will turn purple when introduced to cold. Alot of the leaves will turn people on any plant that is into introduced to the cold temps. The bud is what you want changed? Buy a purple strain. But like i said only 50 % percent will have a tinge of purps