Bucket head
Well-Known Member
ban that fucktard....

oh and master shake is tha Shit. i drew him on my rubbermaid grow box lol
okay im just gonna come right out and say it now, ill probably get in trouble but you pushed it buddy, YOUR A FUCKING FUCKTARD. JUST CAUSE U PUT A STEM WITH A FLOWER IN SOME FOOD COLORING THEN IT TURNED A COLOR DOESNT FUCKING MEAN YOU CAN DO THAT WITH BUDS OR EVEN A MARIJUANA PLANT PERIOD. and by the way fuckface if you didnt know food coloring is very bad for you, when u see green gatorade theres about a half a mL of fucking food dye, thats it 1 tiny tiny drop turns water the dye color, so go the fuck ahead and keep doing that, so when you really harm someone someday they can hopefully beat the fuck out of your 19 year old little punk fucking ass....cause u need it buddy, and by the way just cause we consume something doesnt mean its good for you, read this report if your not to busy jerking off to the porn you stole off your fucking mom and dad you little grimey fuck. and by the way that flower doesnt like fucking green dyed water and neither does marijuana. little fucker http://www.i-sis.org.uk/FSAadditives.php
you never want to shock ur plants during flowering, the quality will suffer. You can make a plant purple by putting it in colder weather(above freezing of course) or if indoors, drop the temp of your nutrients tank over two or three days so the plant can get used to being in colder conditions and the temp indoors should be between 45 and 55 degrees depending on the strain.
lmao.. this is becoming an e-thug flame thread.dude i do not have to prove anything to a little immatrue fucking 18 year old punk first off. that article is one of hundreds of articles on artifical dye and the dangers it can cause to your health, i dont have anything to prove to you, you know why bro, your a little kid, u smoke purple buds that u dye and think ur tough shit, bro i GROW purple buds, i dont NEED to fucking fake it to make it, i grow some of the most tasties purple you ever would smoke son so before you take me to school, why dont you fucking graduate, cause i got degrees homie and im glad you need to look at free porn god knows u cant pay for it you jobless fuck, and btw if u get laid so much why u gotta look at porn anyway man, i got a girl of 5 years that still sucks me off better than anyone, i dont need to look at porn i just yell upstairs to my girl, she comes a runnin, naked. pz faggot