I'm a smoker, hunter, and grower and the best thing I can say is leave the camera alone and hope whoever has the stand and camera in that area leaves your plants alone also. Most hunters I know, which is pretty much everyone I know, smoke, and a few also are growers. Not leased or private land, most likely no worries. State or federal land is a whole different story. If it's state land and not a federal forest you pretty much have little to fear except the possibility of getting your crop yanked. If you are growing in a federal forest, that could be a HUGE mess if the hunter or anyone else spots you carrying out your goods. Best bet IMO is to wear some sort of camouflage your next trip out there and just act like you are scouting a hunting area also. Do not go to your grow if you see another car nearby because the guy with the camera, or another hunter, may be in the area and the last thing you want is them seeing you make a beeline straight to the grow. Wander around a bit, look up in the trees for a treestand and be sure not to wander in front of the camera unless your plants are far enough away from it so as to not be in any photos the camera may take. If you MUST be there, just keep a good eye out for other people in the woods. I used to plant on state land but when September rolls around the woods are loaded with people scouting hunting areas, setting up stands, baiting, etc. Seeing a million people out there where my babies were growing was enough to make me start keeping them at home.FYI, those cameras are triggered by motion so steer clear of it whenever possible, DO NOT steal or ruin it for the hunter, and chances are all will be fine. You should still get your plants out ASAP, but do it as stealthily as possible to avoid contact with any other hunters in the area. I know a lot of us who hunt also smoke so I sincerely hope nobody pinches your crop, but a loss like that, should it happen, is better than jail or a coffin no matter how you look at it. Best of luck!