Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Union - Unions Demand Exemption From LA's $15 Minimum Wage

Thats so ghey.

No offense intended, but it is.

My penis is so flaccid right now...

If you're a better artist, by all means, make a better badge. I take no offense to my poor 'photoshop' skills. First, I don't own photoshop, and second, I'm no artist. Though as a child, I had ambitions to be.
No my statement did not, ( imply union business agent driving around in a caddy paid for by union members )

Below are your exact words , describing your union BA driving a caddy .

the workers are in 100+ degree temps working their butts off TO GIVE THAT GUY MONEY so he can ride around in his shiny Cadillac.

If that isnt blantant false implication of impropriety on the unions use of funds nothing is ! You definetly did imply your union BA was driving a shiney new caddy , paid for with members dues ,while you slaved in 100 degree weather & you did it for shock value , only it didnt work out as planned :shock:.

you cant use information from today to apply to 10+ years ago.

Why sure i can when its factual info & not political rhetoric like your posts :hump: the fact is your union rep's wages were the EXACT SAME as your hourly wage , dollar for dollar , ten yrs ago as well as today , nothing inappropriate there even though you tried to make it look inappropriate to fit your agenda , fail !

As an apprentice (union) I made 23.75 an hour. When I finished my apprenticeship, my salary was 20 an hour, 2 years later my salary was 18 an hour, when it dropped to 16 an hour, I changed professions

And somehow your union was responsible for your drop in pay , all without your union members voting for & approving the pay cuts by a majority vote , every hourly cut in pay was voted on by the members of YOUR UNION at contract time yet once again you try to implicate the union with a negative angle :sleep: , fail again .

now the Memphis area is filled with immigrant bricklayers.

So instead of blaming illegal workers willing to work for $6 an hour driving wages in the shitter you imply its the result of unions being a scam .:lol:

Everything changed 10 years ago , salaries dropped drastically 10 years ago .
Now if you drive by a job site, it is basically all immigrants..

Ok let me wrap my head around that statement , your state allows the workplace to become flooded with illegal immigrant workers 10 yrs ago , which then drove your union wages into the shitter & you blame your union ? :roll:

Your clearly anti union posts use words like SCAM & RIP OFF for shock value , then you claim unions TAKE TAKE TAKE , then your next post shows how illegal immigrant scab labor drove wages into the ground ,but you still insist unions are bad , then you go on to say how you QUESTIONED your union many times about where your dues were being spent & you got no answers like its some big conspiracy , your just pissed because the union spent your union dues supporting a democrat :cuss::bigjoint:

I caused a lot of people to drop out of the union because of the questions and the response given by the union reps.

That quote is laughable & im laughing my ass off still , i had to read it 3 times it was so funny ( Althor ) hey guys listen up ! I asked union reps which political party my union dues are funding & they didnt give me answers ! ( The crew ) grumble grumble grumble , thats bullshit ! Were outta here , We quit !
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Open quoted post to read my responses , multi quote went silly on my phone .

If you had that much influence over the men you shoulda told them not to vote for pay cuts , then organized some picket lines around those casinos people flock to visit & done something of use for the union & its members .
My cousin (from your neck of the woods pan) has been in the construction business for 30 years. He says the same thing, the last 10 years has seen a major shift to migrant workers who work harder, longer and for less money. Not illegals, but legal migrant workers. He complains all of the time, but he's a legit bigot so I take that with a grain of salt. He's paid to watch them work.

The longer a company operates, the more top heavy a company becomes. Unions are part of the equation of companies like National Steel, GM, and Hostess going belly up but far from the only reasons. Look at K-mart. I remember when they over took Sears for the #1 retailer. They built a massive complex in Troy and had way too many chiefs. Wal-mart stayed streamlined (which everyone criticized) and blew past the competition. K-mart is hurting big time.

I guess the point is, to the pro-union side, yes unions did become fat, lazy and corrupt. To the anti-union side, companies became top heavy relying too much on non-management to pay for the waste at the top. Our business culture in this country is in trouble until both sides can admit this. We lost our way.
My cousin (from your neck of the woods pan) has been in the construction business for 30 years. He says the same thing, the last 10 years has seen a major shift to migrant workers who work harder, longer and for less money. Not illegals, but legal migrant workers. He complains all of the time, but he's a legit bigot so I take that with a grain of salt. He's paid to watch them work.

The longer a company operates, the more top heavy a company becomes. Unions are part of the equation of companies like National Steel, GM, and Hostess going belly up but far from the only reasons. Look at K-mart. I remember when they over took Sears for the #1 retailer. They built a massive complex in Troy and had way too many chiefs. Wal-mart stayed streamlined (which everyone criticized) and blew past the competition. K-mart is hurting big time.

I guess the point is, to the pro-union side, yes unions did become fat, lazy and corrupt. To the anti-union side, companies became top heavy relying too much on non-management to pay for the waste at the top. Our business culture in this country is in trouble until both sides can admit this. We lost our way.

How can unions influence or Force a corporate office to become top heavy in CEO's & other management ? I dont understand how anybody can lay any blame on any union for its corporate leaders making their office staff top heavy in personel & a burden with ceo's pay structure including golden parachutes most have .

Once a contract is negotiated between contractors/employers & a union all the work is done , it costs a company no more secritarial work sending quarterly payments to health & welfare & pension than a scab company making 401k contributions , also no extra corporate managers are needed to work hand in hand with the union , in the case of companys who use shop stewards their pay comes from the union contract & they are expected to do their regular job as well as being a steward , their reward for the extra work is free union dues not company pay increases .

I saw a huge influx in mexicans in the construction industry & IMO its a huge blessing , the mexicans who are legal are saving the unions , it got to the point my last 10 yrs i prefered to have no us born workers because of poor work ethics .

American born are allways pissed about working overtime where their mexican counterparts think of ot as a blessing , americans hate working weekends where mexicans say thank you for allowing them to work for premium pay .

Us born workers have attitude problems & work as individuals on projects who wont help another worker who is struggling , mexicans work as a well oiled unit & leap to help another worker falling behind .

All my mexicans were the 1st up the ladder every morning & started work 15 minutes early , my us born workers were putting their boots on 1 minute before start time .

The companys who are smart enough to import legal mexicans with work visas ( mine advertised in mexico & got them work visas )
Are the companys that are saving construction unions by working twice as hard as their non union counterpart who makes 40% to 60% less , in the case of roofers its 60% less the scabs earn .

So yes i agree much of the US workforce has lost their way but at the same time how can any sane man look at corporate profit margins & not admit workers are being cheated daily , ceo compensation is at an all time high , corporate profits are at record highs yet worker pay is at 1970 levels for many .

I believe in unions so much for one reason .

When i worked for Skanska Global Construction i got to see all the bids for union & non union shops alike , with the average scab construction worker being paid 50% less that his union counterpart that should translate into a 10% reduction in non union shops bids , this is never the case , ive never saw sacb shops beat union shops by 10% on a $20 million job , its more like $50,000 less in their bids , now where do these huge labor savings go ? Direct into the pockets of ceo's .

My union shop lavished bonuses on my , my salary was over $200k a yr ,huge bonuses , new truck i got to keep every 3 or 4 yrs , paid vacations to corporate villas in Guam & Costa Rica , even my wife had a company gas card they gave her as part of my pay , they gave me a Harley Davidson & $50k when i retired , and i wasnt alone , they lavished on lotsa the best workers to the tune of millions a year , how could my union shop afford to pay me so damm good when their bids are within less than 100 grand on 20 to 30 million dollar projects ? ,then how come the non union counterparts are paid so little , its more corporate greed than anything thats turning the USA into a minimum wage work force .

I cant support non union labor because i know their profit margins , in the cases you pointed out like Hostess if corporate bloat & ceo pay packages were inline with their contributions to the company Hostess workers never woulda lost their jobs or taken pay cuts .
How can unions influence or Force a corporate office to become top heavy in CEO's & other management ?

Stopped right here to clarify. I'll get to the rest in a sec. (unless I just agree with it)

They don't and that's not at all what I said. ( I took a few weeks break from smoking for the first time in 10 years of daily and there is a good chance I wasn't clear. It was a much needed tolerance break fersher)

What I was saying is the anti-union people blamed the unions for these companies failures while ignoring it was also because of top heavy management. I didn't blame unions at all with that point. The unions had nothing to do with K-mart's failure. National Steel, Hostess and GM though, they have to share some of the blame, just not all of it like the anti-unioners try to paint it.

The anti-business people have a tendency to ignore how fat lazy and corrupt the unions can be, so that was my criticism toward that side if you want to argue it.

Edit: read the rest Pan and mostly agree. Not every shop needs to be unionized, but in a perfect world, the non-union shop would have to compete with union jobs for workers. If there were enough jobs where labor was in demand like it used to be, the non-union shops would have to compete for those employees and pay union scale.
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Open quoted post to read my responses , multi quote went silly on my phone .

If you had that much influence over the men you shoulda told them not to vote for pay cuts , then organized some picket lines around those casinos people flock to visit & done something of use for the union & its members .
dude stop adding full paragraphs to my statements...

You are changing what I am saying to FIT YOUR AGENDA then trying to prove what you changed as wrong...

You are reading all types of shit into it...

So you can read it CLEARLY.. I am done responding to you since you cant take what I say at face value.

The Brickmason union in Memphis ALMOST DIED, FACT!!!!!!! because they were ripping people off.

Do your research. It may be changed now but 10+ years ago the UNION IN MEMPHIS WAS DYING BECAUSE THEY WERE BULLSHIT. FACT.

Then throw in the mass immigration and boom, the Memphis Brickmason Union is nothing more than a joke. And that is still today right now. They have no power in Memphis because they dont have enough MEMBERS to make a difference. FACT.

Here is a question I asked my Union Rep...

I have to work 600 hours before my insurance starts, that is 4 dollars an hour out of my check for 600 hours. At the end of 600 hours I will have paid in 2400 dollars. Where does that 2400 dollars go to? At what point do I get it back, or applied to my insurance costs?

He wouldnt answer me, got in his car and drove away.
dude stop adding full paragraphs to my statements...

You are changing what I am saying to FIT YOUR AGENDA then trying to prove what you changed as wrong...

You are reading all types of shit into it...

So you can read it CLEARLY.. I am done responding to you since you cant take what I say at face value.

The Brickmason union in Memphis ALMOST DIED, FACT!!!!!!! because they were ripping people off.

Do your research. It may be changed now but 10+ years ago the UNION IN MEMPHIS WAS DYING BECAUSE THEY WERE BULLSHIT. FACT.

Then throw in the mass immigration and boom, the Memphis Brickmason Union is nothing more than a joke. And that is still today right now. They have no power in Memphis because they dont have enough MEMBERS to make a difference. FACT.

Here is a question I asked my Union Rep...

I have to work 600 hours before my insurance starts, that is 4 dollars an hour out of my check for 600 hours. At the end of 600 hours I will have paid in 2400 dollars. Where does that 2400 dollars go to? At what point do I get it back, or applied to my insurance costs?

He wouldnt answer me, got in his car and drove away.

nice meltdown, the caps lock is a nice touch.
dude stop adding full paragraphs to my statements...

You are changing what I am saying to FIT YOUR AGENDA then trying to prove what you changed as wrong...

You are reading all types of shit into it...

So you can read it CLEARLY.. I am done responding to you since you cant take what I say at face value.

The Brickmason union in Memphis ALMOST DIED, FACT!!!!!!! because they were ripping people off.

Do your research. It may be changed now but 10+ years ago the UNION IN MEMPHIS WAS DYING BECAUSE THEY WERE BULLSHIT. FACT.

Then throw in the mass immigration and boom, the Memphis Brickmason Union is nothing more than a joke. And that is still today right now. They have no power in Memphis because they dont have enough MEMBERS to make a difference. FACT.

Here is a question I asked my Union Rep...

I have to work 600 hours before my insurance starts, that is 4 dollars an hour out of my check for 600 hours. At the end of 600 hours I will have paid in 2400 dollars. Where does that 2400 dollars go to? At what point do I get it back, or applied to my insurance costs?

He wouldnt answer me, got in his car and drove away.

I have not changed a single comment you made or only used partial statements you made , every last quote i took of yours was a full comment & not altered , feel free to show me where i altered your words or their meaning .

You blamed your union for severe wage drops & i pointed out the union members who voted to approve the wage drops are to blame ,not your union , you didnt like that , too bad because its truth .

You then implied by clever wording your union Business Agent was driving a Cadillac off the sweat of your labor , another claim i proved false & you didnt like that either ,i pointed out your union rep is paid the exact hourly rate as you & not getting rich & you didnt like that , the truth hurts & you cant take it , again too bad because i posted the truth exposing your distortions & clever wording you used for shock value .

You then tried blaming construction unions for all your troubles working union construction instead of your states overwhelmingly anti union Republican leadership who's dominance of Tennessee allowed illegal immigrant workers to dominate the workforce , therefore driving wages in the shitter , you didnt like that because its truth not shock value comments you try to pull off blaming the unions instead of the illegal immigrants.

The insurance your bo hoo'ing about because you have to have 600 hours to become part of the plan is a standard deduction used by all construction unions ,you were made aware of that 600 hour requirement well in advance before you started apprentiship school but now you try to make something nefarious out of a standard plan buy in , its what helps keep insurance costs low , now im understanding exactly what you were blubbering about saying insurance hours dont carry over & it all points tword your work ethic , not the union being a scam .

I read up on your unions insurance plan this morning & know all the particulars now, the insurance rip off your claiming is this , a new apprentice is given 6 months to aquire the 600 hours needed to become a member of the insurance plan , for arguements sake & for those not familiar with construction union insurance lets say your 6 month 25 hr a week buy in starts in january & includes feb,march,april,may & june to work the 600 hour 25 hr a week buy in , if at the end of your 6th month you cant manage to work the back breaking 25 hrs a week you forfeit your 1st months hours , in this case januarys hrs, then your given july to get the hours needed , if you cant get it by july then you forfeit feb hrs & are given August to get the required buy in hrs , this is done for a very good reason ,which is to discourage the huge amount of workers who only want to work part time, just long enough to get a full unemployment claim , then sit at home loafing & taking advantage of other mens ball sweat to pay their insurance while they enjoy their unemployment.

I finally figured out what all the whining was about , you never qualified for insurance because you didnt work 25 hrs a week for 6 months straight , again not working 25 hrs a week is your fault not the union , both my brothers in law got their 600 hrs within 90 days when they went union, ones a sparky & the other a plumber & both now work for my son .

The $2,400 initial payment needed to get the union insurance gets the worker better insurance than even a UAW or Government worker , i have $1 Million per family member coverage for any disease , UNLIMITED hospital days , unlimited doc visits , unlimited specialist care , 12 chiropractic visits ,$5,000 burial benifit , $1,000 per family member dental per yr , all with ZERO co payments , our prescription coverage is unlimited & does not mandate generic medicines that are worthless & we only have a $40 max co payment ,local #5 brickys insurance is much the same so say again how horrible union insurance is , its 10x better than any of the Obama care plans your most likely covered under now , construction unions offer the absolute premium insurance plans & thats a reason why you have to pay $2,400 buy in to the plan , the reason its paid with working hrs vs cash is so the unemployment slugs & cry babby loafers dont run the insurance fund into the ground by working little & spending much.

So far ive proven all your anti union LIES as the propaganda they are , your hatred of unions stems from poltical beliefs & one other big issue , it sure sounds like you didnt work many hours being that you coudnt acquire the 25 hrs a week 600 hrs within 6 months to activate your insurance , ive seen that happen to many a journeyman where they dont get worked alot , assbusters who know their trade & reach high production levels are given preference & work lotsa hours , the cry babbies who spend more time bitching than reaching high production levels dont work much , all those times you were on the ground questioning your union rep, why oh why wasnt your insurance activated ,the other brickys were laying course after course of brick , but im not implying you were a loafer or whiner .

If you dont like reading my paragraphs exposing your twisting the truth for shock value then dont post lies or perversions of the truth in these forums , you dont even have to respond, just know any anti union lie you spew will be challenged & backed up with facts .
^ Wow dude you are so full of it...


I said I was done responding to your bullshit, and did again anyway, but yeah I am done.
You arent adding to the quote itself, you are just completely butchering what... nevermind I am wasting my time trying to explain...

good day.
The Brickmason union in Memphis ALMOST DIED, FACT!!!!!!! because they were ripping people off.FACT

Show me one single comment you made in this post where i changed your words & i'll send you $1,000 & leave the politics forum forever !

The union Allmost died is a FACT, what isnt factual is your claims of ripping people off , those claims are flat out lies , i have done my research & you tell lies , my agenda is to prove you a liar & so far your making my agenda an easy task with the nonsense your posting .

Do your research. It may be changed now but 10+ years ago the UNION IN MEMPHIS WAS DYING BECAUSE THEY WERE BULLSHIT. FACT.

The union was struggling to keep pace with the flood of illegal immigrants , FACT, all employed by non union shops who took advantage of their abject poverty in order to pay them $8 an hour for the same work you were making $27 an hour for , FACT ,when the scab workforce in the area is allowed to pay workers less than 1/4 of your union pay how the fuk do you equate that with the union ripping people off or unions being bullshit ?

Talk about having blinders on , blame the union not the flood of illegal immigrants that scab shops use to undercut all union shops , the scab illegal immigrant brickys who took your union work didnt have the training you had so how can their quality of product be as good as properly trained masons ? It cant be as good of quality ,FACT !

Then throw in the mass immigration and boom, the Memphis Brickmason Union is nothing more than a joke. And that is still today right now. They have no power in Memphis because they dont have enough MEMBERS to make a difference. FACT.

So you admit MASS immigration in the building trades , immigrants who allways get taken advantage of by scab shops & use their workers minimum wage pay to undercut all union workers making your hourly wage but again you blame the union , wtf kinda economics have you studied .

Scabs taking advantage of illegal immigrant labor is what killed your union , FACT !

Here is a question I asked my Union Rep...I have to work 600 hours before my insurance starts, that is 4 dollars an hour out of my check for 600 hours. At the end of 600 hours I will have paid in 2400 dollars. Where does that 2400 dollars go to? At what point do I get it back, or applied to my insurance costs?He wouldnt answer me, got in his car and drove away.

Your questioning him was nonsensical in nature , if you truly were an apprentice then the entire structure of all union benifits woulda been explained to you , in vivid detail in tradeschool , explained by the teacher who is a union Journeyman & a representative of the union , your questions posed to him were also fully explained in your apprentices handbook that all new apprentices recieve , your questioning the union rep over issues you were allready informed of , and could read for yourself in the literature provided to you by the union was stupidity , FACT .

I woulda drove off on you as well knowing a 12 yr old could get the answers from the union literature, i did do my research on your union 10 yrs ago & know for a FACT the questions you posed were explained in person & on paper .

The more you post the more i doubt your a Journeyman mason , you sound more like a 1st year apprentice & not a Journeyman .

Since your so woefully ignorant of how your own unions insurance works i'll explain , all new apprentices are given 6 months to work the 600 hours required to activate your insurance , at the time you managed to work 25 hours a week for 6 months the $4 an hour woulda activated your insurance & thats when your $2,400 woulda been applied to your benifits .

Thats the explaination you were given verbally & in writing by your union ,FACT !
What I was saying is the anti-union people blamed the unions for these companies failures while ignoring it was also because of top heavy management. I didn't blame unions at all with that point. The unions had nothing to do with K-mart's failure. National Steel, Hostess and GM though, they have to share some of the blame, just not all of it like the anti-unioners try to paint it.

The anti-business people have a tendency to ignore how fat lazy and corrupt the unions can be, so that was my criticism toward that side if you want to argue it.

Edit: read the rest Pan and mostly agree. Not every shop needs to be unionized, but in a perfect world, the non-union shop would have to compete with union jobs for workers. If there were enough jobs where labor was in demand like it used to be, the non-union shops would have to compete for those employees and pay union scale.

Im allways the 1st pro union man to stand up & admit the sloth promoted by the UAW & USW durring a 10 to 15 year period , corporate had the Too Big To Fail mindset & the unions took advantage of that , not only did they take advantage of corporates stupidity the corporate management actually helped the big unions sloth demands like the UAW & USW pulled on GM & Great Lakes Steel , management was 100% negligent in its approach to dealing with labor & production , management was like the extremely drunk rich guy passed out at the bar with $100,000 hanging out of his pocket nearly falling on the floor & labor was the asshole with no morals who took advantage of his ignorance & stole his cash , i watched both run themselves into the ground .

I just like to make sure that i also point out that its impossible for unions to cause corporate bloat & ceo pay scale grand standing , ive only been involved with 2 steel plants & due to the nature of foundrys couldnt observe alot so i'll just speak as to the UAW's modern work force .

The days of assembly line workers sleeping on the job are long gone , so are the days of zero accountability for quality , the UAW is once again a highly trained & motivated workforce who's main concern is quality, just like they were up until the late 70's & early 80's ,that period was very poor performance on the part of the big unions , the vehicles made by current UAW workers are 2nd to none .

My comments on union dues being taxed were meant for the 100% anti union groups who use union dues as some nefarious conspiracy shit , i wanted to make sure they knew workers who pay dues dont get some kinda tax break like the rich do when contributing to other non profit groups .

I just cant see how some of these guys are 100% against unions when they have zero experience working in them , nor have they wittnessed 1st hand any of the yrs upon yrs of unions making sure workers had a safe workplace & were decently compensated , Great Lakes Steel is a great example as is GM & Ford , before unions men were forced to work 6 & 7 twelve hr days a week under dangerous working conditions , the unions are the reason why the USA has a standardized 5 day work week which is becomming a thing of the past , the unions offer worker training that no non union organizations have ever came close to matching .

The construction industry is under siege by illegal immigrants with just enough training to allow them to perform their job but not enough to look for better paying work elsewhere & many people here think thats great , im not just pro union im pro worker , even for the non union guys who dont support my union , look at Texas where uncleben is happy with his states working status , they have half a million illegal workers with only the sparcest of training building homes , labor costs average $8 an hour & in turn have made new home costs so low you can buy a new 3,000 sq ft home for $150,000 , the men building these homes are being worked like slaves & contribute absolutely zero to the tax base that supports our country & its abhorant.

No company should be allowed to have openly deadly workplaces where a brick mason makes $320 a week building a home so his corporate managers can get obscenely rich off every job , these anti union folk have no idea how hard construction workers work even in a union , the non union illegal immigrants are worked to death & its damm near killed off middle class America , the new middle class requires both parents work full time to break $30 grand & the anti union folk look down on all jobs except their job , everybody but them is replaceable & not worth being paid a good living .

Most of the anti union people dont even know why their anti union , their like talking heads parroting shit others have said so they can seem relevant on the topic & scream union dues & other nonsense as a reason to hate unions .

I know your not 100% anti union & wasnt trying to bash you but i do feel i need to clarify comments so the hard line anti union brain deads are made aware of fact vs myth .

Oh & if you came back to visit Mich you wouldnt have to rent an HD , you could borrow one of ours as long as you have a liscense :)
Dont be pissed because i know wtf im talking about & the union issues i quote as fact are from 32 yrs hands on experience , i worked for one of the largest global construction companys as a superintendent, any tradesman here union or non union knows the site super settles all union beefs , we also settle all non union workers beefs & organize all contractors , i was damm good at my job too .

I didnt work exclusively with union subs on my projects ( allthough i'd prefer to) i worked with many a non union contractor as well , some were very good & qualified workers & others were a problem every day & very dangerous .

I know what kinda rats scabs can be , i watched my friend die after he fell thru a 6 x 8 curb covered only by 24 gauge sheet metal vs the 2 pcs of 1 inch plywood required , their excuse was it was cheaper , they paid 3.8 million for that death & a million in osha fines & never missed a days work or even sent flowers to the funeral, they coulda spent $5k doing shit safe & proper but scabs like cheap over safe , did you not even read my post about the roofer in Texas who fell to his death from no perimiter warning flags or saftey harnesses , then the foreman threatened to fire anybody who talked ?

I spent 9 months in a burn unit because the only scab contractor on site didnt take the time to put his welding & cutting gasses in the proper location , seconds after discovering his hidden stockpile of acetylene & oxygen a welders spark hit a leaky tank & the explosion nearly killed me , burned the fuk outta me, broke my back & caused 2 partial amputated fingers, his excuse was nobody told me ! I took $580,000 off that mother fuker in cash & another million in a medical trust for all my surgeries , i bank rupted his business , i shoulda asked for 2 million instead .

I dont google shit cause i dont need too , it would be like me googling shit on your career & trying to discount your on the job claims , i wouldnt stand a chance , this is the one subject i know assloads about .
Once again.................Yeah, I've noticed that about you. If it didn't happen to you, it didn't happen.
Once again.................Yeah, I've noticed that about you. If it didn't happen to you, it didn't happen.

Thanks for stopping by red but your comment in no way takes away from the distortions of truth & lies of wrong doing i disproved so far .

Any contributions that happened to you or you have personal experience with or just lurking ?
Thanks for stopping by red but your comment in no way takes away from the distortions of truth & lies of wrong doing i disproved so far .

Any contributions that happened to you or you have personal experience with or just lurking ?
I recounted personal experience and you said it didn't happen. So..........
I recounted personal experience and you said it didn't happen. So..........

Noooo you recounted a tail of woe about project costs going way over budget on a hospital & tried to blame it on hourly workers , unless your the architect who changed the plans or hospital admin who ordered different equipment causing costs to rise you were telling a story , not recounting personal truthfull experience .

Balls in your court .
Noooo you recounted a tail of woe about project costs going way over budget on a hospital & tried to blame it on hourly workers , unless your the architect who changed the plans or hospital admin who ordered different equipment causing costs to rise you were telling a story , not recounting personal truthfull experience .

Balls in your court .

i wouldn't give an estimate of $100 to hang an exterior door in a shitty home. so his claim of an estimate for a $100 exterior door in a freakin' hospital is beyond all belief.
i wouldn't give an estimate of $100 to hang an exterior door in a shitty home. so his claim of an estimate for a $100 exterior door in a freakin' hospital is beyond all belief.
Hey creepy stalker, get back to P5s, You are hit over there, my inbox is blowing up with thanks for you and your stalking.

No seriously, they think you are awesome!! You might actually be the favorite poster right now.

It's good enough to take you off ignore here and let you know. I mean, you are reaaaaaaaaaaaaally showing those guys just how cool a creepy stalker can be.
you're really not good at this ignoring thing ya know.
I'm not ignoring you right now. This is too good to pass up.

Keep doing what you are doing though, mad props.

I do admit you are kinda dumb though. You quoted me saying I'm not ignoring you and then replied I'm not good at ignoring you.

I have to thank you for the laughs these last two nights, you are the best!

lol if you only knew....

If you start getting calls at home asking for blowjobs, don't say I didn't warn you.
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