Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Union - Unions Demand Exemption From LA's $15 Minimum Wage

Yeah I'm not a union hater either, even though I may seem to be. They were important for sure but I think times have changed and our country suffers in the job growth department so there's also a lot of shit that comes from them in the negative side of things nowadays
Don't know if it's still the same but the strict guidelines regarding what a worker can and can not do is what drives costs up. For example and this may be to the extreme, say a task requires an electrician to hammer out or drive something that is normally performed by another worker wearing a different hard hat. Production/task is delayed until the other guy is called in to make good. IOW, if you're a carpenter, then you do only what carpenters do.

Im very familiar with the cross trades work you used as an example , first off rules are in place for a trade to only do their own union contract for a reason , if not enforced you'll have roofers doing iron workers jobs installing roof decking , then doing sheet metal trades work installing roof related sheet metal , these arent little 5 minute tasks but tasks that require many man days to accomplish , when the contractor bid his work he knew there would be other trades needed to complete his work & included money for the other trades needed within his origional bid , but then the contractor tries to skirt using the other trades required by using his own tradesmen & using the " it'll only take 5 minutes" excuse, even though he included costs for other trades within his bid , by the end of the job all those lil 5 minute tasks add up to dozens of man days work taken from another trade .

What you posted as a reason for cost increases is 100% false , the electrician you mentioned having to wait a half hour for another trade increases final cost absolutely zero dollars , the electricans bid is hard nailed & is supposed to include payment for any & all trades needed to acomplish his work , the ONLY thing that causes costs to rise once a project is started is change orders or extras not included in the contractors initial bid , the costs of an electrician having to wait on an iron worker are passed on to the electrical contractor who had money in his bid covering such work stoppages , its extremely commonplace.

Another huge misconception from anti union folk is that labor costs are the largest cost of a project which is 100% false , labor accounts for 20% to 25% of final completion costs , material account for 30% to 35% of final completion costs ,at max labor & material account for 60% of costs leaving a 40% profit margin for the builder .

There numbers hold true weather its a union builder or a scab builder so union wages or union trade jumping exclusions account for exactly zero dollars to the final cost of any open bid contract .

These are facts , union trades add exactly zero dollars to any open bid project , low bidder wins the job weather its a scab shop or union shop .
Im very familiar with the cross trades work you used as an example , first off rules are in place for a trade to only do their own union contract for a reason , if not enforced you'll have roofers doing iron workers jobs installing roof decking , then doing sheet metal trades work installing roof related sheet metal , these arent little 5 minute tasks but tasks that require many man days to accomplish , when the contractor bid his work he knew there would be other trades needed to complete his work & included money for the other trades needed within his origional bid , but then the contractor tries to skirt using the other trades required by using his own tradesmen & using the " it'll only take 5 minutes" excuse, even though he included costs for other trades within his bid , by the end of the job all those lil 5 minute tasks add up to dozens of man days work taken from another trade .

What you posted as a reason for cost increases is 100% false , the electrician you mentioned having to wait a half hour for another trade increases final cost absolutely zero dollars , the electricans bid is hard nailed & is supposed to include payment for any & all trades needed to acomplish his work , the ONLY thing that causes costs to rise once a project is started is change orders or extras not included in the contractors initial bid , the costs of an electrician having to wait on an iron worker are passed on to the electrical contractor who had money in his bid covering such work stoppages , its extremely commonplace.

Another huge misconception from anti union folk is that labor costs are the largest cost of a project which is 100% false , labor accounts for 20% to 25% of final completion costs , material account for 30% to 35% of final completion costs ,at max labor & material account for 60% of costs leaving a 40% profit margin for the builder .

There numbers hold true weather its a union builder or a scab builder so union wages or union trade jumping exclusions account for exactly zero dollars to the final cost of any open bid contract .

These are facts , union trades add exactly zero dollars to any open bid project , low bidder wins the job weather its a scab shop or union shop .
Electricians and such are paid by the hour, not by the job. The electrician doing the work doesn't bid on the project, the contractor does. Many, if not most government contracts are cost-plus, not a set bid. Governments usually pay for cost overruns. Scab builders get the contracts because they can offer lower bids. You sound authoratarian, but you distorted reality to support your desired scenario
Most contracts I have been involved in worked on 1/3rds. 1/3 labor costs, 1/3 material, 1/3 profit. Of course there are always unforeseen expenses that end up coming out of that 1/3 profit.
Electricians and such are paid by the hour, not by the job. The electrician doing the work doesn't bid on the project, the contractor does. Many, if not most government contracts are cost-plus, not a set bid. Governments usually pay for cost overruns. Scab builders get the contracts because they can offer lower bids. You sound authoratarian, but you distorted reality to support your desired scenario

Your the one who tried to distort reality , not me .

Yes i am an authority on the subject as i was a project manager/site superintendent that organized & coordinated all the bldg trades on multi million dollar projects, including government projects such as US embassies world wide , my info is from 3 decades of hands on experience with government contracts , not news/media reports designed to fit a political agenda , your " electricians are paid by the hour" and " Cost over run" comments are self serving & do not in any way back up your arguement or reflect the reality of construction costs .

Let me adress every issue you claimed i distorted in detail so theres no confusion.

1 How electricians & all bldg trades on a project get paid .

Tradesmen are paid hourly by their employer , said employer was given a set of blueprints & exact specifications of materials as well as SCOPE OF WORK , within the scope of work the estimator working for the electricians company determines material costs ,he determines which parts of his work will require using other trades to complete his contract , he also determines production rates in terms of man days ( man day is one 8 hr day for 1 man ) , the estimator adds material costs , labor costs , subcontractor costs ( other trades required to complete his companys scope of work ) then profit margins are added in for a total project cost , the electricians hourly pay & down time due to coordination with other trades are all expected & accounted for dollar for dollar within the companys initial bid price , which is set in stone .

Once awarded the contract the electrical contractor will be paid in increments ( Completion percentage payments ) to complete his project to the letter of the contract , anything the estimator forgot to account for ,or didnt price accurately the burden of the cost does NOT get pased onto the building owner or the public, the electrical company eats the costs of any mistakes they made in their bid , including forgetting to pay for other trades the electrical contractor knowingly needed to complete his companys work , blueprints & scope of work assure no suprises, again no burden of extra costs are passed on to the building owner or the public by any company or its workmen , additional labor/material costs come out of the electrical companys profit margins .

2 Cost over runs .

The only things that cause cost over runs are change orders where the architect changed something from the origional blueprints, or specification changes which cause the electrical contractor to use additional material & or extra labor costs to complete his work , the other cost over run is extras that weren't included in the contractors origional scope of work , these costs are caused directly from the architect or building owner asking the contractor to ADD something new that wasnt in his scope of work such as additional parking lot lights , more fixtures or outlets ect , all cost over runs are the blame of the architect changing something or the building owner wanting something added to the project , not hourly workers or their company .

At no time are cost over runs the blame of any contractor ,or his union or scab hourly employees , they are caused by design changes & or additional work ,not the speed of any workman .

3 Cost plus projects .

Only a small percentage of projects are cost plus projects , not the majority as you claimed , the ones that are cost plus are not open to public bidding , this was the worst possible example you coulda used , think about that one for a minute , cost plus with the cost & plus being unknown variables with no set dollar amount , wtf is the point of paying the costs associated with an open bid project if every last contractors price is going to be the same ,cost plus .

Cost plus projects are awarded not on a per bid process but an approved contractors list , some companys have contracts in place to provide building services at predetermined per sq ft prices where the government guarantees the contractors X millions of dollars worth of work that yr in exchange for an extremely low per sq ft basis , this is the cost , the plus is any unknown variable that deviates from the open ended contract a company has in place .

Cost plus projects make up only a small number of projects such as retrofits of exisisting structures , additional sq footage of existing structures , or on bldgs where state or national security is an issue & only so many approved contractors are capable of providing construction services needed & meet security protocol at the same time .

Union workmen in no way increase the final cost of a project , the bidding process negates all pay scales .

Cost over runs where the building owner or the public bears the burden of the additional expense are ALLWAYS the result of the architects design changes , bldg owner changes or additions to the original design of the contractors prints & the original scope of work contained within all contractors contract agreements .

At no time are hourly workers or the companys they work for responsible for cost over runs as you erroneously posted .
Most contracts I have been involved in worked on 1/3rds. 1/3 labor costs, 1/3 material, 1/3 profit. Of course there are always unforeseen expenses that end up coming out of that 1/3 profit.

Nice to see some truth in here instead of politics , your numbers are about right along the same as mine , the larger the project size all costs go down , material costs from bulk ordering go down & profit margins go down a few percent as well due to so many estimators with sharp ass pencils wanting the big projects to keep their men going longer .

I did not know you were a tradesman , im glad to see we have more than 3 tradesmen on site.

What trades are you in bro , i was a commercial/industrial roofer , an architectual sheet metal worker ,an operating engineer who worked as a crane operator mainly & have journeyman cards in the 1st 2 trades , i have a CCO in the operating engineers ,then my last trade as superintendent which was ok but not my favorite job , running crane & roofing were my favorites ,now im retired but still sit on the executive board of my union .

I know what most of the tradesmen here do & just like to know what everybody does , it kinda makes me feel connected to the trades a bit more now that ive been retired over 5 yrs , no political agenda behind my curiosity, just a general respect of all tradesmen here because i know how hard everybody in the trades work.
Panhead, great points. But, if I want something done at a reasonable cost, based on a quality work ethic, it sure won't be via union laborers. We don't have them here in Texas and we're one of the most vibrant, progressive growing states in America.

My local city's unemployment rate was just announced in the paper at 2.9%. That's a real figure, not skewed by some gov statistician. This as opposed to Obama's real world tripe that comes out to 15.3% thanks to folks who have dropped out of the looking for work pool.
Panhead, great points. But, if I want something done at a reasonable cost, based on a quality work ethic, it sure won't be via union laborers. We don't have them here in Texas and we're one of the most vibrant, progressive growing states in America.

california dwarfs your states GDP, and new york is just about the same as yours.

texas is not progressive in any way either.

My local city's unemployment rate was just announced in the paper at 2.9%. That's a real figure, not skewed by some gov statistician. This as opposed to Obama's real world tripe that comes out to 15.3% thanks to folks who have dropped out of the looking for work pool.

the unemployment rate is based on a monthly survey, dumbass.

you can drop the conspiracy theories, grand wizard benis.
It's okay sweety, I understand. You are struggling right now because there is no one there for you when you need them the most. I will stand by you during this difficult time. I know you will need someone to talk to, and you will need someone who understands the drama going on inside of yourself and the drama going on inside of your circle of friends. They will not see this sort of thing coming. I have endured this whole thing, myself. I can be a friend to you during your difficult and tumultuous life decision. All you need to do is affirm yourself. Be loud, and be proud! You are a human being (sort of). Let everyone know how you really feel!

Any man who says they have never had a homosexual thought in their life is a flat out liar , i'll admit some of those chicks with dicks that dynarider posts i'd bang the living shit outta while sober as a judge , just tie their big bulging penis outta the way so i dont get stabbed in the navel & its on , then depending on how much liquor & drugs are in my system i'd give em a reach around if that ass was any good & they could suck like a pro .

Let a man do a few yrs jerking off in prison & those sissys in daisy dukes swishing that ass up n down the block get a mother fuker thinking for real :hump:
Panhead, great points. But, if I want something done at a reasonable cost, based on a quality work ethic, it sure won't be via union laborers. We don't have them here in Texas and we're one of the most vibrant, progressive growing states in America

You do have unions in the state of Texas & many union contractors come to Texas from all over the country to errect new buildings , big union contractors bid work nation & world wide .

You have a bad impression of unions , i think your attitude twords unions stems from the sheer sloth many unions represented in the late 70's & early 80's , i'll be the 1st to admit that some unions promoted sloth durring that 10 to 12 yr period , mainly the UAW & the quality of american cars durring that period showed a pure shit work ethic & zero care about pride of workmanship or a general good work ethic .

Those 10 yrs or so that us older folks rember has tainted unions in a big way , i can assure you the days of shit work ethic , sloth & poor quality product are lone gone , even with the UAW they gave up their sloth demands & went back to having only employees with an excellent work ethic & quality of product , had they not changed their ways the UAW along with all US auto makers woulda went the wayside along time ago .

Right now ford & gm are building world class trucks who's quality is unrivaled , my personal old beater gmc 1500 has over 300,000 miles on it & thats when the odometer broke so it could have 400,000 miles on it & i'd drive it from Michigan to your place in Texas without a concern & it hasnt been drove this yr at all .

My union built 1952 Panhead HD has over 500,000 miles on the bike & its still going strong after over 60 yrs of use, no 63 yr old rice grinders on the road ive seen .

As for quality of workmanship with unionized construction workers the unions are unrivaled , a union apprentice bldg tradesman gets a minimum of 3 to 5 yrs trade school before getting a journeymans card in their trade , i myself spent just over 10 yrs in trade schools learning the skills needed to coordinate multi million dollar projects where quality is a must , my non union counterpart attends 6 months of online trade school in construction management, we've all saw the tv commercials with the dicks looking at blueprints from some online school , if you were having a building errected who'd you rather have in charge , an ex welfare bum with 6 months online training or a guy like me who's spent over 10 yrs in trade schools learning proper quality proceedures ?

You might be interested in knowing some facts about the boom in Texas , it has the most on the job construction injuries in the entire US , roughly half of construction workers in Texas are undoccumented illegal workers which has drove construction workers wages in the state to be the lowest average in the entire US .

Texas has by far the largest number of reported cases of wage fraud , some workers paid as low as $4 an hour because their illegal, some workers worked for weeks without any pay at all then fired for no reason , then the contractor hires a whole new group of illegals , works the shit outta them for weeks & fires them too , who they gonna complain to Lamigra ?

How great of product is a guy making $4 an hour gonna do ? Not much i suspect , one in every 16 workers in Texas is employed in the construction industry & the average hourly pay is $8 an hour .

Texas is also the nations leader by far in on the job deaths over the rest of the country , Texas also leads the countrys construction industry in construction worker deaths related to incompetence or gross negligence of any saftey protocols .

This poorly trained crane operator who had 90 days of training caused the death of 2 workers by not understanding the cranes computer system , i spent 4 yrs learning to run that same crane a Texas man was allowed to operate with 90 days training .

You should rember this accident causing 2 deaths & dozens of non workmans comp protected injuries at the University of Texas in 2012 .


The government estimates the lost federal taxes from the over 500,000 illegal alien construction workers at $1.6 billion dollars a year & thats from just the untaxed laborers income, over 40% of hourly construction workers in Texas are Mislabled as subcontractors & are not covered under any workmans comp insurance should they get hurt or die on the job they are stuck with all medical bills .

Texas also leads the nation in construction company tax evasion , by labeling $8 an hour workers as subcontractors the companies avoid paying any social security taxes for their workers which costs social security billions in lost revenue each year .

Texas also leads the nation in workmans comp fraud , by calling hourly workers subcontractors they dont have to cover construction workers comp .

Texas also leads the nations construction industry in worker tax fraud , the 500,000 illegal alien $8 an hour subcontractor employees have zero income taxes deducted from their checks & since their illegal they dont file tax returns .

Sure sounds to me that the boom in Texas is happening while the rest of the country is picking up the tab for the billions its companys & workers are allowed to cheat the goverment out of , it sounds like a scab business mans paradise & a construction workers worst nightmare , it must be nice to have the rest of the country pay the hospital bills of the 1 in 5 construction workers with no comp require hospitalization from on the job injuries .

Heres a direct quote from last months Building Tradesman magazine i get each month , how do you feel about this roofers death & his family loosing a father then being stuck with all the bills from his death & funeral.

Quote .
Take the story of 48-year-old Angel Hurtado, an undocumented roofer who died at an Austin warehouse site that had fallen behind schedule & the boss was screaming he would fire everybody if rhey didnt hurry up .Angel plummeted 20 feet to a concrete floor, hitting his head on a girder as he fell, no warning lines were in place and the job site had no saftey measures in place in direct violation .

Standing on the back road in the upscale Austin suburb of West Lake Hills where his father died, Angel's son Christian grows quiet and sad. His mother was also working at the site that day and saw her husband fall. She cradled his broken head in her lap, hysterical with grief while the foreman yelled at the men to get back to work or they would be fired , all were directed not to answer questions from police about the fall .

When Christian arrived, the subcontractor took him aside and promised to pay for his father's funeral, Christian says. "The next day, we never see this guy. He never pick up the phone. We never hear anything from him, and he never called us back."

According to the study, 1 in every 5 Texas construction workers will require hospitalization because of injuries on the job. Texas is the only state in the nation without mandatory workers' compensation, meaning hospitals and taxpayers usually end up shouldering the cost when uncovered construction workers are hurt.
End Quote .

The only people who are booming in Texas are those with money & wealth , its a well off mans paradise & at the same time a workers hell being the lowest paid construction workers in the US with the highest death rate .

How the hell can you support this kinda shit uncleben ? Seriously how can you be proud of your state when its companys are getting rich from tax fraud & using a half million illegal workers who will most likely be seriously injured or die while at work , then need to collect foodstamps just to eat .

Please tell me your not proud of the statistics i quoted .
It's actually a smart move by unions. Their memberships are dwindling and by them being the only game in town to pay less than the 15/hr min wage, shop owners that would never consider going unionized would be begging for it. Once the foot is in the door, you can bet the negotiations to raise wages happen immediately, but regardless if they are successful or not, the unions will get to increase dues collections, tax free!
Electricians and such are paid by the hour, not by the job.

Tradesmen are paid hourly by their employer

Many, if not most government contracts are cost-plus, not a set bid.

Just two of millions of examples:

"{AURORA, Colo. — There are hospital doors at the half-built Veterans Affairs medical center outside Denver that were supposed to cost $100 each but ended up running $1,400. There’s a $100-million-and-still-rising price tag for an atrium and concourse with curving blond-wood walls and towering glass windows. And entire rooms that had to be refashioned because requests for medical equipment changed at the last minute and in other cases the equipment didn’t fit. No one had bothered to measure.

Not even completed yet, this $1.7 billion facility is already among the most expensive hospitals in the world, and it’s just one of several VA hospital projects that are greatly over budget and behind schedule, according to the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress."

The building I work in, a government facility, was built using rebar that did not meet specifications as contracted. The contractor saved himself $500,000 by cheating.on the specs. He was still paid in full.

Scab builders get the contracts because they can offer lower bids.

the estimator adds material costs , labor costs , subcontractor costs ( other trades required to complete his companys scope of work ) then profit margins are added in for a total project cost , the electricians hourly pay & down time due to coordination with other trades are all expected & accounted for dollar for dollar within the companys initial bid price

Note this statement also contradicts the next:

Union workmen in no way increase the final cost of a project , the bidding process negates all pay scales

All those years of experience, yet you seem unaware of the real world.
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Any man who says they have never had a homosexual thought in their life is a flat out liar , i'll admit some of those chicks with dicks that dynarider posts i'd bang the living shit outta while sober as a judge , just tie their big bulging penis outta the way so i dont get stabbed in the navel & its on , then depending on how much liquor & drugs are in my system i'd give em a reach around if that ass was any good & they could suck like a pro .

Let a man do a few yrs jerking off in prison & those sissys in daisy dukes swishing that ass up n down the block get a mother fuker thinking for real :hump:
You seem to be ready without being inprisoned
Im very familiar with the cross trades work you used as an example , first off rules are in place for a trade to only do their own union contract for a reason , if not enforced you'll have roofers doing iron workers jobs installing roof decking , then doing sheet metal trades work installing roof related sheet metal , these arent little 5 minute tasks but tasks that require many man days to accomplish , when the contractor bid his work he knew there would be other trades needed to complete his work & included money for the other trades needed within his origional bid , but then the contractor tries to skirt using the other trades required by using his own tradesmen & using the " it'll only take 5 minutes" excuse, even though he included costs for other trades within his bid , by the end of the job all those lil 5 minute tasks add up to dozens of man days work taken from another trade .

What you posted as a reason for cost increases is 100% false , the electrician you mentioned having to wait a half hour for another trade increases final cost absolutely zero dollars , the electricans bid is hard nailed & is supposed to include payment for any & all trades needed to acomplish his work , the ONLY thing that causes costs to rise once a project is started is change orders or extras not included in the contractors initial bid , the costs of an electrician having to wait on an iron worker are passed on to the electrical contractor who had money in his bid covering such work stoppages , its extremely commonplace.

Another huge misconception from anti union folk is that labor costs are the largest cost of a project which is 100% false , labor accounts for 20% to 25% of final completion costs , material account for 30% to 35% of final completion costs ,at max labor & material account for 60% of costs leaving a 40% profit margin for the builder .

There numbers hold true weather its a union builder or a scab builder so union wages or union trade jumping exclusions account for exactly zero dollars to the final cost of any open bid contract .

These are facts , union trades add exactly zero dollars to any open bid project , low bidder wins the job weather its a scab shop or union shop .
Sounds like trade related protectionism...

Down with that sort of thing.
You do have unions in the state of Texas & many union contractors come to Texas from all over the country to errect new buildings , big union contractors bid work nation & world wide .

You have a bad impression of unions , i think your attitude twords unions stems from the sheer sloth many unions represented in the late 70's & early 80's , i'll be the 1st to admit that some unions promoted sloth durring that 10 to 12 yr period , mainly the UAW & the quality of american cars durring that period showed a pure shit work ethic & zero care about pride of workmanship or a general good work ethic .

Those 10 yrs or so that us older folks rember has tainted unions in a big way , i can assure you the days of shit work ethic , sloth & poor quality product are lone gone , even with the UAW they gave up their sloth demands & went back to having only employees with an excellent work ethic & quality of product , had they not changed their ways the UAW along with all US auto makers woulda went the wayside along time ago .

Right now ford & gm are building world class trucks who's quality is unrivaled , my personal old beater gmc 1500 has over 300,000 miles on it & thats when the odometer broke so it could have 400,000 miles on it & i'd drive it from Michigan to your place in Texas without a concern & it hasnt been drove this yr at all .

My union built 1952 Panhead HD has over 500,000 miles on the bike & its still going strong after over 60 yrs of use, no 63 yr old rice grinders on the road ive seen .

As for quality of workmanship with unionized construction workers the unions are unrivaled , a union apprentice bldg tradesman gets a minimum of 3 to 5 yrs trade school before getting a journeymans card in their trade , i myself spent just over 10 yrs in trade schools learning the skills needed to coordinate multi million dollar projects where quality is a must , my non union counterpart attends 6 months of online trade school in construction management, we've all saw the tv commercials with the dicks looking at blueprints from some online school , if you were having a building errected who'd you rather have in charge , an ex welfare bum with 6 months online training or a guy like me who's spent over 10 yrs in trade schools learning proper quality proceedures ?

You might be interested in knowing some facts about the boom in Texas , it has the most on the job construction injuries in the entire US , roughly half of construction workers in Texas are undoccumented illegal workers which has drove construction workers wages in the state to be the lowest average in the entire US .

Texas has by far the largest number of reported cases of wage fraud , some workers paid as low as $4 an hour because their illegal, some workers worked for weeks without any pay at all then fired for no reason , then the contractor hires a whole new group of illegals , works the shit outta them for weeks & fires them too , who they gonna complain to Lamigra ?

How great of product is a guy making $4 an hour gonna do ? Not much i suspect , one in every 16 workers in Texas is employed in the construction industry & the average hourly pay is $8 an hour .

Texas is also the nations leader by far in on the job deaths over the rest of the country , Texas also leads the countrys construction industry in construction worker deaths related to incompetence or gross negligence of any saftey protocols .

This poorly trained crane operator who had 90 days of training caused the death of 2 workers by not understanding the cranes computer system , i spent 4 yrs learning to run that same crane a Texas man was allowed to operate with 90 days training .

You should rember this accident causing 2 deaths & dozens of non workmans comp protected injuries at the University of Texas in 2012 .


The government estimates the lost federal taxes from the over 500,000 illegal alien construction workers at $1.6 billion dollars a year & thats from just the untaxed laborers income, over 40% of hourly construction workers in Texas are Mislabled as subcontractors & are not covered under any workmans comp insurance should they get hurt or die on the job they are stuck with all medical bills .

Texas also leads the nation in construction company tax evasion , by labeling $8 an hour workers as subcontractors the companies avoid paying any social security taxes for their workers which costs social security billions in lost revenue each year .

Texas also leads the nation in workmans comp fraud , by calling hourly workers subcontractors they dont have to cover construction workers comp .

Texas also leads the nations construction industry in worker tax fraud , the 500,000 illegal alien $8 an hour subcontractor employees have zero income taxes deducted from their checks & since their illegal they dont file tax returns .

Sure sounds to me that the boom in Texas is happening while the rest of the country is picking up the tab for the billions its companys & workers are allowed to cheat the goverment out of , it sounds like a scab business mans paradise & a construction workers worst nightmare , it must be nice to have the rest of the country pay the hospital bills of the 1 in 5 construction workers with no comp require hospitalization from on the job injuries .

Heres a direct quote from last months Building Tradesman magazine i get each month , how do you feel about this roofers death & his family loosing a father then being stuck with all the bills from his death & funeral.

Quote .
Take the story of 48-year-old Angel Hurtado, an undocumented roofer who died at an Austin warehouse site that had fallen behind schedule & the boss was screaming he would fire everybody if rhey didnt hurry up .Angel plummeted 20 feet to a concrete floor, hitting his head on a girder as he fell, no warning lines were in place and the job site had no saftey measures in place in direct violation .

Standing on the back road in the upscale Austin suburb of West Lake Hills where his father died, Angel's son Christian grows quiet and sad. His mother was also working at the site that day and saw her husband fall. She cradled his broken head in her lap, hysterical with grief while the foreman yelled at the men to get back to work or they would be fired , all were directed not to answer questions from police about the fall .

When Christian arrived, the subcontractor took him aside and promised to pay for his father's funeral, Christian says. "The next day, we never see this guy. He never pick up the phone. We never hear anything from him, and he never called us back."

According to the study, 1 in every 5 Texas construction workers will require hospitalization because of injuries on the job. Texas is the only state in the nation without mandatory workers' compensation, meaning hospitals and taxpayers usually end up shouldering the cost when uncovered construction workers are hurt.
End Quote .

The only people who are booming in Texas are those with money & wealth , its a well off mans paradise & at the same time a workers hell being the lowest paid construction workers in the US with the highest death rate .

How the hell can you support this kinda shit uncleben ? Seriously how can you be proud of your state when its companys are getting rich from tax fraud & using a half million illegal workers who will most likely be seriously injured or die while at work , then need to collect foodstamps just to eat .

Please tell me your not proud of the statistics i quoted .
2003 Silverado
Original engine
Original tranny
Like a fuckin rock! A Union built rock! :hump:
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"{AURORA, Colo. — There are hospital doors at the half-built Veterans Affairs medical center outside Denver that were supposed to cost $100 each but ended up running $1,400. .

You all by yourself couldn't install an exterior door on your home for $100 ,now tell me who's fault that cost change is & who bears the cost of the correct doors , either the building owner because his architect supplied wrong specs or the door company's estimator & his company eats the cost , in neither case is it the fault of workmen .This is why you shouldn't use Google to argue with cause I'm gonna discredit every thing you posted for the nonsense it is .:hump:

There’s a $100-million-and-still-rising price tag for an atrium and concourse with curving blond-wood walls and towering glass windows. And entire rooms that had to be refashioned because requests for medical equipment changed at the last minute and in other cases the equipment didn’t fit. No one had bothered to measure..

Again your reading then regurgitating political nonsense mixed in with fact to fit your agenda & its reinforcing my position :mrgreen:

Who's fault are the design changes structural changes & equipment change orders ! If your stumped reread my previous post to you .:idea:

Hint comprehensive reading of my post you quoted will answer all your confused examples trying to lay the blame at hourly workers feet .

As I already painstakingly pointed out any changes in plans, design or structure are the fault of the architect, the changes in equipment are caused by hospital administration , both cases have zero to do with any hourly worker on site or his company , these stupid examples your giving are only proving my point .

Oh & the equipment wouldn't fit thru the doors because the architect altered the room designs ,as you pointed out ,which most likely attributed to equipment not fitting , next you have hospital admins changing equipment where they didn't consult the architect , or the architect was negligent with his alterations to original plans causing equipment not to fit .

So far every example you have gave is proving my assertation that all additional costs are caused by the architect changing the structure ( as I already told you ) or by the bldg owner requesting extras , in this case different equipment that don't fit ( I told you this already also ) .

Your not doing so well supporting your position that hourly workers are the cause of cost over runs & Google is making it worse on ya :lol:

Oh and on your rebar example, how the hell do you equate that to any hourly worker , the contractor is responsible for ordering the correct material for the hourly workers to install , not hourly workers , another nonsense example fully discredited :lol:.

One more thing about your bldgs rebar & the contractor being paid in full , if the contractor couldn't aquire the specified material architects always have approved secondary materials in their specifications , the rebar had to be an approved alternate material or the contractor would a never received his final job draw which is normally 20% , if the contractor got paid in full & saved $500,000 by using an alternate approved rebar then good for him ,his estimator should get a fat bonus .

The more shit you Google spew the more obvious it becomes how clueless you are about construction ,architects & specifications , every last material on the job has an approved alternate , sometimes several alternate materials, that includes things as important as rebar all the way down to the caulking used on the exterior of the building which is always Vulkem that costs $12 a tube , its approved alternate is Sika Flex 1A that costs $ 4 a tube , a savy estimator will use the $4 caulking & not violate his terms of contract , same as your rebar example .

So far all you have done is to reinforce my 1st hand experience assertion that cost over runs always come from the architect changing the design , or the bldg owner asking for something new .

You will not win this one with Google red , I already know all the answers without Google :bigjoint:
Sounds like trade related protectionism...

Down with that sort of thing.

How about fair foreign trade agreements ? Down with those too huh ?

You guys that hate unions obviously haven't spent too much time doing physical labor for a living , had you that $8 an hour $270 after tax 40 hr check wouldn't sound too swell to ya .