Ya know when i see posts like the one from bushleager you quoted 3 things come to mind on why him & others dislike unions & claim unfairly high pay rates .
1 The union hater is college educated , does little to no physical labor & looks down on men who get filthy doing their job , getting dirty equates to unskilled to them .
2 The union hater is a low skilled, low paid worker in his field & jealous of union workers making a much better living , the union haters low wages & poor financial standing compared to a union worker can only be rationalized by them as greedy over paid workers , not the true reason which is their poor skill set or lack of initiative to seek out union employment.
3 And the most common in the youth union haters is the parroting of propaganda they've heard other low paid scabs say , plain old fashioned jealousy of higher paid union workers , or parroting the anti union propaganda their scab employer feeds them while explaining just how lucky they are to have the job they do & a union will force their business to close its doors , leaving them out of work .
Most have zero experience working in a union shop yet hate unions , or they had one union job & got fired from it , all cases sheer ignorance of union workers higher skill set , better work ethic, increased worker saftey & better quality of product cause them to hate unions .
I'm not a union hater but I do recognize the flaws just like anything else in life. Years ago my cousin worked construction in Cleveland Ohio, at a union job. Don't know if it's still the same but the strict guidelines regarding what a worker can and can not do is what drives costs up. For example and this may be to the extreme, say a task requires an electrician to hammer out or drive something that is normally performed by another worker wearing a different hard hat. Production/task is delayed until the other guy is called in to make good. IOW, if you're a carpenter, then you do only what carpenters do.
And don't get me started on the union air traffic controllers who took an oath not to ever strike (for safety reasons) in 1981. Firing them after giving them 48 hours to re-think their intent strike was the best action a President (Reagan) could have taken.
Unions have no right to take the American people hostage regarding residents' right to safety and financial security.
Then there's their ties to the communist party.
Along comes Governor Scott Walker -
"Scott Walker’s victory over organized labor — passage of a right-to-work law in Wisconsin — is just the latest milestone in a resurgent anti-union movement marching across the industrial heartland.
"Wisconsin’s right-to-work bill passed the State Assembly Friday 62-35 along party lines, and now heads to Gov. Walker, who has said he’ll sign it Monday. With this action, right to work — which allows workers not to pay dues to a union that bargains collectively on their behalf — is progressing through the states more swiftly than at any time since the 1950s. And where once such measures were confined largely to the South and West, they‘re now taking root in Midwestern union strongholds like Indiana and Michigan, which passed right-to-work laws in 2012."
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Union managers better wake up. People are getting tired of their heavy handed tactics, their unreasonable demands. Does it make good business sense to outsource to countries who can produce for a lot less than an American union laborer? Damn right it makes sense. Union membership is falling like a rock. "Right to work’s resurgence also reflects the labor movement’s growing unpopularity with the American worker,
as union membership has fallen to 11 percent."
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Texas is a right-to-work state. Makes employees a bit more humble....makes them think twice before flipping off their boss or the owner.
Uncle Ben