I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

Tho I think the nazi name calling thing is a stupid attempt to discredit people.

sorry, but you espouse the tenets of neo-nazism.

i call it like i see it.

edit: it's not to discredit you, either. you do a fine enough job of doing that to yourself.
The numbers , the people , the war , the time frame , everything its an interesting period in time and my personal belief is you shouldn't believe everything just because they thought you it in school. We have seen throughout history how schooling and education has been manipulated by the governments of the world.
I understand that. Fortunately my efforts to inform myself have involved, and exploited, access to some truly excellent university libraries.
As far as blogs and Sources I'm not narrow minded so I look everywhere from the most extreme to the opposed . Ive posted a view videos of people questioning the holocaust as far as I seen so far none of them are nazis most have been jewish themselves. Tho I think the nazi name calling thing is a stupid attempt to discredit people. Its healthy to weigh all sides . What are the procedures you recommend? I don't see why all the name calling needs to happen when people question history.
Questioning history is not a parlor game. If you cannot bring real, legitimate sources (e.g. from university libraries) to the table, what differentiates you from the uncritical malcontents whose diatribe is fueled primarily by their solitary high regard of their opinions? To an outsider, "nothing" unless you can develop and illuminate (with cited references) your line of reasoning in such a way that serious students of the topic might follow that line and be in a position to critique it. This is standard procedure throughout all the humanities. cn
They ask for videos of professors , scholars and everyday people discussing it . I posted a few but they don't take the time to watch them. Do you really think they would take the time to read? Most of them don't even come to debate but to talk shit an echo label the idiot before him said. Simple minds think alike I guess.
Apart from the bold part you could not be more wrong than you are. You claim to have visited Europe yet you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Tell it to the Parisians or the Londoners or the people in Scandinavia... that parallel society is inherent to large scale Muslim immigration. The real problem is that muslims don't integrate when they are no longer the minority. Why would they... would you?

Just three quick easy examples out of hundreds of thousands. Don't blame the messenger...

So besides that you are flat out wrong and the opposite is actually fact, as with many things we are way ahead of the rest. That includes both the attempt to create and the inevitable* failure of multiculturalism. The Netherlands is founded on tolerance. Hundreds of years ago already people who ended up enlightening the world came to the Netherlands, to enjoy the freedom of religion we have (which back then still meant free from religious fanatics, not tolerate those who rather see you dead and want to shut you up). The Dutch weren't always cowards when it came to war, on the contrary, took quite a few dead soldiers to create what we had and lost by now. If it can happen in the Netherlands, yeah... THAT is a good reason to be worried for the rest of Europe and the US...

*Failure of multiculturalism is inevitable with Muslims who do not tolerate other cultures. Multiculturalism cannot exist when people are tolerant towards those who are intolerant to them and others.

So you know all that and still let them setup a parallel society? I'm not worried about the rest of Europe, what you're talking about is a small percentage and other countries will not allow what you guys did - that's where you are flat out wrong. And as far as Australia is concerned, the dutch, in our experience are cowards in war...

Are you talking about Muslims or Africans?
They ask for videos of professors , scholars and everyday people discussing it . I posted a few but they don't take the time to watch them. Do you really think they would take the time to read? Most of them don't even come to debate but to talk shit an echo label the idiot before him said. Simple minds think alike I guess.

When is the last time you've seen an article accepted to a peer-reviewed publication admit a video as a citation? Heck; has there been a first one? cn
When is the last time you've seen an article accepted to a peer-reviewed publication admit a video as a citation? Heck; has there been a first one? cn

dooooooooooood, just like, watch this video, and you'll totally understand why i support rawn pawl.
So you know all that and still let them setup a parallel society? I'm not worried about the rest of Europe, what you're talking about is a small percentage and other countries will not allow what you guys did - that's where you are flat out wrong.
Really... you could have googled your own head out of your ass by now. The current leaders and most political parties from all over the political spectrum of the main west European countries agree and you claim from all the way from the outback that I am flat out wrong... well, thanks for sharing your 'point of view', that explains it... :)

The reason it (the parallel society*) could happen here is partly because people were as blind and ignorant as you are being right now, refusing to see the facts even when they are being spoon-fed. The are no borders, I could 'walk' to Germany... This isn't some remote island somewhere out in the ocean where they have their own unique problems and unlike you we cannot lock up a rioting muslim kid for 4 years just because he's a muslim, we're bound by EU laws (besides moral standards...).

And as far as Australia is concerned, the dutch, in our experience are cowards in war...
Ok, well as far as the Dutch are concerned australians are aggressive racists who speak English with an accent they got from fucking their sheep. Ask your gf/wife to say 'year' out loud and listen for yourself who your true ancestors are. What's the point of this particular exchange of historical facts? :lol:

What Shotgun420 calls pussified is not far from reality. We call it tolerance and took that shit way too far. Since WWII it is in Europe highly frowned up on to be nationalistic or discriminate. The more of you dumb racists open their mouth, the more the left-winged socialistic parties and voters (the majority, as it includes the muslims...) will continue on that path.

Are you talking about Muslims or Africans?
You do realize those two are not mutually exclusive right? Right?? ... oh boy... I can see how for a racist from Oz one cannot be muslim 'and' african... that would be like having two skin colors :wall:

*In 2004, 'Parallelgesellschaft', the German word for "parallel society", was elected by the Association for the German Language second as Word of the year. It may all seem unrealistic and new to you, it's history and reality here.
Really... you could have googled your own head out of your ass by now. The current leaders and most political parties from all over the political spectrum of the main west European countries agree and you claim from all the way from the outback that I am flat out wrong... well, thanks for sharing your 'point of view', that explains it...

You’re worried about a Muslim minority that hovers around 6% in Holland – does that scare you? We have phones and even dial up internet in the “outback” now...

The reason it (the parallel society*) could happen here is partly because people were as blind and ignorant as you are being right now, refusing to see the facts even when they are being spoon-fed. The are no borders, I could 'walk' to Germany... This isn't some remote island somewhere out in the ocean where they have their own unique problems and unlike you we cannot lock up a rioting muslim kid for 4 years just because he's a muslim, we're bound by EU laws (besides moral standards...).

I see the facts - failed shitty policies by your government are the fault of the Muslims?? What the?... Now you’re gotta scapegoat someone. The fact is numbers don’t support your claims. Who do we lock up for being Muslim?

Ok, well as far as the Dutch are concerned australians are aggressive racists who speak English with an accent they got from fucking their sheep. Ask your gf/wife to say 'year' out loud and listen for yourself who your true ancestors are. What's the point of this particular exchange of historical facts?

Your confusing Australia with New Zealand, moron... Not a drop of dutch blood in me...

What Shotgun420 calls pussified is not far from reality. We call it tolerance and took that shit way too far. Since WWII it is in Europe highly frowned up on to be nationalistic or discriminate. The more of you dumb racists open their mouth, the more the left-winged socialistic parties and voters (the majority, as it includes the muslims...) will continue on that path. You do realize those two are not mutually exclusive right? Right?? ... oh boy... I can see how for a racist from Oz one cannot be muslim 'and' african... that would be like having two skin colors

The muslim populace of Africa is nearly equal to the Christian. The majority of non-european immigration is from Africa and Turkey. Did you worry about the mass polish migration? You’re concerned over 6% of your population when Christian migration is still higher....



You’re worried about a Muslim minority that hovers around 6% in Holland – does that scare you?
I never said "I" was scared, mere assumptions based on your own ignorance and bigot minded buddies in this thread. So you read wikipedia and think you are clever now... your desperate attempt to stick your head further up your ass is almost 'touching'... like a baby turtle trying to get to the sea... and there comes the bird:

That 6% is (besides only the legal/counted ones in 2009) including every village and remote area and is a huge difference with the few major cities we have... :wall: "Muslims are highly concentrated—they make up 24 percent of the population in Amsterdam (The Hague - 15%)" Add to that the following, for example: compared to a 9% unemployment rate of native Dutch, 27% of Moroccans and 21% of Turks are unemployed. Imagine what the streets look like... Getting the picture? :roll: Still not? Try following some of the elections of the main countries here and see what they are about and what parties are rising. Or try Googling the projections for the population in the next decades. Even according to the most 'positive' left-winged anti-Wilders projections the % will double within less than 20 years. And that as well, is 'not' just for NL...

I see the facts - failed shitty policies by your government are the fault of the Muslims?? What the?... Now you’re gotta scapegoat someone. The fact is numbers don’t support your claims.
You see the facts yeah... they got spoon fed to you by me, and still you are too limited to interpret them for what they are. I don't blame anyone for coming here. Try to understand that I don't think like a racist Australian... What government policy can cure muslims from islam, or update their morals with a hundred years? Ok, let me try one more time:

I blame amongst others those failed shitty policies you mention, which are of the government that long consisted of left-winged parties, for which people kept voting because since WWII 'right' is not ok, especially for all those people 'not' living in those cities but in white villages... I know it's hard to understand for someone from Australia where racism is normal, here it got brainwashed out of the population for over 60 years. That's why now people like Wilders (who go too far to the right) get (dumb) voters, they are fed up with it and with the left-winged socialists and christian-democrats ruling for years. First right-winged politician (Pim Fortuyn) who really tried to address the issue before it was entirely too late got assassinated by an extreme lefty... similar to how one here would respond to a nazi.

Really man, it's not that complicated. We're civilized people with a country and laws and support system not fit and prepared for the large amount of less-civilized Muslims.

Who do we lock up for being Muslim?
They don't keep you much in the loop there in the outback do they? Go practice your google skills.. or buy one of those transistor radios so you can follow the news :)

Did you worry about the mass polish migration?
EU citizens can move and work where ever in the EU they want... Most Polish come here to work (temporarily) rather than abuse our overly tolerant hospitality. Above all, they aren't Muslims. It's obviously impossible to get it into an Australian's head, but it's not about being against immigrants, it's about the effect the large amount of muslims has on society, it adds up, a lot. And yes, those major cities are determining factors for 'dutch society' as a whole.

You’re concerned over 6% of your population when Christian migration is still higher....
Putting your ignorant interpretation of the stats aside for a sec, yeah, definitely, I'll take a bat-shit-Christian over a Muslim any day (for many obvious reasons that would only make you stick your head up your ass further).

You're trying to argue with an Eskimo there's no snow where he lives and on the spots there is proven to be snow it's the Eskimo's own fault. :lol: Like I said earlier, it will be interesting to see how the US and Canada handle (the inevitable) now that they can see how Europe fucked up.
The UK is experiencing a deficit of Caucasian people in the regions where the majority of the population is made up of immigrants and ethnic minorities. In the last 10 years more than 620 thousand white Brits left the capital of the UK, where Caucasians are now a minority making up only 45% of London’s population.

Others in Sweden lashed out at immigrants and massive immigration in general, saying the riots illustrated the “failure of multiculturalism” and the problems with allowing too many foreigners in without a real plan

The policy of multiculturalism in Europe is experiencing a crisis, Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel admitted, as did UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron. At a meeting with young activists of the Christian Democratic Union in October 2010, Merkel declared that attempts to create a multicultural society in Germany have FAILED COMPLETELY.

*Failure of multiculturalism is inevitable with Muslims who do not tolerate other cultures. Multiculturalism cannot exist when people are tolerant towards those who are intolerant to them and others.


Sorry bro another failure, we don't take tips from Russians when it comes to anything really...

I've bolded the terms in the above "articles" you posted, only 1 article, that does not mention Holland at all. It doesn't even mention the word Muslim, but CAUCASIAN, immigrant and minority.

Good stuff supporting your case, you are quite convincing...
[video=youtube;my7sxZ0KfHU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=my7sxZ0KfHU[/video] Figured this was an appropriate tension breaker for Politics lol.
You're worried about Sharia...
Because all Whites, most Blacks & Asians, and all Native Americans would be put to death. CONVERT OR DIE, that is the Sharia way.

Meanwhile merica inches along toward utter resemblance of Orwell's worst nightmare.

Be consistent at least, you call me ignorant for commenting about Mexico, I have more freedom than you'll ever have. Keep worrying about sharia...moron.
I never said "I" was scared, mere assumptions based on your own ignorance and bigot minded buddies in this thread. So you read wikipedia and think you are clever now... your desperate attempt to stick your head further up your ass is almost 'touching'... like a baby turtle trying to get to the sea... and there comes the bird:
You are scared. You’re worrying over 5.8% of the TOTAL POPULATION - that makes you a pussy. It’s the fact they are not Caucasian that concerns you... You dutch are so fucking dumb you claim “There’s no such thing as race here. We don't make those types of distinctions. If you see what you call racism, that's your issue”

But it’s only the Dutch who would “think” it’s appropriate to refer to Rhianna as a "nigga bitch with a ghetto ass" - http://www.bet.com/news/celebrities...or-resigns-after-rihanna-racial-backlash.html

That 6% is actually a .2% over-estimation on my part. The TOTAL MUSLIM POPULTION IN HOLLAND is only 5.8% you silly fuckhead, you can’t even talk on illegal immigrant numbers because not even your own politicians will as they have nothing to back it up, the numbers are vague to say the least...

That 6% is (besides only the legal/counted ones in 2009) including every village and remote area and is a huge difference with the few major cities we have... "Muslims are highly concentrated—they make up 24 percent of the population in Amsterdam (The Hague - 15%)" Add to that the following, for example: compared to a 9% unemployment rate of native Dutch, 27% of Moroccans and 21% of Turks are unemployed. Imagine what the streets look like...

That’s right, 5.8% of TOTAL POPULATION. Obviously if look at the data of an individual city the percentages will be higher, nice try though. I imagine the streets look like they always have just with more people from different countries and faiths?


Getting the picture? Still not? Try following some of the elections of the main countries here and see what they are about and what parties are rising. Or try Googling the projections for the population in the next decades. Even according to the most 'positive' left-winged anti-Wilders projections the % will double within less than 20 years. And that as well, is 'not' just for NL...

So now it’s “population projections” not Muslims & Moroccan ... Obviously you don’t understand what the term “population projection” means. Try looking it up because your use of it, is as vague as your “illegal immigrant numbers”. Even the commie site where you pinched those quote’s from estimates 30-50 years not 20 years as you claim, nice deflection. http://english.ruvr.ru/2013_05_07/Policy-of-multiculturalism-in-Europe-has-failed-expert/

You see the facts yeah... they got spoon fed to you by me, and still you are too limited to interpret them for what they are.

You haven’t brought any facts here, just EMOTIONAL REACTIONS. The fact you think you’re spoon feeding anyone info is preposterous – It wouldn’t surprise me if your father is still wiping your arse. The only person with interpretation issues is you and that is explained by your stupidity.

I don't blame anyone for coming here. Try to understand that I don't think like a racist Australian... What government policy can cure muslims from islam, or update their morals with a hundred years? Ok, let me try one more time: I blame amongst others those failed shitty policies you mention, which are of the government that long consisted of left-winged parties, for which people kept voting because since WWII 'right' is not ok, especially for all those people 'not' living in those cities but in white villages...

I know it's hard to understand for someone from Australia where racism is normal here it got brainwashed out of the population for over 60 years. That's why now people like Wilders (who go too far to the right) get (dumb) voters, they are fed up with it and with the left-winged socialists and christian-democrats ruling for years. First right-winged politician (Pim Fortuyn) who really tried to address the issue before it was entirely too late got assassinated by an extreme lefty... similar to how one here would respond to a nazi.

So now we’re back on muslims and islam, which you have no fucking idea about, but you chose to refer to how bad the cities are compared to the “white villages”. So is it about muslims or anyone who doesn’t look like you? As history has shown us, the Dutch response to the Nazis was to lie down and take it. What’s that got to do with the price of fish?

Really man, it's not that complicated. We're civilized people with a country and laws and support system not fit and prepared for the large amount of less-civilized Muslims. They don't keep you much in the loop there in the outback do they? Go practice your google skills.. or buy one of those transistor radios so you can follow the news

Show me one example, you got nothing moron, again you’re just scared of what you don’t know. Like a country that’s like 1000x the size of yours.

EU citizens can move and work where ever in the EU they want... Most Polish come here to work (temporarily) rather than abuse our overly tolerant hospitality. Above all, they aren't Muslims. It's obviously impossible to get it into an Australian's head, but it's not about being against immigrants, it's about the effect the large amount of muslims has on society, it adds up, a lot. And yes, those major cities are determining factors for 'dutch society' as a whole.

You’re current population is 16,805,037 – 5.8% is less than one million. Since your current immigrant populace is around, 1,750,000 it’s safe to say you’re a fucking idiot. The following link will show what you’re most afraid of - http://features.pewforum.org/religious-migration/map.php#/Destination/Netherlands/Muslim

Putting your ignorant interpretation of the stats aside for a sec, yeah, definitely, I'll take a bat-shit-Christian over a Muslim any day (for many obvious reasons that would only make you stick your head up your ass further).

You are. Immigration is higher among Christians vs Muslims. You just don’t like where they are coming from, Andres.

You're trying to argue with an Eskimo there's no snow where he lives and on the spots there is proven to be snow it's the Eskimo's own fault. Like I said earlier, it will be interesting to see how the US and Canada handle (the inevitable) now that they can see how Europe fucked up.

No i’m arguing with a fuckhead who has a too many female hormones. Not gonna happen in america and canada or australia. We’re not as stupid and weak as the dutch.
Sorry bro another failure, we don't take tips from Russians when it comes to anything really...
Just one of the many random, and like I said 'easy' quick examples. Didn't expect you would be this ignorant and blind that I would have to check my sources for what in Europe are well-known easily verifiable facts.

I've bolded the terms in the above "articles" you posted, only 1 article, that does not mention Holland at all. It doesn't even mention the word Muslim, but CAUCASIAN, immigrant and minority.
They don't mention the word Muslim no... and you still don't get why...

That’s right, 5.8% of TOTAL POPULATION. Obviously if look at the data of an individual city the percentages will be higher, nice try though.
Nice 'try'? :wall: You are interpreting the stats in a way they allow you to remain ignorant. What part of 24% of the capital do you not understand? Do you realize the Netherlands consists of only a few large cities (with large % of muslims) and lots of small towns and villages and farm land that take that total % way down? Of course they don't move there... people fleeing the cities though do, wanting a safe place to raise your children.

You still think your clever with that 6%, while you should realize how much problems that gives already, and how much problems even a smaller % can create. Don't worry, I'll do that after addressing your nonsense.

I imagine the streets look like they always have just with more people from different countries and faiths?
Oh fuck... now you sound like one of those lefties from 20 years ago... yeah, great all those different cultures and religions. There's just one that does not fit in, at all, logically. Nice pic of some street in a center of a town... and far from reality, as you could have simply imagined based on that facts I've been spoon feeding you.

Even the commie site where you pinched those quote’s from estimates 30-50 years not 20 years as you claim, nice deflection
Quote, not the estimates, those are from the left that wanted to show Wilders was exaggerating, downplaying the even larger numbers based on his research. I could show you the source but it's in Dutch and contains a lot of math so...

You are. Immigration is higher among Christians vs Muslims. You just don’t like where they are coming from, Andres. ... + .... So is it about muslims or anyone who doesn’t look like you?
Ah there's the Australian thinking again. I don't even know what (mix of race) half my friends are you ignorant fuck. I'm pretty sure I already mentioned several times it is about muslims, islam, their influence on western society. Still not being able to see there's a huge gray area between black and white (between being a racist and and ignorant sheep).

As history has shown us, the Dutch response to the Nazis was to lie down and take it.
And still you fail to comprehend that at no point we could have said "ok, you are Muslim, gtfo" or "let's not build mosques".
Ok, now for some more spoon feeding. Open your mouth punk:

- "Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a generation ago."
- "Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas."
- "According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. According to these statistics, almost half of all perpetrators are immigrants. "

Fucked up country with cowards? Well, that's some quick examples from Sweden, from 2005 already. Did you perhaps catch any news about the recent Muslim riots in Sweden? :wall:

So does Sweden have similar failed policies then? Well, if being tolerance towards everyone equally like other civilized countries here who don't put immigrants into camps and cannot legally discriminate based on religion... then yes.

"Thanks to government policies which offer new immigrants free housing and social welfare when they arrive, Sweden has long been one of the world’s most popular destination for asylum seekers." (we even give them welfare and child support if they leave...)

- "In Norway and Denmark, we know that non-Western immigrants, which frequently means Muslims, are grossly overrepresented on rape statistics." (old but still relevant)

France refuses to face its Muslim problem:
"By ignoring the problem, France, and all of Europe, is allowing the tension to build. Eventually, the French people will snap and lash out. An outpouring of fury will hit France’s Muslims, seemingly out of nowhere. "

^^Spot on... same fear for 'right' and discriminating that causes people to choose for extremes - the France cops handed over the Jews including their children while the nazis didn't even ask for the latter.

"An ordinary French citizen who has been watching the Islamization of Paris decided that the world needed to see what was happening to his city. He used a hidden camera to start posting videos on YouTube. His life has been threatened and so he uses the alias of "Maxime Lepante. " His camera shows that Muslims are blocking the streets with barriers. They are praying on the ground. And the inhabitants of this district cannot leave their homes, nor go into their homes during those prayers."

"In Denial or Fed Up - From the 1980s until recently, criticizing or opposing Islam was considered a social taboo, and so the government and media effectively helped Islam spread throughout France. (same as here)

"We were expecting Islam to adapt to France and it is France adapting to Islam," Robin said. (all push overs and cowards in Europe :lol: )

"The problem of Islam is more than a problem of numbers," said French philosopher Radu Stoenescu, an Islamic expert who debates Muslim leaders on French TV. "The problem is one of principles. It's an open question. Is Islam an ideology or just a creed?"

Yes dumbnuts? See how silly your 6% argument is?

Now imagine how that restriction by a feeling of guilt is for the Germans (and how much guts it took for Merkel to say what I quoted earlier, and yes, she too was talking about Muslims... not polish or christian immigrants). In Germany the % is about half of ours, but there are 'millions' of Muslims, also concentrated in industrial cities and far less in east Germany (making the % similar in west Germany...).

I know you already decided to remain blind so I'm not going to pick more easy widely available real-world examples and facts from other European countries as I have again already proven my point.

That said, this one seems fitting to rub your face in:

Tony Blair: We have to put it on the table and be honest about it. Of course there are Christian extremists and Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu ones. But I am afraid this strain is not the province of a few extremists. It has at its heart a view about religion and about the interaction between religion and politics that is not compatible with pluralistic, liberal, open-minded societies.

Get it???

He adds: ‘At the extreme end of the spectrum are terrorists, but the world view goes deeper and wider than it is comfortable for us to admit. So by and large we don’t admit it.’Yeah... by and large... your angry response and poor attempts at insults is nothing more than fear for reality.

Exactly Tony Blair, thank you for showing me not everyone is a complete and total idiot just yet, and thank you for saying exactly what I'm trying to get across to some ignorant fuck on the other side of the globe... (I know a silly exercise...). Wise words for the US as well, after 9/11 they too have a hard time finding that middle way. Worried of labeling Muslims as terrorists, while it aren't the extremists they should be worried about.

Now please feed my superiority complex some more and prove the point I've been making all along some more... you have the exact same fucking ignorance that got Europe in this shit, you are not comfortable (read: 'afraid') to face reality. Trying to hide behind statistics you can't even comprehend :wall:

Oh as for the muslim kid you locked up... really dude I'm just going to leave you thinking I just totally made that up :lol:

Just as racism and discrimination is (or better 'was') for decade not tolerated, we don't like nationalism. It's impossible for a flag-horny Australian to insult a Dutch person, especially in the context of racism or immigrants... Mildly entertaining nevertheless. Keep 'm coming. :eyesmoke:
okay, caught up on the thread, man, my eyes are bleeding.

This is an old fashioned slobber knocker up in here...lol

Peace and Harmony

Ok, now for some more spoon feeding. Open your mouth punk:

- "Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six - 6 - times as common today as they were a generation ago."
- "Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas."
- "According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. According to these statistics, almost half of all perpetrators are immigrants. "

Fucked up country with cowards? Well, that's some quick examples from Sweden, from 2005 already. Did you perhaps catch any news about the recent Muslim riots in Sweden? :wall:

So does Sweden have similar failed policies then? Well, if being tolerance towards everyone equally like other civilized countries here who don't put immigrants into camps and cannot legally discriminate based on religion... then yes.

"Thanks to government policies which offer new immigrants free housing and social welfare when they arrive, Sweden has long been one of the world’s most popular destination for asylum seekers." (we even give them welfare and child support if they leave...)

- "In Norway and Denmark, we know that non-Western immigrants, which frequently means Muslims, are grossly overrepresented on rape statistics." (old but still relevant)

France refuses to face its Muslim problem:
"By ignoring the problem, France, and all of Europe, is allowing the tension to build. Eventually, the French people will snap and lash out. An outpouring of fury will hit France’s Muslims, seemingly out of nowhere. "

^^Spot on... same fear for 'right' and discriminating that causes people to choose for extremes - the France cops handed over the Jews including their children while the nazis didn't even ask for the latter.

"An ordinary French citizen who has been watching the Islamization of Paris decided that the world needed to see what was happening to his city. He used a hidden camera to start posting videos on YouTube. His life has been threatened and so he uses the alias of "Maxime Lepante. " His camera shows that Muslims are blocking the streets with barriers. They are praying on the ground. And the inhabitants of this district cannot leave their homes, nor go into their homes during those prayers."

"In Denial or Fed Up - From the 1980s until recently, criticizing or opposing Islam was considered a social taboo, and so the government and media effectively helped Islam spread throughout France. (same as here)

"We were expecting Islam to adapt to France and it is France adapting to Islam," Robin said. (all push overs and cowards in Europe :lol: )

"The problem of Islam is more than a problem of numbers," said French philosopher Radu Stoenescu, an Islamic expert who debates Muslim leaders on French TV. "The problem is one of principles. It's an open question. Is Islam an ideology or just a creed?"

Yes dumbnuts? See how silly your 6% argument is?

Now imagine how that restriction by a feeling of guilt is for the Germans (and how much guts it took for Merkel to say what I quoted earlier, and yes, she too was talking about Muslims... not polish or christian immigrants). In Germany the % is about half of ours, but there are 'millions' of Muslims, also concentrated in industrial cities and far less in east Germany (making the % similar in west Germany...).

I know you already decided to remain blind so I'm not going to pick more easy widely available real-world examples and facts from other European countries as I have again already proven my point.

That said, this one seems fitting to rub your face in:

Tony Blair: We have to put it on the table and be honest about it. Of course there are Christian extremists and Jewish, Buddhist and Hindu ones. But I am afraid this strain is not the province of a few extremists. It has at its heart a view about religion and about the interaction between religion and politics that is not compatible with pluralistic, liberal, open-minded societies.

Get it???

He adds: ‘At the extreme end of the spectrum are terrorists, but the world view goes deeper and wider than it is comfortable for us to admit. So by and large we don’t admit it.’Yeah... by and large... your angry response and poor attempts at insults is nothing more than fear for reality.

Exactly Tony Blair, thank you for showing me not everyone is a complete and total idiot just yet, and thank you for saying exactly what I'm trying to get across to some ignorant fuck on the other side of the globe... (I know a silly exercise...). Wise words for the US as well, after 9/11 they too have a hard time finding that middle way. Worried of labeling Muslims as terrorists, while it aren't the extremists they should be worried about.

Now please feed my superiority complex some more and prove the point I've been making all along some more... you have the exact same fucking ignorance that got Europe in this shit, you are not comfortable (read: 'afraid') to face reality. Trying to hide behind statistics you can't even comprehend :wall:

Oh as for the muslim kid you locked up... really dude I'm just going to leave you thinking I just totally made that up :lol:

Just as racism and discrimination is (or better 'was') for decade not tolerated, we don't like nationalism. It's impossible for a flag-horny Australian to insult a Dutch person, especially in the context of racism or immigrants... Mildly entertaining nevertheless. Keep 'm coming. :eyesmoke:

quality not quantity zwarte piet... My silly 5.8% argument is backed up by facts and statistics, not some emotional douchebaggery running in your media where you feel, as a society, the following is appropriate;

Hey, Sat. Islam is not a creed or a philosophy. It is a War Cult specifically set up to Counter the War Cult of Christianity.

Now the problem with Iran is not Islam. They were a War Cult a thousand years before Islam. Every hear of Baal?

Baal was plowed under so now their banner is Islam. Same War Cult, however.

Iran will kill us for secular govt alone. That is the biggest sin in Islam.