I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

Bro, got family in nearly every country in Europe, been there many times myself, both my parents are born there. ... we lost our way, but it's not to late...
Your ignorance on the matter shows how little those 'credentials' mean. There's no way to reverse the situation. Plenty of muslims here I know agree with me (close the frigging borders, yesterday, they moved here for a reason after all...). Our society is largely influenced by Christians and Jews, despite that, we had a pretty good thing going... it's fucked up now because of the invasion of the third major religion. So many people dies to get rid of the nazis and we got a whole lot of Jew haters in return... walked right in.

The real problem is the people who are stuck in the previous century... Hitler fucked up so bad to one extreme side, that people flipped to the other extreme and are now afraid to take a stand against 'a group' or religion that is a real ongoing threat to western society. It starts with small stuff, like removing art that has been in a museum for years because it offends muslims (with the typical response... they never back down), gender segregation on small and at first seemingly insignificant levels (not willing to shake female politician's hands), gay couples being harassed so consistently they have to move, homes with an extra hall way so the man doesn't have to look at his wife all day (build with tax money)... that's just the tip of the ice berg... again, you seem to have no idea.

A muslim guy here wrote an open letter in a major newspaper here today, to the muslim community, about Sharia law... addressed to the owner of many muslim sites, forums where those harmless nice little muslims spread and share their hate towards western society and their 'passion' for the US... (fucking Voltaire). If an English version pops up I'll post a link.
you just have to be an example; be brave and don't let that kinda stuff slide when you see it. You could start a reversal of the trend.
I think you may have watched too much American television. That's like suggesting to a Jewish guy to walk into a Russian village with neo-nazis and telling people what to do... still think that's a good idea? Even the cops here aren't that brave (a huge part of the problem). I get it though, what you do not realize is that out on the streets (and schools and beaches and major cities), they aren't the minority...

It's never to late.
Pretty sure that kebab shop won't turn back into a Dutch bakery again... We're fucked. Proper fucked.
Your ignorance on the matter shows how little those 'credentials' mean. There's no way to reverse the situation. Plenty of muslims here I know agree with me (close the frigging borders, yesterday, they moved here for a reason after all...). Our society is largely influenced by Christians and Jews, despite that, we had a pretty good thing going... it's fucked up now because of the invasion of the third major religion. So many people dies to get rid of the nazis and we got a whole lot of Jew haters in return... walked right in.

The real problem is the people who are stuck in the previous century... Hitler fucked up so bad to one extreme side, that people flipped to the other extreme and are now afraid to take a stand against 'a group' or religion that is a real ongoing threat to western society. It starts with small stuff, like removing art that has been in a museum for years because it offends muslims (with the typical response... they never back down), gender segregation on small and at first seemingly insignificant levels (not willing to shake female politician's hands), gay couples being harassed so consistently they have to move, homes with an extra hall way so the man doesn't have to look at his wife all day (build with tax money)... that's just the tip of the ice berg... again, you seem to have no idea.

A muslim guy here wrote an open letter in a major newspaper here today, to the muslim community, about Sharia law... addressed to the owner of many muslim sites, forums where those harmless nice little Muslims spread and share their hate towards western society and their 'passion' for the US... (fucking Voltaire). If an English version pops up I'll post a link.

Other European countries didn't encourage or will allow Muslims to create a parallel society based on sharia law inside their own borders. failed policies by your own government have led to this - don't think the rest of Europe is afflicted by this problem, in some cases yes, but not to the extent you're all experiencing...
I think you may have watched too much American television. That's like suggesting to a Jewish guy to walk into a Russian village with neo-nazis and telling people what to do... still think that's a good idea? Even the cops here aren't that brave (a huge part of the problem). I get it though, what you do not realize is that out on the streets (and schools and beaches and major cities), they aren't the minority...

Pretty sure that kebab shop won't turn back into a Dutch bakery again... We're fucked. Proper fucked.

I'm done talking about it cuz you missed the point entirely.
Pretty sure that kebab shop won't turn back into a Dutch bakery again... We're fucked. Proper fucked.

Well then smash the current shop and rebuild the old one with the rubble laying on the ground. I know it seems like an impossible uphill battle but it takes one spark to ignite a flame and turn the tide.
why was there a vote to change our laws to sharia that i missed and american law won by just a few votes or something......the sky is falling!the sky is falling!!!!!!!
Ah another day to feed my superiority complex at RIU.

Well then smash the current shop and rebuild the old one with the rubble laying on the ground. I know it seems like an impossible uphill battle but it takes one spark to ignite a flame and turn the tide.
I can imagine if violence and similar fucked up 'solutions' are an option for you it may merely 'seem' like an impossible battle. Really not the type of flame I would want to ignite.

I'm done talking about it cuz you missed the point entirely.
You done talking... me missing your point entirely... that sounds good to me, I'll consider that a win.
Other European countries didn't encourage or will allow Muslims to create a parallel society based on sharia law inside their own borders. failed policies by your own government have led to this - don't think the rest of Europe is afflicted by this problem, in some cases yes, but not to the extent you're all experiencing...
Apart from the bold part you could not be more wrong than you are. You claim to have visited Europe yet you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Tell it to the Parisians or the Londoners or the people in Scandinavia... that parallel society is inherent to large scale Muslim immigration. The real problem is that muslims don't integrate when they are no longer the minority. Why would they... would you?

News articles recently said:
The UK is experiencing a deficit of Caucasian people in the regions where the majority of the population is made up of immigrants and ethnic minorities. In the last 10 years more than 620 thousand white Brits left the capital of the UK, where Caucasians are now a minority making up only 45% of London’s population.

Others in Sweden lashed out at immigrants and massive immigration in general, saying the riots illustrated the “failure of multiculturalism” and the problems with allowing too many foreigners in without a real plan.

The policy of multiculturalism in Europe is experiencing a crisis, Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel admitted, as did UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron. At a meeting with young activists of the Christian Democratic Union in October 2010, Merkel declared that attempts to create a multicultural society in Germany have FAILED COMPLETELY.

Just three quick easy examples out of hundreds of thousands. Don't blame the messenger...

don't think the rest of Europe is afflicted by this problem, in some cases yes, but not to the extent you're all experiencing...
So besides that you are flat out wrong and the opposite is actually fact, as with many things we are way ahead of the rest. That includes both the attempt to create and the inevitable* failure of multiculturalism. The Netherlands is founded on tolerance. Hundreds of years ago already people who ended up enlightening the world came to the Netherlands, to enjoy the freedom of religion we have (which back then still meant free from religious fanatics, not tolerate those who rather see you dead and want to shut you up). The Dutch weren't always cowards when it came to war, on the contrary, took quite a few dead soldiers to create what we had and lost by now. If it can happen in the Netherlands, yeah... THAT is a good reason to be worried for the rest of Europe and the US...

*Failure of multiculturalism is inevitable with Muslims who do not tolerate other cultures. Multiculturalism cannot exist when people are tolerant towards those who are intolerant to them and others.
Ah another day to feed my superiority complex at RIU.

I can imagine if violence and similar fucked up 'solutions' are an option for you it may merely 'seem' like an impossible battle. Really not the type of flame I would want to ignite.

As much as I wish it could not everything can be solved by peace and something violence becomes a must to secure peace and existence.
why was there a vote to change our laws to sharia that i missed and american law won by just a few votes or something......the sky is falling!the sky is falling!!!!!!!

I thought it was ridiculous that legislators felt the need to make a law banning sharia law; it seemed very paranoid to me, but then I found out that many people in the Muslim community actually WANTED sharia law to be enforced by the state. That's all.

As much as I wish it could not everything can be solved by peace and something violence becomes a must to secure peace and existence.

Any time there has been large social change people have had to die. I'm not saying I'm happy about it; it's just reality. Look at China in the late 60's or ANY revolution for that matter.
Ah another day to feed my superiority complex at RIU.

I can imagine if violence and similar fucked up 'solutions' are an option for you it may merely 'seem' like an impossible battle. Really not the type of flame I would want to ignite.

You done talking... me missing your point entirely... that sounds good to me, I'll consider that a win.
At least you admit to it. That is always the first step to a brighter future. cn
:shock: Had to read these posts twice to make sure you guys aren't 'just kidding'... Many of the Muslims here are kids that were born here (I was about to say 'born and raised' but there's not much 'raising' being done...). Not to mention lots of women, and many many well integrated hard working educated Muslims who aren't 'the enemy'. How do you determine who has to die? Anyone who doesn't leave voluntarily? Based on their nose?

Since what you guys suggest is - besides fucked up - not feasible and not realistic, it only confirms what I'm saying all along: we're fucked, it's too late. While some of you are worried about racism and discrimination (against the fascists of the 21st century) and others of you are worried about anyone who isn't white or like you, I merely face reality. Try it, it's refreshing.

At least you admit to it. That is always the first step to a brighter future. cn
I don't see how admitting that the posts from some nut jobs and ignorant people at riu makes me feel superior is a step to a brighter future... on the contrary, it seems to get worse by the day.

:shock: Had to read these posts twice to make sure you guys aren't 'just kidding'... Many of the Muslims here are kids that were born here (I was about to say 'born and raised' but there's not much 'raising' being done...). Not to mention lots of women, and many many well integrated hard working educated Muslims who aren't 'the enemy'. How do you determine who has to die? Anyone who doesn't leave voluntarily? Based on their nose?

Since what you guys suggest is - besides fucked up - not feasible and not realistic, it only confirms what I'm saying all along: we're fucked, it's too late. While some of you are worried about racism and discrimination (against the fascists of the 21st century) and others of you are worried about anyone who isn't white or like you, I merely face reality. Try it, it's refreshing.

I don't see how admitting that the posts from some nut jobs and ignorant people at riu makes me feel superior is a step to a brighter future... on the contrary, it seems to get worse by the day.

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Your reality sucks. I haven't been defeated and won't give up until I'm dead. You go ahead and walk around with that dick in your ass while complaining about butthurt. Meanwhile there are a few of us that will do something about it or at least take a stand....Go ahead and get yourself a grilled cheese sandwich and STFU.... BIOTCH.....
:shock: Had to read these posts twice to make sure you guys aren't 'just kidding'... Many of the Muslims here are kids that were born here (I was about to say 'born and raised' but there's not much 'raising' being done...). Not to mention lots of women, and many many well integrated hard working educated Muslims who aren't 'the enemy'. How do you determine who has to die? Anyone who doesn't leave voluntarily? Based on their nose?

Since what you guys suggest is - besides fucked up - not feasible and not realistic, it only confirms what I'm saying all along: we're fucked, it's too late.
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Are you referring to my recent comment about deaths and change? I was just making sure because you're response seems to only vaguely relate to mine and I didn't want to rebut if it wasn't meant for me.
why was there a vote to change our laws to sharia that i missed and american law won by just a few votes or something......the sky is falling!the sky is falling!!!!!!!

you'd think so the way a few members (who share similar beliefs of melanin superiority) prattle on about it.
Your reality sucks. I haven't been defeated and won't give up until I'm dead. You go ahead and walk around with that dick in your ass while complaining about butthurt. Meanwhile there are a few of us that will do something about it or at least take a stand....Go ahead and get yourself a grilled cheese sandwich and STFU.... BIOTCH.....

all your talk about taking a stand and not being defeated is well out of step with your previously expressed desires to just be left alone in your imaginary white separatist world.

i guess all we have to do is leave you guys alone in the same room for a while before your true intentions and desires are revealed.
all your talk about taking a stand and not being defeated is well out of step with your previously expressed desires to just be left alone in your imaginary white separatist world.

i guess all we have to do is leave you guys alone in the same room for a while before your true intentions and desires are revealed.
As you type your messages from your comfy white neighborhood. LOL...fuckin goyim.
As you type your messages from your comfy white neighborhood. LOL...fuckin goyim.

actually, closer to almost 50% hispanic.

good job on reminding everyone that i'm an honorary jew married to a real jew. couldn't let people forget that you're an anti-semite who defends the holocaust deniers around here.
actually, closer to almost 50% hispanic.

black white.jpg

What the hell are you? Make up you're mind. Or do you just "race drop" which ever race is most beneficial to you at the time? I guess what your saying is that ethnicity is more important too you than you'd like too admit. I'm not going too reply, so don't take it as a victory.