I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

no it's not... ease up there brother...
Which part 'it's not'? I'm factually and statistically correct on both accounts. You either don't have the slightest clue of what's going on in Europe or how Muslim communities operate or both. They don't need 'your' laws to practice Sharia law :roll: I talk to them daily, got them as neighbors, friends, been to Muslim countries, and frequently share a joint with one of the many Muslims we have. I live in a country where the major cities have literally been taken over, and daily experience the limitations. Freedom of speech isn't what it used to be 10-20 years ago - wtf do you mean ease up? Be tolerant towards those who don't tolerate me (and pretty much everything I respect)? Never! (and tell that to the people shooting Mexicans trying to cross the borders..., get your priorities straight)

I treat every individual I meet with the same level of respect, regardless of color, race, and shoe brand. That doesn't mean I'm too ignorant to face reality: the fact there are so fucking many Muslims here sucks big time, Europe IS fucked. As a kid I used to think by the time I'm old people will have come to their senses about that Christian nonsense... to an extend I was correct, churches are being demolished... Problem is we got something way worse in return (mosques...)

I guess if neo-nazis aren't a problem Muslims aren't either... :rolleyes:


The US is a bit too large to have that island-mentality guys... we'll see in the next 10+ years how the US deals with it. Let's see how you guys talk when the hot Cali chicks slowly disappear from the beach because they continuously get harassed by Muslims kids... you have no idea... I sincerely hope you do a better job then we did being eager self-righteous lefties that cry 'racism' or 'discrimination' and think being tolerant is some holy goal - better tell that to the many Muslims...
Which part 'it's not'? I'm factually and statistically correct on both accounts. You either don't have the slightest clue of what's going on in Europe or how Muslim communities operate or both. They don't need 'your' laws to practice Sharia law :roll: I talk to them daily, got them as neighbors, friends, been to Muslim countries, and frequently share a joint with one of the many Muslims we have. I live in a country where the major cities have literally been taken over, and daily experience the limitations. Freedom of speech isn't what it used to be 10-20 years ago - wtf do you mean ease up? Be tolerant towards those who don't tolerate me (and pretty much everything I respect)? Never! (and tell that to the people shooting Mexicans trying to cross the borders..., get your priorities straight)

I treat every individual I meet with the same level of respect, regardless of color, race, and shoe brand. That doesn't mean I'm too ignorant to face reality: the fact there are so fucking many Muslims here sucks big time, Europe IS fucked. As a kid I used to think by the time I'm old people will have come to their senses about that Christian nonsense... to an extend I was correct, churches are being demolished... Problem is we got something way worse in return (mosques...)

I guess if neo-nazis aren't a problem Muslims aren't either... :rolleyes:


The US is a bit too large to have that island-mentality guys... we'll see in the next 10+ years how the US deals with it. Let's see how you guys talk when the hot Cali chicks slowly disappear from the beach because they continuously get harassed by Muslims kids... you have no idea... I sincerely hope you do a better job then we did being eager self-righteous lefties that cry 'racism' or 'discrimination' and think being tolerant is some holy goal - better tell that to the many Muslims...
Where can I get a couple? :-P
and one for the Americans.

In university, I knew many Muslims, was a member of the MSA, my student group worked with the MSA a lot of times and I frequented the mosques in my area. Went so far as to stand guard when the mosque in my town was being vandalized and burned. I'm fine with whatever religion, but I have to draw the line when ANY religious group wants to make their morals my own by making them law.

It's no different than Christians trying to create their own version of a theocracy here. I won't stand for it. It's just that Muslims tend to me a little more aggressive and Sharia law is rather unjust in my point of view. Be free and do what you want to do. Worship how you want to worship, but the separation of church and state must be maintained to protect everyone's well being and liberty.

I think if we backed off of them for a while, they would quiet down. Muslim numbers didn't start to grow until they felt like they were under attack.
Sorry 'Slave'NoMore, didn't mean to imply ownership or anything. It's like 'having' a problem. If you want to be a grammar-Nazi I suggest taking lessons from UB.

I thought you were thecoolman for a sec, getting back at me (well, trying anyway):
No I'm not a grammar nazi I just have a twisted sense of humor. You'll know when I'm being serious.
Ooow, tough guy huh :blsmoke: Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that, I'm having a hard time taking people here seriously lately, so might want to make some effort and include a note, something like "Seriously, ...".
You might want to turn down your sensitivity level. Seems like you get over stimulated easily.
I guess due to N.I.M.B.Y I am not educated on the subject of sharia law. No Muslims in my area. I'm off to read now.

I knew only because we had the highest population of Kurds outside of Iraq. Plus many other muslims moved there because there was already a muslim population.
You might want to turn down your sensitivity level. Seems like you get over stimulated easily.
Since there's nothing in my post you quoted that suggests anything like that I can only assume you are reflecting your own current emotional state on me so I suggest taking your own advice and go play with someone at your own level.

Speaking of which, is there a point to Theo's pic in your profile UB? Expecting some over stimulated sensitive response as well? :lol: Edit: nvm, I get it, the pic is the over stimulated sensitive response. Well, FYI: Theo was such a rude fuck that he could have been talking about Buddhist monks and one of them would have flipped eventually... it says very little about "Muslims". It's not as "black and white" (pun intended) as you seem to make it.
Since there's nothing in my post you quoted that suggests anything like that I can only assume you are reflecting your own current emotional state on me so I suggest taking your own advice and go play with someone at your own level.

Speaking of which, is there a point to Theo's pic in your profile UB? Expecting some over stimulated sensitive response as well? :lol:
Which part 'it's not'? I'm factually and statistically correct on both accounts. You either don't have the slightest clue of what's going on in Europe or how Muslim communities operate or both. They don't need 'your' laws to practice Sharia law :roll: I talk to them daily, got them as neighbors, friends, been to Muslim countries, and frequently share a joint with one of the many Muslims we have. I live in a country where the major cities have literally been taken over, and daily experience the limitations. Freedom of speech isn't what it used to be 10-20 years ago - wtf do you mean ease up? Be tolerant towards those who don't tolerate me (and pretty much everything I respect)? Never! (and tell that to the people shooting Mexicans trying to cross the borders..., get your priorities straight)

I treat every individual I meet with the same level of respect, regardless of color, race, and shoe brand. That doesn't mean I'm too ignorant to face reality: the fact there are so fucking many Muslims here sucks big time, Europe IS fucked. As a kid I used to think by the time I'm old people will have come to their senses about that Christian nonsense... to an extend I was correct, churches are being demolished... Problem is we got something way worse in return (mosques...)

I guess if neo-nazis aren't a problem Muslims aren't either... :rolleyes:


The US is a bit too large to have that island-mentality guys... we'll see in the next 10+ years how the US deals with it. Let's see how you guys talk when the hot Cali chicks slowly disappear from the beach because they continuously get harassed by Muslims kids... you have no idea... I sincerely hope you do a better job then we did being eager self-righteous lefties that cry 'racism' or 'discrimination' and think being tolerant is some holy goal - better tell that to the many Muslims...

Bro, got family in nearly every country in Europe, been there many times myself, both my parents are born there. I'm not American and EU and the PC bullshit has led to Europe being the way it is, we lost our way, but it's not to late...
you just have to be an example; be brave and don't let that kinda stuff slide when you see it. You could start a reversal of the trend.

"Just say, 'you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant' and walk out." Arlo Guthrie