I am thankful Sharia Law is not in America

in other countries, this kind of speech would not be protected.
Yeah you guys took 'freedom of' to a whole new level. If some guy here would for example Twitter sick shit like that he would certainly risk getting arrested for calling for violence against a group and at the very least become a person of interest. (Unless it's a muslim talking about Jews and gays of course...). The danger is that there is some stupid kid who takes that shit seriously and ends up hurting real people.
Your reality sucks. I haven't been defeated and won't give up until I'm dead. You go ahead and walk around with that dick in your ass while complaining about butthurt. Meanwhile there are a few of us that will do something about it or at least take a stand....Go ahead and get yourself a grilled cheese sandwich and STFU.... BIOTCH.....
Umadbro? I guess you didn't take your own advice earlier :eyesmoke: Frankly you just sound scared. Reality sucks indeed but refusing to face it is pointless and tiring. Thinking Europe can go back to what it was pre-mass-Muslim migration, or that anyone can stop the major influence the invasion has and will have, is not realistic, besides plain dumb. Expressing your blinding fear by 'doing something about it' won't improve the situation for anyone.

You can call it rolling over or whatever for all I care, I'm merely facing and adapting to the (shitty) reality. Doing something about it is as feasible and realistic as ridding the world of the bible or changing today's weather - they are already here, it's done, it's fucked.

And if you guys think Wilders will change anything for the good...(just checked out your new group :roll:), and noticed a video of Geert Wilders :wall: oh he's popular here in some areas... especially in small fisher towns with primarily uneducated inbreds ('not' even kidding). Wilders is part of our problem and a major contributor to creating the parallel society. With people like him and you going too far to one extreme end you just make the situation worse, as some left idealistic dreamer will try to balance that by choosing the other extreme end - which is what got us in this situation in the first place you stupid fucks.

PS. His main sponsors are in the US and Israel (his wife's Jewish), and doesn't like neo-nazis very much... to put it mildly...
Questioning numbers or the holocaust in general isn't going to kill or hurt anyone. It may hurt or effect someone in a negative way if their is something they are hiding . The more they try to stop/ban people from questioning it the more people like me will be interested .
(just checked out your new group :roll:), and noticed a video of Geert Wilders :wall: oh he's popular here in some areas... especially in small fisher towns with primarily uneducated inbreds ('not' even kidding). Wilders is part of our problem and a major contributor to creating the parallel society. With people like him and you going too far to one extreme end you just make the situation worse, as some left idealistic dreamer will try to balance that by choosing the other extreme end - which is what got us in this situation in the first place you stupid fucks.

PS. His main sponsors are in the US and Israel (his wife's Jewish), and doesn't like neo-nazis very much... to put it mildly...

I guess you didn't see my post in their exposing geert for the Zionist he is did you? I can tell your quick to pass judgement learn to keep an open mind , view all the facts then make your judgement.

You said it yourself. Your neighborhood has changed you can't say this or that. The bakery is gone. Sucks feeling like a stranger were you were born. Have you converted to islam yet or are you just counting down the days?
Questioning numbers or the holocaust in general isn't going to kill or hurt anyone. It may hurt or effect someone in a negative way if their is something they are hiding . The more they try to stop/ban people from questioning it the more people like me will be interested .

Exactly. You can believe any other crazy conspiracy theory out there, but if you even watch a documentary about how the numbers may have been inflated then you get crucified. It's pretty much the only thought crime you can literally go to prison for in some countries. Makes me want to know why there is such a big defense against people getting both arguments. I like to be open minded. For example, I have watched flat earth documentaries even though I believe the world it round. I want to hear their arguments incase there is something too it. Same with any other controversial topic.
Questioning numbers or the holocaust in general isn't going to kill or hurt anyone. It may hurt or effect someone in a negative way if their is something they are hiding . The more they try to stop/ban people from questioning it the more people like me will be interested .

Dissenting opinion; if the hidden goal of "questioning" is ultimately denying or <cough!> whitewashing. The social forces that brought us the Holocaust are not extinct, as the continuing anti-Semitic ferment plainly shows. To claim it doesn't hurt anyone is a sly way of saying Jews aren't ... anyone. Jmo.
Honest "questioning" can lead to "well, yes" as an answer. Loaded questioning prejudges the acceptable answers, and doesn't deserve the dignity of the term. It becomes a dishonest and rather ugly rhetorical trick, a survivor of the Big Lie that killed millions very nastily just one lifetime ago. cn
Exactly. You can believe any other crazy conspiracy theory out there, but if you even watch a documentary about how the numbers may have been inflated then you get crucified. It's pretty much the only thought crime you can literally go to prison for in some countries. Makes me want to know why there is such a big defense against people getting both arguments. I like to be open minded. For example, I have watched flat earth documentaries even though I believe the world it round. I want to hear their arguments incase there is something too it. Same with any other controversial topic.

I would shudder to think of a world in which dying this way would once again be made conceivable. i have suffered caustic burns, and they are the nastiest chemical injuries a life in the lab has served me. cn

You didn't expect me to actually read the stupid shit you guys are going to write in that group did you... Doesn't make it any less laughable that there are videos in it of Wilders in the first place. :lol:

I can tell your quick to pass judgement learn to keep an open mind, view all the facts then make your judgement.
Coming from you that can't possibly have any value for me you do realize that don't you? A bigot telling 'me' to keep an open mind, to afraid to face reality yet telling me to view all the facts...:wall:

Your neighborhood has changed you can't say this or that.
And there it is again... the simplistic black-and-white thinking so typical for the age of idiocracy. It's ok that you missed the point of that kebab shop / bakery example you responded as expected nevertheless. My neighborhood, city, country has changed, it's fucked up, but there's no way to unfuck the situation (at least no civilized way). It is what it is (fucked up).

So, that's where your fear comes from, being afraid that you'll be converted to islam?
And there it is again... the simplistic black-and-white thinking so typical for the age of idiocracy. It's ok that you missed the point of that kebab shop / bakery example you responded as expected nevertheless. My neighborhood, city, country has changed, it's fucked up, but there's no way to unfuck the situation (at least no civilized way). It is what it is (fucked up).

What a pussified way to look at things. Maybe if their were any real men your city wouldn't be the trash you have said it is. Just keep being a push over. It is what it is.
To claim it doesn't hurt anyone is a sly way of saying Jews aren't ... anyone. Jmo.

Their you go putting words in someones mouth. Might as well join bucks propaganda party. :roll:

I guess all the jewish people that question the holocaust are also anti-Semitic or would you call them a self haters?
What a pussified way to look at things. Maybe if anyone from your town were real men your city wouldn't be the trash it is. Just keep being a push over. It is what it is.

if i ever came across you or your fellow white supremacist buddy in person, you'd find out about being pushed over pretty quickly.
if i ever came across you or your fellow white supremacist buddy in person, you'd find out about being pushed over pretty quickly.

Buck your just a little bitch boy e-thug I'm the 3rd person today you tried to talk shit to.

Like I said before Go outside tell a real White person how privileged they are. I'm not talking about some little 13 year old kid. I'm saying step up to a real man and debate with him tell how privileged he is to be busting his ass for table scraps getting his pay check raped while you sit on your ass online . You know what would happen.
Buck your just a little bitch boy e-thug I'm the 3rd person today you tried to talk shit to.

Like I said before Go outside tell a real White person how privileged they are. I'm not talking about some little 13 year old kid. I'm saying step up to a real man and debate with him tell how privileged he is to be busting his ass for table scraps getting his pay check raped while you sit on your ass online . You know what would happen.

your white persecution complex is fucking laughable, and if you preached any of your neo nazi bullshit i promise you that i'm not the only one that would split your skull open.

if you think this is some kind of an act, then just tell me where you want to meet.

go back to stormfront and play with your neo nazi buddies over there, no one over here wants to hear it.
I vote douche.

but I honestly think hes a rat and "his wife" has fucked up hands from feeding him cheese.

no one's gonna mistake that piece of shit you're growing for cannabis.

i've taken runny shits that look better than the plant you're abusing.

Their you go putting words in someones mouth. Might as well join bucks propaganda party. :roll:

I guess all the jewish people that question the holocaust are also anti-Semitic or would you call them a self haters?

How did I put words into your mouth andor post? Which ones?

I also maintain that when "questioning" is used as a sly form of denial/refutation, it should not be treated as the reason it seeks to paint itself as being.
What aspect of the Holocaust do you question, and what are your sources (in actual learned journals or monographs; no **** blogs) for your thesis? If you seek questioning on a rational basis, there are procedures to do so. cn
if i ever came across you or your fellow white supremacist buddy in person, you'd find out about being pushed over pretty quickly.

You wouldn't shit except cower behind Mrs. Hands... You talk a big game but you got nothing, If I met you in the street you wouldn't be happy - neither would your missus...
What aspect of the Holocaust do you question, and what are your sources (in actual learned journals or monographs; no **** blogs) for your thesis? If you seek questioning on a rational basis, there are procedures to do so. cn

The numbers , the people , the war , the time frame , everything its an interesting period in time and my personal belief is you shouldn't believe everything just because they thought you it in school. We have seen throughout history how schooling and education has been manipulated by the governments of the world.

As far as blogs and Sources I'm not narrow minded so I look everywhere from the most extreme to the opposed . Ive posted a view videos of people questioning the holocaust as far as I seen so far none of them are nazis most have been jewish themselves. Tho I think the nazi name calling thing is a stupid attempt to discredit people. Its healthy to weigh all sides . What are the procedures you recommend? I don't see why all the name calling needs to happen when people question history.
You wouldn't shit except cower behind Mrs. Hands... You talk a big game but you got nothing, If I met you in the street you wouldn't be happy - neither would your missus...

of course we'd be unhappy to meet someone like you, you carry yourself with the composure of a methed out neo-nazi.