I need honest opinions on miracle gro mediums


Active Member
you said in an original post that the plants need lots of nitrogen in flower. When I stated that it's not true and counter productive (which any skilled grower here knows) you said you knew that already and I'm treating you like a dummy.... lol which is it?
I said you cant flush the plant ...only the soil. You said you knew that and are removing the salts from soil. Later a great grower says mg makes the plant taste horrible. You said even if I flush? Showing that you dont comprehend that when you flush you are flushing the soil not the plant. Plus flushing a time released soil that is chemical is about as hard as flushing organic time released.
You said you wont say what country your from even tho earlier you stated you are from the u.s.
Lots of contradictions. I'm not trying to be a total ass here. I'm trying to help teach you.

And btw as far as organics go...you got it alllllllll wrong dude! unlike synthetic ferts go... the soil feeds the plant exactly what it needs, making it ridiculously hard to over feed it. Most nutes in small form are available immediately and results can be seen just as fast.
Trust me.... my plants are not dying while they are waiting for my nutes to decay (current grow, single plant)View attachment 4606430
People are legit trying to give you sound advice and help you. You are however all over the place with your answers and statements and acting like you know everything when in fact you have very very very much to learn.

And that is why I love this place is to help new growers learn what took me yrs of trials and errors.
Did need lots of nitrogen idk what you’re trying to tell me I’m the one who grew the plant I would think I would know because well I’m PHYSICALLY TAKING CARE OF IT? I watched it grow from seed and saw what deficiency’s occurred, don’t believe me? Here’s a picture I was literally losing leaves every single day probably by 3s that’s how bad my problem was so really don’t try to tell me I don’t know what I’m doing and county not country since you have shit to say about me going to college you should go back to kindergarten and learn how to read again! And yes if I flush 10 days prior to harvest that’ll give me a clean harvest slow realsing nutz or not I flush out the remaining nutz that busted from the pellets which there’s probably none really left because of the age of the soil so I am so, SO sorry I didn’t elaborate enough on that didn’t know I had to explain terms before using them but I guess ones success could make people upset and that’s okay you’ll get your gold star some day we all will And as for ganga gurl you’ll get that kindergarten diploma But once again I appreciate everyone’s time on here definitely was my entertainment for the night lol


Active Member
She looked like shit that was 2 weeks ago tell me I don’t know what I’m doing guarantee half the people on here would still be chasing those issues and end up with a dead plant or a plant not even worth finishing from all the lost leaves.



Well-Known Member
Did need lots of nitrogen idk what you’re trying to tell me I’m the one who grew the plant I would think I would know because well I’m PHYSICALLY TAKING CARE OF IT? I watched it grow from seed and saw what deficiency’s occurred, don’t believe me? Here’s a picture I was literally losing leaves every single day probably by 3s that’s how bad my problem was so really don’t try to tell me I don’t know what I’m doing and county not country since you have shit to say about me going to college you should go back to kindergarten and learn how to read again! And yes if I flush 10 days prior to harvest that’ll give me a clean harvest slow realsing nutz or not I flush out the remaining nutz that busted from the pellets which there’s probably none really left because of the age of the soil so I am so, SO sorry I didn’t elaborate enough on that didn’t know I had to explain terms before using them but I guess ones success could make people upset and that’s okay you’ll get your gold star some day we all will And as for ganga gurl you’ll get that kindergarten diploma But once again I appreciate everyone’s time on here definitely was my entertainment for the night lol
Proper punctuation, capitalization, spelling and the use of paragraphs really do go a long way toward the readability and understanding of a post.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
You can get yellow leaves even with nitrogen toxicity. Have fun smoking a tone of nitrogen in your buds dude! Its toxic.
But hey .... you're the college man... I'm just a lowly organic grower who's plants are dying waiting for my nutes to decompose. Wow ..... hahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Miracle gro mediums are easy to work with and give good results. Good Job on your plants :weed:

Btw my Northern lights yellowed too and the end of it's life it's normal for some strains to go yellow


Active Member
Once again telling me something I already know obviously it was a deficiency issue did you not see the pictures from two weeks ago i just posted I may have went a tad heavy on the nutz but it saved my plant from losing leaves and continuing to yellow so I don’t see your point with that statement and yes I’ll enjoy my “nitrogen toxic buds” like I’m going to keep feeding up to harvest like cmon dude now you’re not making sense your shooting shots in the dark hoping to hit a target like I’m not even near harvest and your telling me my buds are going to taste like nitrogen like where’s the time machine bro? I’d love to Jump to conclusion too I’m so excited to get 2 pounds of this plant maybe if I rub my dick and blink twice I’ll time travel 3 weeks ahead like you did cause that’s obviously what’s going on here. Lmao


Active Member
Miracle gro mediums are easy to work with and give good results. Good Job on your plants :weed:

Btw my Northern lights yellowed too and the end of it's life it's normal for some strains to go yellow
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Wow that’s very beautiful and I know I just hate the idea of losing leaves cause they’re an obvious energy source so this grow I wanted to see if I can stop it and I did but now I’m getting shit for it lmao


Active Member
And really the only reason I stopped it was because these autos finish real late since she was loosing leaves in the beginning of flower I wanted to save as much as I can to contribute more energy towards growing buds with more leaves cause she’ll make more energy thus better bud production. It’s not a big difference but I like to save as much as I can it’s just the thought that bothers me haha


Well-Known Member
Wow that’s very beautiful and I know I just hate the idea of losing leaves cause they’re an obvious energy source so this grow I wanted to see if I can stop it and I did but now I’m getting shit for it lmao
There's a significant difference between the discoloration of a plant early in its life and at the end of life. The latter is a natural process called senescence. The plant knows it is end of life, so it begins moving the mobile nutrients from the leaves it knows it no longer needs to be used in a last ditch effort for seed and flower production.

The former is caused by deficiency, either by not enough nutrients, or artificially through lockout, nutrient antagonism etc. Discoloration at this stage of growth can significantly hinder the plant's ability to grow properly (ie. stunted growth).


Well-Known Member
There's a significant difference between the discoloration of a plant early in its life and at the end of life. The latter is a natural process called senescence. The plant knows it is end of life, so it begins moving the mobile nutrients from the leaves it knows it no longer needs to be used in a last ditch effort for seed and flower production.

The former is caused by deficiency, either by not enough nutrients, or artificially through lockout, nutrient antagonism etc. Discoloration at this stage of growth can significantly hinder the plant's ability to grow properly (ie. stunted growth).
i thought it was end of grow maybe he had environmental problems or not enough nutrients. I would really doubt it's the soil alone


Well-Known Member
i thought it was end of grow maybe he had environmental problems or not enough nutrients. I would really doubt it's the soil alone
If the discoloring happened during flower before the final couple of weeks, then it isn't just the natural process of the plant. There's also some grower-related issues causing that.


Active Member
i thought it was end of grow maybe he had environmental problems or not enough nutrients. I would really doubt it's the soil alone
Not enough nutz I proved that after a heavy feeding cause the first time I fed her with jacks it slowed down yellowing but I decided to go with the outside plant instructions which is a full scoop instead of half and now she hasn’t lost or had any leaves turn yellow for two weeks now


Well-Known Member
I’m definitely going to have to give hydro a shot
If you want to transition instead of just making the jump, you can use coco or peat to get the hang of things first. Both of those mediums provide the same type of grow as soil, but the mediums are inert and are treated as a hydro grow.

You can transition like this to become more familiar with applying nutrients in a similar-to-soil fashion, then after you've got that down, switch over to a full-blown H2O only system.

Most soil growers who transitioned to hydro that I know used a transition like this.