I Once.


Well-Known Member
I once had a panic attack in a casket when I was a kid. We were roaming the mortuary at a funeral, and they stuffed me in and held the lid closed. I freaked. I think that might be why I'm claustrophobic.


Well-Known Member
I once had a panic attack in a casket when I was a kid. We were roaming the mortuary at a funeral, and they stuffed me in and held the lid closed. I freaked. I think that might be why I'm claustrophobic.

I once read this guys posting and felt sorry for him today and the shit he was talking about probably happen 20 or 30 years ago...


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about ME? First, I'm a girl, lol, and it happened maybe....15 years ago?

I once had to correct myself about an earlier posting which I only screwed up because (yep you guessed it, I was good'n'high when I posted it) So anyways Yeah you wicked bitch (Sorry I couldn't resist) I didn't realize you were a chic, 2nd I was just guessing how long ago but you still have my sympathy actually its worse now cause you are a girl... I hope those guys who did that to you get trapped on an elevator with a fat ass who has gas LOL
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Well-Known Member
i once sold my t.v. for 50 bucks to my friend so i could sniff all night and party at the strip club. not too many lapdances or vip for 50 bucks.:cry:


Well-Known Member
I once had to correct myself about an earlier posting which I only screwed up because (yep you guessed it, I was good'n'high when I posted it) So anyways Yeah you wicked bitch (Sorry I couldn't resist) I didn't realize you were a chic, 2nd I was just guessing how long ago but you still have my sympathy actually its worse now cause you are a girl... I hope those guys who did that to you get trapped on an elevator with a fat ass who has gas LOL
I once was locked in a chicken coup by the same cousins who trapped me in the casket. The hens didn't scare me, but that rooster was a mean sum bitch


Well-Known Member
I once crapped my pants on the strip in Vegas. Trust me, what happened there, stayed there, the maid at the MGM Grand found a nice stinky surprise in the trash can.


Well-Known Member
I once had a bum begging for food at the drive thru have the NERVE to ask me to get him TWO NUMBER ELEVENS. Fool was obviously crazy.


Well-Known Member
Fuck no! I started laughing my ass off and told him he was fucking crazy if he thought I was going to buy him two meals, he needed to be more realistic, and he kept insisting.


Well-Known Member
Fuck no! I started laughing my ass off and told him he was fucking crazy if he thought I was going to buy him two meals, he needed to be more realistic, and he kept insisting.

Oh yeah Fuck him in the ear if he's going to persist, Ahhh did he forget who's helping who?