I Once.


Well-Known Member
i once watched a beautiful lady slowly enjoy a banana on her lunch break. she did not know i was watching her. or did she? one would wonder. maybe she just likes bananas.


Well-Known Member
"They literally made me stop eating foods that were shaped like dicks. No hotdogs, no popsicles. You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kind!"


Well-Known Member
i once smoked salvia out of my 4ft bong, thought someone was talking to me from above, took my shirt off, yelled at my dog, looked out the window through the miniblinds about 15 times in 30 seconds, strategically maneuvered (dipping and scampering) around the kitchen and all its island components, thought about how cool camouflage is, grew a mustache, shaved it off, and fell into an increasingly bottomless, bottomless hole. salvia sux ass.


Well-Known Member
i once smoked salvia out of my 4ft bong, thought someone was talking to me from above, took my shirt off, yelled at my dog, looked out the window through the miniblinds about 15 times in 30 seconds, strategically maneuvered (dipping and scampering) around the kitchen and all its island components, thought about how cool camouflage is, grew a mustache, shaved it off, and fell into an increasingly bottomless, bottomless hole. salvia sux ass.
So you did all of this while tripping in salvia! Some people don't have the stomach for tripping!