I suck at growing weed

If you plan on over feeding throughout the grow and then trying to flush out the excess at the end, why don't you just save yourself time, energy and nutes by not over feeding it in the first place?

(I'm copying this from a thread I just read about 30mins ago...
And this sums up the flush argument best I think.)

"I'm going to say this one more time and never again on this forum because it's exhausting.

When you feed a plant in flower you don't end up with "buds full of fertilizer". There is a very specific set of internal processes that allow particular ions to be used as a source of fuel for the plant as a whole. The plant, in turn, allocates those resources according to what part of its life cycle it is in. In the case of a plant in late bloom, the entire focus of the plant is producing flowers. It will take whatever resources it has to accomplish this goal. If you stop providing a source of exogenous nutrients it will begin cannibalizing stored nutrients from its own biomass to provide the buds what they need.
Here comes the big question so read this next part carefully....

What is the chemical difference between what the plant sends to the buds to facilitate development while being fed exogenously, versus what it sends to the buds to facilitate development when it is pulling the nutrients from its own biomass?

If you can provide scientifically verifiable evidence that the ions being used by the buds for developement are different when provided exogenously you will officially be the first person to actually prove that 'flushing' makes the flowers better.

Lastly, the reduction of chlorophyll compounds in the buds is a function of proper drying and curing. Black ash, buds that go snap crackle pop, bad flavor.... all a product of improper post harvest drying/curing."
Remember Curing your bud is half the taste, done wrong its always gonna have the same shit taste. So if you dont know much about it take the time to learn and maybe next time you harvest try abunch of different techniques and see what works best for you! (didnt read most of other comments if it was already covered sorry :/) good luck!
I think I need to learn how to cure better also. I've been hanging it in the garage where its cooler. It gets about 48 degrees in there. Its either that or the house where its always hot and dry. I think Im gonna get a humidifier for next time.
AW geez, Not the flushing BS again :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:
Nah i dont care what anyone else's weed taste like just my own.

I dont care what method you prescribe to as long as the finished product taste good to the last hit and burns to. FINE WHITE ASH
If it does that im all good with how ever someone does it:)

If it taste like shit and or turns to a black lump its shit...

If its good im happy dont care how you got there.

And if mine taste good no one should care howni got there :)

Hah people used to say when they had bad weed its cause they didnt flush enough lol

No bad weed growing skills can be saved from flushing i will say that :)
Thats the thing for some people tho, they think the flush is for solving everything, actually from my view its just about flushing pure RO water through to get rid of any possible left overs so the plant can finish its shit off... just habit and OCD from my point of view. The guy who said only stoners do that may have a point, its hardly going to space craft engineers flushing weed now is it? lol.

Anyway, i've got Final Finish for such craps :-P
Yea i just run well watef that is still phed so the plants can burn off anything stored up like nature does in the fall lol

Weed is beautiful in the "fall" if you let her colors show.
Not so much if you pound food down her throat till chop so she can give ya a few extra grams lol
how about if you never pound her full of anything and just give her what she needs to be healthy? I'm not going to turn this into a flushing debate, but just having good gardening skills goes a long way. also understanding how plants and nutes work together would help a lot of people from making stupid statements. Just sayin!
To the OP, im sure if you get some proven genetics from a reputable breeder, use a simple 1 or 2-part nute regime, good soil or coco,adequate lighting, there is no reason to not grow good weed.. try to keep it simple, and have ALL of your basics covered(Lights, environment..etc..)you cant go wrong.. you should give more detail about your set up also to receive suitable advice.

how about if you never pound her full of anything and just give her what she needs to be healthy? I'm not going to turn this into a flushing debate, but just having good gardening skills goes a long way. also understanding how plants and nutes work together would help a lot of people from making stupid statements. Just sayin!
I dont i subscribe to the less is more and i still flush :)
Keep it super simple. Less is more.

Don't buy into the whole cannabis specific nutes and bloom boosters. A balanced feed is better.

Look up brix levels. The higher the brix the better the smoke.

Sulphur is good for terpenes which is good for expanding the lungs.

I've also noticed that all the breeding for higher thc has ruined pot. A 15% thc plant can hit harder than a 20% one. Its about all the cannabinoids and even terpenes.

Its also a matter of finding a keeper. Sometimes you have to pop quite a few seeds.

Some of its genetics, some of it is the grower, some of it is the cure. All the little things add up.
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I dont i subscribe to the less is more and i still flush :)
Best to learn what your plants' needs are, and provide the correct amount (in general), right. And that comes with practice, which means your yields should increase as time goes on, and the grower's knowledge increases.
Hah people used to say when they had bad weed its cause they didnt flush enough lol

No bad weed growing skills can be saved from flushing i will say that :)
I provided nutes up until I harvested, this last grow, and my buds smell, and taste great! I used to subscribe to the flushing idea, but I did some research on this and it was enough to get me to not flush. A lot of people calling "bullshit" on this. But it's whatever the grower is convinced is best for their plants, so I really don't see why there's so much criticism back and forth.

I do flush a couple times during the grow though, to prevent salt buildup.
please lets not turn this into Another flushing thread...

Ignoring the flush statements, the final product quality is dependant on a lot of factors, most already mentioned here including:
Genetics (#1)
Grow method used (organic, soilless, hydro)
Harvest window
Drying/Curing method

Sounds like you've done some reading and finished some crops so genetics would be the first area I'd look at, then review your drying and curing methods as those can affect the quality even with the best genetics.
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Ignoring the flush statements, the final product quality is dependant on a lot of factors, most already mentioned here including:
Genetics (#1)
Grow method used (organic, soilless, hydro)
Harvest window
Drying/Curing method

Sounds like you've done some reading and finished some crops so genetics would be the first the first area I'd look at, then review your drying and curing methods as those can affect the quality even with the best genetics.
Totally! I take great steps to dry and cure my weed. That's where I absolutely won't slack. So important!