I suck at growing weed

Well i guess it hasn't happend to me or anyone i help cause i don't feed unless i need to.. I read the plants pretty well... They DO need n in flower all u bottle heads.. And if u think about it they might need just as much... N makes shit grow.. Buds are growing.. They need n... But less is more in that case i guess as in a lot... Try this tim.. It may help.. It does for me.. Hit them w an MICROBIAL tea when u see a deficiencie...along w some humic and fulvic ..anything that will influence the uptake of ur gurls.. If they start getting better then ull prob be needing to add some soluble w.e u need asap.. Just add a lil... Iv never had bad taste.. Never had to flush.... Iv actually fed thw fuck outa plants w nute teas annd microbial teas and they still tasted amazing.. Lucky i guess... But i like the add a lil deal.. Wayy less cost and waste
You're first sentence is what got my response.
Thats a very ignorant statement.
How the fuck do you teach plant nutrition? Just tell them to do what you do?
You called me out first,
How the fuck did i call u out.. Your mind kicked into defence mode.. Work on that shit man.. I was telling u my exp and what works for me and all the awesome ass growers iv learned from.. And wtf are u talking about... Where.. Oh fucking where did i say i TEACH PLANTS NUTRITION... u mean where i said i dont feed unless needed.. Thays the 1st sentence.. I dont.. I make my soil based on research.. And i read my plants based on experience buddy.. I guess ima outa sight noob is all... If u make your soil correct you dont need to feed much.. Some dont at all... And when you know wtf ur doing.. And study cannabis problems.. Lockouts.. Deficiencies.. You learn along w seeing them first hand... So u know what u need.. And i was doing nothing of the sort of attacking u.. I was helping by sharing info.. Dont be a troll and start shit where it isnt.. This is a website for sharing and becoming a better grower.. Not throwing bitch fits and seeing arguments where there are none.. That's half of the fucking problem w this place
I didnt come here to argue w u tim.. I came here to give good advice to a guy who i think this site could help... That's what u should be doing also or u should take ur ass elsewere
I didnt come here to argue w u tim.. I came here to give good advice to a guy who i think this site could help... That's what u should be doing also or u should take ur ass elsewere
And thats exactly what i was doing.
You were being obnoxious and rude. Im sorry.
You wouldnt talk to people like that in public would you?
So why be like that towards people here, and tell OP they're shit.
You never know OP might even teach you something, if you took what people said onboard.
Dude idk wtf you arw talking about.. You're a damn idiot if u think i was making fun or the op or attacking you... And yea.. I would be polite and share info on the steet just like i did on here... The problem is ppl like u get on here and bitch and u see an argument or an insult in anything.. I challenge u to show me where u were attacked before u started ur 14 yo pmsing girl fit... And especially the op.. I came to help.. Now because im defending myself from ur loony toon ass i feel like im high jacking a thread for a dude who just wants help... We will see when ppl read this if they think im being an ass to u or the op... Nobody will unless they are also trolls like yourself.. You seem like someone who has read a lil bit of info on here and u keep it in ur pocket to act like u know wtf ur doing... There are websites that u can join to argue on and will better fit your defenseive mind.. But keep off riu dude... And im sorry about that time u scooped up a bunch of chcicken shit and fried your bagseed plant u had in ur moms mg soil btw.... But u learned.. That's a plus... Op.. If u want some help or a good start into organics id be glad to help u man.. Like i said its super easy and u will be amazed at the quality diff imo... Shoot up some pics if u have em and maybe i can help u... Also get back w me about the tricomes when u harvested...im sorry for this bs on ur thread buddy... Bed time... I think u should get some sleep too timmy boy.. Might help that nasty attitude and those delusional made up accusations u tossed my way... Maybe its aggression from being in the closet
Dude idk wtf you arw talking about.. You're a damn idiot if u think i was making fun or the op or attacking you... And yea.. I would be polite and share info on the steet just like i did on here... The problem is ppl like u get on here and bitch and u see an argument or an insult in anything.. I challenge u to show me where u were attacked before u started ur 14 yo pmsing girl fit... And especially the op.. I came to help.. Now because im defending myself from ur loony toon ass i feel like im high jacking a thread for a dude who just wants help... We will see when ppl read this if they think im being an ass to u or the op... Nobody will unless they are also trolls like yourself.. You seem like someone who has read a lil bit of info on here and u keep it in ur pocket to act like u know wtf ur doing... There are websites that u can join to argue on and will better fit your defenseive mind.. But keep off riu dude... And im sorry about that time u scooped up a bunch of chcicken shit and fried your bagseed plant u had in ur moms mg soil btw.... But u learned.. That's a plus... Op.. If u want some help or a good start into organics id be glad to help u man.. Like i said its super easy and u will be amazed at the quality diff imo... Shoot up some pics if u have em and maybe i can help u... Also get back w me about the tricomes when u harvested...im sorry for this bs on ur thread buddy... Bed time... I think u should get some sleep too timmy boy.. Might help that nasty attitude and those delusional made up accusations u tossed my way... Maybe its aggression from being in the closet
Read your posts.
You're calling people all sorts of names. Like an obnoxious asshole.
Somebody just had to have the slightest different opinion, and you started cussing out.
You're obviously very opinionated. We're meant to be discussing not arguing.

Im sorry aswell op.
You are the one who called me an fn noob.. I didn't cuss or say anything bad till then fuck face. And guess what u unclebuck wanna be pos.. U were the one w the opinions.. And the false accusations..blow ur nose kid.. You look like a crazy person.. Ur a lil bitch who is bitching cause i cussed u after u lied and cussed me...would u do that in public.. I wish u would to me timmy.. Id break ur stupid ass jaw
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Hey buddy.. You wouldn't happen to have some pics of ur plants in flower.. Or veg actually.. We might be able to help u do something diff if we see a problem w em... Ill tell u this now...this is the easiest and best way hands down to grow... Learn the basics of organic growing.. After i switched my pecker wouldnt go down ..total metaphor.. Lol.. cause i thought i was the shit.. It was so damn easier and omg man it was so much better.. I read for 2 yrs before switching.. But the killer ppl on her can guide u through it step by step along w u reading... Bigger better easier grown buds imo and about 95% of growers would agree. .i just seen all the best growers here were like.. Iys organic or nothing... So i went.. And im glad.... And spend time learning how to be a fn cure king... That shit helps taste.. Along w timing... I always harvest my plants riiight before sun up... I noticed they didnt have a chlorophyll taste like this... I was 14 15 when i made that switch... Lol so chlorophyll tasting weed was the least of my worries lol.. But ill also tell u this about curing.. I absoutley do not wait till the stem is so fn dry it snaps... Learing to know riiight before it snaps and still bends is key imo.. Some stems can snap but most on my cures do not... If they are too wet you'll know after they sit for an hr ..if so.. Open and check.. If they smell wet.. Lay em out and dry em more... When u can jar em and they dont smell wet after an hr or so they are ready for the cure..i also will not dry my weed faster than a week or a week and a few days.. Anything faster isnt good imo..strains play a big role in having ass kicking weed.. Agreed.. But bro i smoked a quarter zip a day forever and iv grew weed from middie seeds that wasnt all too great ,that smoked my ass..so that's why I'm wanting to see some pics.. Anyway we can help is awesome... Especially if u go to the good fight on the orgainc side... And BTW... Who the hell flushes??? Not any smart orgainc growers lol jk everyone.. Don't get mad.. But no need to flush bro
I'll try and get some pics up soon. Thanks for all the help man.
I'll try and get some pics up soon. Thanks for all the help man.
Hey man no prob.. Im just trying to pay it foward.. U can find some cool ass cats on here that know whats up that are more than willing to help... I bet we could make u a soil pretty damn cheap and help u along the way and youll be growing dank in no time... Feel free to pm me or just ask for anything.. If i can help i will.. If idk i bet i know someone who does lol
I do my final flush a week before harvest, just to remove any slime and salt buildup.

When farmers grow, I doubt they flush their farm :p

Some growers start the final flush 10 to 14 days before harvesting to force the plant to consume all the left over nutrients available in the soil and within the plant. Honestly, if you flush for a week, you should be okay. :smile:

Cheers fro Dublin,
And when i say organic i dont mean bottled water they sell for fert.. Go dry amendments... Soo much better.. U can get a hobby outa going organic too.. Its fun as f... I never though i would be excited about making compost and shit lile that.. But i def am lol
Some growers start the final flush 10 to 14 days before harvesting to force the plant to consume all the left over nutrients available in the soil and within the plant. Honestly, if you flush for a week, you should be okay. :smile:

Cheers fro Dublin,
When i grew synthetic i did this... I alwaye flushed 3 weeks before and the last week i let it dry.. Makes the drying time a lil easier i think
Hey man no prob.. Im just trying to pay it foward.. U can find some cool ass cats on here that know whats up that are more than willing to help... I bet we could make u a soil pretty damn cheap and help u along the way and youll be growing dank in no time... Feel free to pm me or just ask for anything.. If i can help i will.. If idk i bet i know someone who does lol
Cool shit man. much love. I tried going organic... I composted a barrel of compost with fruits and vegetables and it looks ready and really rich and usable but i brought it in the house and i noticed all sorts of creepy crawlers in it. What do people do about the bugs. I dont wanna bring all the bugs in my grow area.. What if it has spider mites or something. that would suck. Any suggestions?
Some growers start the final flush 10 to 14 days before harvesting to force the plant to consume all the left over nutrients available in the soil and within the plant. Honestly, if you flush for a week, you should be okay. :smile:

Cheers fro Dublin,
do you know what an anion or cation is? do you know what photosynthesis does? do you know what immobile in "immobile nutrients" means?
Cool shit man. much love. I tried going organic... I composted a barrel of compost with fruits and vegetables and it looks ready and really rich and usable but i brought it in the house and i noticed all sorts of creepy crawlers in it. What do people do about the bugs. I dont wanna bring all the bugs in my grow area.. What if it has spider mites or something. that would suck. Any suggestions?
Some bugs are ok but ur correct.. Dont bring em in.. You could leave it in the cold weather or maybe get some neem and make a organic pesticide Of sorts...my buddy who is a bug removal expert.. An all around expert tbh, hasnt been on for awhile @greasemonkeymann ...if u ever get a chance hit him up... But another guy that can prob help and is a really good guy is @Rasta Roy ....he knows more about that than i would.. I have got really lucky when it comes to that deal.. I get bugs on the plants more... But u may also be able to recompost that compost.. Id make a pile and use that compost as ur dirt... Its gotta be a thermal pile though for this theory to work... If rasta pops up he will set me straight if im full of shit lol
Id almost bet we could make a much better compost than what u have.. Unless u added amendments to urs and a good amount.. Im not saying ur compost sux either buddy.. Im sure it doesn't.. Im just saying if ur not use to orgaincs.. And i wasnt... You could make a better pile.. Cause compost and high quality compost are two diff things.. Really important..my first pile wasnt shit to my piles now... So im not hatin..urs could be awesome idk lol
Id almost bet we could make a much better compost than what u have.. Unless u added amendments to urs and a good amount.. Im not saying ur compost sux either buddy.. Im sure it doesn't.. Im just saying if ur not use to orgaincs.. And i wasnt... You could make a better pile.. Cause compost and high quality compost are two diff things.. Really important..my first pile wasnt shit to my piles now... So im not hatin..urs could be awesome idk lol
Whats your recipe? Im always down to learn some new tips