I think I'm in danger!

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Johnny doesnt speak idiot but hes sounding like the idiot on the news snitching because he gets shot down for running his mouth to the wrong dude.. every dog has his day and so do you. Thats why you stay in your little rich town, step out into the real world and act as tough as you do behind that keyboard boy! You sound like a 16 year old who just got jumped into a gang! Hah.. fckin clown.
Excuse me?
Call the cops on him......in most states it's not illegal to make a bet, but it is illegal to take a bet.
man no narcing thats a number one rule in any state you play buy the rules and now date his daughter that will teach him!!!!!!
*I* would slap that old man *Dentures* out his mouth. *uppercut* him *Muay Thai* kick to the ribs *Thai* clinch knee to the *Nose/Mouth* then go for the *Guillotine* not the flying *Guillotine* the *Jiu-Jitsu* *Guillotine*. or just rear naked choke his ass!!!! then reach in his wallet n take the money *that's* what my friend did to a roofing contractor that *didn't* want to pay *laid* his ass out took the *Bankroll* n just took out our money n threw the rest on him and he *never* pressed charges, but tom was a hill billy from chino valley *Arizona* them *fuckin'* boy scouts *don't* fuck around!

I find this version a little easier to read...
OK I don't know what you guys drive, um, but everbody in a luxury car gives me a dirty look lol. Because well...they're in a luxury car, and...i'm not...so...i'm in their way. Maybe you're just being paranoid. Sounds like you two just had a minor pissing contest. But I only read the first page.
OK I don't know what you guys drive, um, but everbody in a luxury car gives me a dirty look lol. Because well...they're in a luxury car, and...i'm not...so...i'm in their way. Maybe you're just being paranoid. Sounds like you two just had a minor pissing contest. But I only read the first page.

The dude vanished after his first post , I suspect foul play . He could be in the trunk of one of those luxury cars .
um..... isn't this the same OP who was in trouble with the law after roundhouse kicking his gf in the face?

OP - any chance the 'luxury cars' are your ex's family, and the betdodging geezer was just a coincidence?
If he woulda just took his glock out and shoved it down said old guys throat first. Maybe he wouldn't be at the bottom with concrete shoes... Farewell good friend...
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