I think I'm in danger!

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Backwards babies do happen. And I sleep on my stomach. Plus, I only want to bare back. That's why my tubes are tied. And anybody I sleep with has to get tested first, with me present. If you can't wait a few days for results, then you really weren't there for the long haul anyway. And I can do that. Because I am worth it. Any woman who thinks she isn't worth it is wrong.
Backwards babies do happen. And I sleep on my stomach. Plus, I only want to bare back. That's why my tubes are tied. And anybody I sleep with has to get tested first, with me present. If you can't wait a few days for results, then you really weren't there for the long haul anyway. And I can do that. Because I am worth it. Any woman who thinks she isn't worth it is wrong.

Damn girl u are anal ;)
Dude I swear to God, I smoke and I become the most articulate witty person i've ever been. At least it seems that way when i'm high lol.
um maybe where you come from lol. Where i'm from the one you love the most gets your best freak. And i am mighty freaky. Not to be confused with promiscuous. I don't freak people i'm never going to see again. That's how babies and diseases happen. Not necessarily in that order, either.

Just had to add this - what the fuck is sacred sex? Lol. I do not want anything to do with sacred sex. If my man cannot ride me when i buck, then he needs to get the fuck out of my room. There is nothing sacred happening when i go into the bedroom. Just the thought of it gives me the creeps. That's why i have to date guys that have just the right amount of grrr in them. Some men have no grrr. You ever had a man that tried to talk dirty to you and it just sounded like a love poem? That's the man with no grrr.

OUCH!! I likED you too. WTF!!!!

Well most people on here are guys and your name is kind of asexual. So. I didn't mean anything by it, love :) If it's any consolation, I have an extremely feminine username, a girly avatar, a clear picture of myself up, and i've had at least 3 people tell me they've thought I was a guy since I joined.
Johnny doesnt speak idiot but hes sounding like the idiot on the news snitching because he gets shot down for running his mouth to the wrong dude.. every dog has his day and so do you. Thats why you stay in your little rich town, step out into the real world and act as tough as you do behind that keyboard boy! You sound like a 16 year old who just got jumped into a gang! Hah.. fckin clown.

You're doing it wrong.
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