I thought this was America?

Harsh? I was being polite so I don't bring down the wrath of my god, Sunni. :)

My son's mother was a victim of the Catholic church and so messed up and still is. Guilt ridden and lied like a sidewalk. Every catholic I've got to know is much the same. What kind of belief system is that to teach a child. The Vatican has enough riches to make every poor catholic middle class but the vast majority of them live in poverty but still pray their god is going to help them. You'd think god was tRump ffs. :D

We have one life so live every minute like it's your last 'cause when the curtain comes down that's it. Before I was born I suffered nought and I expect the same once I'm gone. Mark Twain I believe and not the exact quote. Same sentiment tho.

But you're superimposing the limited religious experiences of one person's life upon all people of all religions.

Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna
  • Both are believed to be sons of God since they were divinely conceived
  • The birth of both Jesus of Nazareth and Krishna of Dwarka and their God-designed missions were foretold
  • Both were born in unusual places — Christ in a lowly manger and Krishna in a prison cell
  • Both were divinely saved from death pronouncements
  • Evil forces pursued both Christ and Krishna in vain
  • Christ is often depicted as a shepherd; Krishna was a cowherd
  • Both appeared at a critical time when their respective countries were in a torpid state
  • Both died of wounds caused by sharp weapons — Christ by nails and Krishna by an arrow
  • The teachings of both are very similar — both emphasize love and peace
  • Krishna was often shown as having a dark blue complexion — a color close to that of Christ Consciousness

Jesus Christ and Lord Krishna
  • Both are believed to be sons of God since they were divinely conceived
  • The birth of both Jesus of Nazareth and Krishna of Dwarka and their God-designed missions were foretold
  • Both were born in unusual places — Christ in a lowly manger and Krishna in a prison cell
  • Both were divinely saved from death pronouncements
  • Evil forces pursued both Christ and Krishna in vain
  • Christ is often depicted as a shepherd; Krishna was a cowherd
  • Both appeared at a critical time when their respective countries were in a torpid state
  • Both died of wounds caused by sharp weapons — Christ by nails and Krishna by an arrow
  • The teachings of both are very similar — both emphasize love and peace
  • Krishna was often shown as having a dark blue complexion — a color close to that of Christ Consciousness
My cousin was a Hare Krishna for awhile.
But you're superimposing the limited religious experiences of one person's life upon all people of all religions.

But isn't that what the churches are doing too. Placing the experience of one person as an example of how all should be? The most hypocritical people I've ever met identify as religious whether it be christian or many others. My parents lived more spiritual lives than most religious people I've ever met. We got mormons on my mom's side of the family and one of my cousins is an elder in the mormon church down in Cardston, AB at teh big temple there. I used to like him like when he used to let me take the controls of his little 4 seater Grumman flying around down there. Should have joined air cadet instead of sea cadets when I was a kid then would probably got my pilots license. Can't swim worth shit but dad was a naval vet so what else could I do eh. :)

Just take a look at the religious right down south. As un-christian as you can get and as un-patriotic as traitors.

About time to check out CNN or something to see how things are going down there tonight and if y'all will still have a democracy in the morning. Sure hope so.

They make a great rice bowl man! Don't dig the haircuts tho. Lot of them around Vancouver back in the day. Some pretty hot chicks trying to seduce a guy into the cult now and then but they didn't put out like catholic or mormon girls.

View attachment 5223672
Krishna's only have sex to reproduce... sad life- no booze no sex. Cousin got out of the cult and got back into partying, women and booze- killed himself about 10 years later.

In typical mid-term elections, the party in power at the WH loses big time.
Not tonight. Americans don't want religion in their government.
They don't want women's rights taken away
They don't want archaic gender laws rammed down their throats.
They don't want more tax cuts for the wealthy
They don't want Medicare and Social Security slashed.

Where is the red wave? This is what happened tonight


In typical mid-term elections, the party in power at the WH loses big time.
Not tonight. Americans don't want religion in their government.
They don't want women's rights taken away
They don't want archaic gender laws rammed down their throats.
They don't want more tax cuts for the wealthy
They don't want Medicare and Social Security slashed.

Where is the red wave? This is what happened tonight

View attachment 5223677
I don’t think we will see final results for a few days. I don’t know why since it’s mostly electronic.
But isn't that what the churches are doing too. Placing the experience of one person as an example of how all should be? The most hypocritical people I've ever met identify as religious whether it be christian or many others. My parents lived more spiritual lives than most religious people I've ever met. We got mormons on my mom's side of the family and one of my cousins is an elder in the mormon church down in Cardston, AB at teh big temple there. I used to like him like when he used to let me take the controls of his little 4 seater Grumman flying around down there. Should have joined air cadet instead of sea cadets when I was a kid then would probably got my pilots license. Can't swim worth shit but dad was a naval vet so what else could I do eh. :)

Just take a look at the religious right down south. As un-christian as you can get and as un-patriotic as traitors.

About time to check out CNN or something to see how things are going down there tonight and if y'all will still have a democracy in the morning. Sure hope so.

Using one person as a positive example, is much different than deciding that since one person had a negative experience, that everyone else will also have the same negative experience.
The sentiment I see every day doesn’t line up with results. But hey, they voted.
It is because people are done with trying to talk to people in real life (about anything deeper than soil or hydro) that are so far down the rabbit hole they think these Republicans are a good idea.

This skews the noise level so that it seems like that side of the electorate is bigger than it is.