I thought this was America?

It is because people are done with trying to talk to people in real life (about anything deeper than soil or hydro) that are so far down the rabbit hole they think these Republicans are a good idea.

This skews the noise level so that it seems like that side of the electorate is bigger than it is.
Could be.
My take.. . . . . . . . The lower class are just lazy, with no drive to better themselves. . . . . . . . . . It's way too easy these days to sit on the couch playing Call of Duty while collecting SNAP food cards. . . . . . .
My wife's family (on her mother's side) has a genetic disorder which leads to decreased mobility. Her mom used a cane in her 20's and her brother in his 30's. (My wife is almost 70, and while she suffers from the disease, is still walking without a cane on pavement and level ground)

Anyway my brother in law worked as a book keeper for a local oil distributer. He worked nights so it was not that big a deal that he had so many doctor appointments. But then they made him work in the day, and didn't allow him to make up missed time. Shortly there after he trained his replacement and then they fired him. He applied for SS disability. He got it, but it took over two years. While he was waiting, he got SNAP (food stamps). He got about $135 a month. At that point he couldn't drive so I did his shopping. Needless to say, that was not enough to feed him. He lived off plastic until his SS came though.

But yea, the lower classes are just lazy.
.... adding to this. You know how many "Help Wanted", or "Now Hiring" signs there are all over town? It's not like there's a shortage of jobs, there's a shortage of people who really want to work. But the way our system is set up, it's easier for them so sit at home collecting the Government Cheese than getting out in the work field and starting up a 401K, Roth IRA, or even savings. They'll never get there sitting on the couch. THIS is the problem. And what sucks even more, is that hard working people are paying taxes to fund these "couch potatoes" while they also get free healthcare for a family of 5-6. We pay $1000 a month for 2 people for healthcare.... are you ok with that?
The covid taught folks they could get by with less. And working a crappy job for crappy pay did not have to be the only way. I stopped working this year for that very reason. (it helps they my wife has a golden retirement) Although I think your impression of the safety net is somewhat off. Most folks who get food stamps are working. They also live in poverty.

My buddy Smokey is a big time GOP'er. He hates everything socialist. But he has got his health insurance from the tax payers for the last 10 years. When I ask him wasn't that hypocritical, he said he needed it, so it wasn't socialism. Alright then.
I have no idea how many religions are out there... but then you have to ask yourself, "who is right"?.. the oldest I believe is Muslim. Christianity was developed later, then others like budism, Church of Christ, Jewdiism, Hindu, the list goes on and on. The Christian Bible was written by 68? authors, and who knows how many times is has been transcribed over the past 2000 years. So, sometimes it's ok to question the whole idea of it. Some say it was developed to control the masses... people could go on and on in a circular maze of logic about who is right, and who is wrong in thier beliefs.
God is good. God is great. Reading once in a while is not a bad thing either.

Ra, the Egyptian sun god. All the Greek gods. All the Roman gods. The Jewish god. Jesus. Then Mohamed made his heavenly ride.
My logic is there are no Gods or God. i don't believe in a god or gods (most of the time). Its just to control populations and for people with miserable lives to think and believe in a fairy tail afterlife.
We live, we die, the end.
We have been creating gods in our own image as long as we've been human. My own thoughts on the matter is it's because of our foreknowledge of our own death.

As far as life and death, we are like refrigerators. For years and years we work. Then one day we don't.
I've lived in the countryside for 22 years now..... I love it. No neighbors, no light pollution.... just trying to give some good advise to go to the desert or whatever to bring your soul full circle, and develop peace in your mind and body.
I envy you. After Hurricane Michael I can see several lights from the Sandhill. It's been four years, so lots of the houses across the river are slowly getting blocked out by trees. Down at my pond camp if I stand in the right place, there are no visible lights. But from just about any hill on the farm, there are red flashing lights from cell towers. And most night when I'm on my midnight ramble, I bitch about it.
I act respectfully when in the presence of believers but inside I'm LMFAO. Organized religions are mostly a form of cult that people brainwash their children with because they were brainwashed as children too. Like abuse begets abuse.

Our parents let us grow up without forcing religion on us so we could make up our own minds when we had minds to think our own thoughts with.
My wife's friends all pray before meals. I go along, since they are all nice folks. But once in a while my truth telling problem shows itself. We were out with the crew, and they were talking about the importance of teaching kids about god early. I pointed out that we all believed in the tooth fairy when we were young, but we outgrew it. (my wife kicked me under the table)