I used my Obama care and here are the facts...

That would be a bit humorous if I was still 5 years old.

You are suggesting I loan money for a "pound of Flesh." Or do you not know your Shakespeare either?
i took you long enuff to reply but i was refering to your attitude. pound of flesh applies to the play yes , but i was getting at how you take your,''pound of flesh " by character assassination like the jew shylock when someone takes exeception to your , for alack of a better term , fairytale views . .
I reply when I want and you still seem very stupid to me. Just a stupid Jew hater.
shylock was a jew in the play , fact , shakespeare had no time for jews tho . neither did washington , grant , twain , the greeks the romans , french , germans , dutch , chinese ect ect ect . glad you looked up shylock tho and learned about the merchant of venice , great play .
So even tho he liked his insurance, he doesn't actually get to keep his insurance...or his doctor?

And that thing about the artist above...coverage for $1 a month?

I want to see details of that policy, cos I'd bet $100 that he wouldn't be able to actually afford the treatment itself if he became unwell, just the cheap premiums.

Also, because he chose a shit career that he can't support himself on that means everyone else needs to pay for his health insurance?

I can't believe lefties and centrists hail the ACA...some of the provisions make sense (pre-ex conditions, etc), but Americans still spend on average 4x more for healthcare per capita than countries with nationalised healthcare.

In the UK EVERYTHING is free, you get sick and you don't pay a penny, ever.

Still over twice as cheap as American healthcare and cheaper (as a relative % of GDP) than American military spending.

The ACA isn't the solution, it's a retarded stop gap that gives a massive reach around to insurance companies and little to the public.
And when they say that most people are against the ACA what they are saying is
Most people want what the UK has

The right wing wont go for it.
By your own admittance
-It's cheaper
- has laws that protect you from insurance company abuses
- you cant be turned down


It's been cheaper for one year. I call it a bait and switch, because next year it won't be as cheap, you and I both know that. So that drum your beating is going to end up short lived.

I had a very good policy before BarryO decided to play King of the Kingdom. OMIP blue cross.

And I couldn't be turned down through OMIP. So you are pretty much off your fucking rocker
Could just be a "stoner' given the website were on

Just saying...
I'm trying to remove his superiority complex, it's one of those things that makes people think "What a dick" and I actually like Doer when he's not being all "I'm better than everyone else" and "America is the only free country in the world" (lol, Patriot Act).
Medical care should actually cost much much less than it did in the 50's. Newer better technologies, better methods, more doctors with better training. Alas some found out that helping people isn't as lucrative as taking everything they have. $100 scorpion venom? Unless you are about to die, then it costs $100,000.
There's two separate people in your copy/ paste, you fucking RETARD.

Omfg Doer, you are so dumb.

Early onset Alzheimer's, obviously.

There is not, you canker sore.

The entire thing is about her, Denise Marshall of Sonoma, Calif.. She is the artist, you ooze.

It's been cheaper for one year. I call it a bait and switch, because next year it won't be as cheap, you and I both know that. So that drum your beating is going to end up short lived.

I had a very good policy before BarryO decided to play King of the Kingdom. OMIP blue cross.

And I couldn't be turned down through OMIP. So you are pretty much off your fucking rocker

We know that?
Thanks Doer.

I go in tuesday morning for surgery, and they say I will be on crutches for three or four days. And if all goes well around four weeks for recovery. While I was redoing my engine room on the boat I kneeled down onto a hand wrench with my knee and split my meniscus. Luckily there is a specialist in corvallis that takes care of all the sports injuries. And I will get fixed up.

trained at one of these evil liberal public universities, no doubt.