I used my Obama care and here are the facts...

So even tho he liked his insurance, he doesn't actually get to keep his insurance...or his doctor?

And that thing about the artist above...coverage for $1 a month?

I want to see details of that policy, cos I'd bet $100 that he wouldn't be able to actually afford the treatment itself if he became unwell, just the cheap premiums.

Also, because he chose a shit career that he can't support himself on that means everyone else needs to pay for his health insurance?

I can't believe lefties and centrists hail the ACA...some of the provisions make sense (pre-ex conditions, etc), but Americans still spend on average 4x more for healthcare per capita than countries with nationalised healthcare.

In the UK EVERYTHING is free, you get sick and you don't pay a penny, ever.

Still over twice as cheap as American healthcare and cheaper (as a relative % of GDP) than American military spending.

The ACA isn't the solution, it's a retarded stop gap that gives a massive reach around to insurance companies and little to the public.
Change he to she cos Doer is being a dick about it.

My point still stands.

Doer :finger:
.many physicians tend to be conservatives in this country.
Remember, conservatism is linked to low IQ.

i.e. those doctors you think are well educated? Nope, just the liberal doctors are, all the conservative doctors are racists and have low IQ's.

Now that you know most doctors are stupid, go get some heath care from one.

Whats the difference between obamacare insurance and regular insurance?

TUCSON- A Tucson woman in desperate need of a knee replacement won't be getting that knee from the surgeon she wanted. When she called the office to set up an appointment she was told the doctor doesn't see patients who have "Obamacare."
Julie Miller has Blue Cross Blue Shield, which she purchased through the healthcare marketplace. Her plan lists this doctor as a covered provider. So, you can imagine she was shocked to hear the doctor wouldn't see her because of where she got her plan.
"I said, isn't Dr. Martin a Blue Cross Blue Shield provider? I thought he was? And she said, well he doesn't like Obamacare. And so he won't accept your insurance. That was pretty surprising to me," said Julie Miller.
News Four Tucson called the office twice to corroborate Julie's story. An appointment scheduler confirmed this doctor does not accept "Obamacare" patients.
Dr. David Martin did not want to answer any questions. Blue Cross Blue Shield says his reimbursement rate would be the same regardless of where the plan is purchased so Julie thinks this is a political statement.
"I wasn't acceptable to this particular doctor and I kind of felt bad!," said Miller.

i made my own political statement when my doctor of 20 years called for me to come in to renew prescriptions..told them i have coventry carelink (aca)..they take coventry and was on the list when i signed up..all of a sudden they don't take the "carelink" (aca) version.

fuck you:finger:..i went to the only doctor on the list in my town and it hasn't changed a thing..i'm perfectly happy!

learn how to step outside your comfort zone, stoners.
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i made my own political statement when my doctor of 20 years called for me to come in to renew prescriptions..told them i have coventry carelink (aca)..they take coventry and was on the list when i signed up..all of a sudden they don't take the "carelink" (aca) version.

fuck you:finger:..i went to the only doctor on the list in my town and it hasn't changed a thing..i'm perfectly happy!

learn how to step outside your comfort zone, stoners.

People think doctors are Gods. I know they are not.
People think doctors are Gods. I know they are not.
I think most Doctors are a very proud, egotistical and extremely confident bunch. I had an emergency surgery done by one doctor who was a very matter of fact type of person, one stitch he put in for a bone deep cut 6 inches long in my hand that had gotten a terrible life threatening infection. One super Stitch right in the middle. I was thinking to myself it was going to need like 20 stitches, but he was confident. I had to open the wound and clean it out every day, then repack it with a paste made from silver, but damn that worked well.

You wouldn't even know there had been a massive infection and cut there now, it healed up so damn well.

1 stitch for a cut all the way to the bone from my wrist to my fingers.

I paid nothing and did not have insurance of any kind. I think the bill was something like $10,000, many years ago. The hospital itself just gave it away, Catholic hospital. I'm not Catholic.
It was like CHARITY.
Most Doctor are confident and smug, but don't see themselves as Gods.

But, Culture see Medicine as salvation. All Doctors I've know are professional advisers in the most complicated of all Subjects.

We can follow the advice and still have to save ourselves if at all possible.
I think most Doctors are a very proud, egotistical and extremely confident bunch. I had an emergency surgery done by one doctor who was a very matter of fact type of person, one stitch he put in for a bone deep cut 6 inches long in my hand that had gotten a terrible life threatening infection. One super Stitch right in the middle. I was thinking to myself it was going to need like 20 stitches, but he was confident. I had to open the wound and clean it out every day, then repack it with a paste made from silver, but damn that worked well.

You wouldn't even know there had been a massive infection and cut there now, it healed up so damn well.

1 stitch for a cut all the way to the bone from my wrist to my fingers.

I paid nothing and did not have insurance of any kind. I think the bill was something like $10,000, many years ago. The hospital itself just gave it away, Catholic hospital. I'm not Catholic.
It was like CHARITY.
Glorified plumbers with a fuck load of education about human plumbing. Their job is to return your body to its normal state, allowing your body to do all the work, doc takes credit because they put in a suture. The human body is a pretty sweet bio-machine.

Surgeons, those guys walk around with a sometimes, underserved swagger. Watch out for Ortho surgeons, those dudes are among the most cocky smug fucks that walk the earth. I think it has something to do with the fellowship length and the types of people who go into particular specializations.
Glorified plumbers with a fuck load of education about human plumbing. Their job is to return your body to its normal state, allowing your body to do all the work, doc takes credit because they put in a suture. The human body is a pretty sweet bio-machine.

Surgeons, those guys walk around with a sometimes, underserved swagger. Watch out for Ortho surgeons, those dudes are among the most cocky smug fucks that walk the earth. I think it has something to do with the fellowship length and the types of people who go into particular specializations.

Yeah no shit. Cant stand mine.
Surgeons, those guys walk around with a sometimes, underserved swagger. Watch out for Ortho surgeons, those dudes are among the most cocky smug fucks that walk the earth. I think it has something to do with the fellowship length and the types of people who go into particular specializations.

That's funny. My job revolves around working with Orthos and I couldn't agree more. Cardiologists and Neuros are right up there, but you can spot the ortho crew from a mile away.
Oh, you have not seen me be a dick about anything. This is me being nice.

And you really had no point in the first place.
My points (since your comprehensional ineptness is so strong) was no.1: that her $1 a month premiums are probably the only affordable part of the policy.

And no. 2 she is an "artist" earning $24,000 a year and gets subsidies. Why subsidise her shitty choices?

And why'd she even lose her job? She could be a fucking mongoloid undeserving of your sympathy.

That's simples enough for you, Walter Mitty?
That's funny. My job revolves around working with Orthos and I couldn't agree more. Cardiologists and Neuros are right up there, but you can spot the ortho crew from a mile away.
Ortho always involves a lot of blood and often brute force and upper body strength during surgical procedures. I have encountered no less then eight Ortho surgeons who played college football or baseball. Maybe there is an intelligent jock sort of influence there.
Not sure, just how it happens.

Urologists are among the nicest family men I have ever met, they also have more dick pics then the Penthouse archives on their personal phones.

'Look at that one! Perfect! See how the meatus matches a bit better following the incision and suturing? Perfectly functioning penis now!'

Male urologists are particularly proud of the work they do. Makes sense, most men take special attention to their genitals, the doc wants to give his clients the best services he can.

Dick pics. I have never met a straight man who ever had so many dick pics as they do.
My points (since your comprehensional ineptness is so strong) was no.1: that her $1 a month premiums are probably the only affordable part of the policy.

And no. 2 she is an "artist" earning $24,000 a year and gets subsidies. Why subsidise her shitty choices?

And why'd she even lose her job? She could be a fucking mongoloid undeserving of your sympathy.

That's simples enough for you, Walter Mitty?

I still don't see your point. We like artists. The Toy Company fell on hard Global times.

How can you explain America to the Irish? You can't.
I still don't see your point. We like artists. The Toy Company fell on hard Global times.

How can you explain America to the Irish? You can't.
Why not just give everyone free healthcare regardless of their funds instead of spending ridiculous sums bombing the world and propping up Apartheid states and radical Sunni regimes in the Middle East?

i made my own political statement when my doctor of 20 years called for me to come in to renew prescriptions..told them i have coventry carelink (aca)..they take coventry and was on the list when i signed up..all of a sudden they don't take the "carelink" (aca) version.

fuck you:finger:..i went to the only doctor on the list in my town and it hasn't changed a thing..i'm perfectly happy!

learn how to step outside your comfort zone, stoners.

ROFLMAO!!! "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" has shifted to "Learn how to step outside your comfort zone"... Translation: Yes, we acknowledge the care is shittier but you are just going to have to deal with it because we are a monopoly. Now shut up and sit down and take your blue pill...
Nice link, it totally contradicts what you simpletons are claiming.

July 18-20 2014

59% oppose Obamacare
40% approve.

The poll indicates that 38% who oppose the health care law is because it's too liberal, with 17% saying they oppose the measure because it isn't liberal enough.

40% think obamacare goes far enough, 17% want it to go further.

attempt to delude yourself all you want, i know you will because reality does not suit you.

but the fact is that most americans want to keep and expand on obamacare.
ROFLMAO!!! "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" has shifted to "Learn how to step outside your comfort zone"... Translation: Yes, we acknowledge the care is shittier but you are just going to have to deal with it because we are a monopoly. Now shut up and sit down and take your blue pill...
Obamacare is insurance reform.
You dont understand it either