I used my Obama care and here are the facts...

I just find it funny that for decades insurance companies have screwed people over and everyone blamed them for bullshit. Now that Obama has tried to rein them in a bit, everyone acts like it is the end of the world. You do not need the ACA! Just go through an insurance company of your choosing outside of the ACA and see what that is like. If you think the ACA is just so terrible, I have a couple of things for you to look up. Preexisting condition and lifetime maximum (ACA got rid of both). So, in the end, everyone needs insurance to try and help offset the cost of healthcare for everyone. We all get sick and hurt and we all use the healthcare system. Oh yeah, for the people who want to bring up other countries healthcare systems as better, I would rather not wait 6 months for basic medical care. This is why the rest of the world comes here to learn medicine and to get the best specialists in the world.

How do you reconcile the use of force in this system to make people do things that they prefer not to do?
I just find it funny that for decades insurance companies have screwed people over and everyone blamed them for bullshit. Now that Obama has tried to rein them in a bit, everyone acts like it is the end of the world. You do not need the ACA! Just go through an insurance company of your choosing outside of the ACA and see what that is like. If you think the ACA is just so terrible, I have a couple of things for you to look up. Preexisting condition and lifetime maximum (ACA got rid of both). So, in the end, everyone needs insurance to try and help offset the cost of healthcare for everyone. We all get sick and hurt and we all use the healthcare system. Oh yeah, for the people who want to bring up other countries healthcare systems as better, I would rather not wait 6 months for basic medical care. This is why the rest of the world comes here to learn medicine and to get the best specialists in the world.

hun, all these rightie misers care about is ALL insurances must provide for 10 points of coverage and they have their panties in a wad because they can't "carve out" services to make it a junk policy like they had before.

boo fucking hoooo..you can't carve out a dental policy either..can you?:dunce:
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I just got a letter from Obamacare and they are canceling my policy at the end of December and they want me to pay 82.00 more per month for a lesser policy. So now there is no savings from before Obamacare my new rate is 575.00 per month from 493.00.

BarryO and the liberal democratic machine are all liars. There is no savings in health care and it only goes up from here. That really sucks being punked by democratic fucking dreamers.

proof or you're lying again like usual.
I just find it funny that for decades insurance companies have screwed people over and everyone blamed them for bullshit. Now that Obama has tried to rein them in a bit, everyone acts like it is the end of the world. You do not need the ACA! Just go through an insurance company of your choosing outside of the ACA and see what that is like. If you think the ACA is just so terrible, I have a couple of things for you to look up. Preexisting condition and lifetime maximum (ACA got rid of both). So, in the end, everyone needs insurance to try and help offset the cost of healthcare for everyone. We all get sick and hurt and we all use the healthcare system. Oh yeah, for the people who want to bring up other countries healthcare systems as better, I would rather not wait 6 months for basic medical care. This is why the rest of the world comes here to learn medicine and to get the best specialists in the world.


To me, it seems like access to unlimited funds, via TAXES, is largely responsible for the high cost of insurance.

If your customers have a limited budget, then prices for goods and services will have to fluctuate to meet the ability of your customers to pay for said services. However, if you can charge somebody else for those goods and services, then you don't have to worry about your prices AS MUCH, simply due to the fact that somebody else will pay the cost.

If I only have $20 to pay for a routine check up, than the cost of a routine check up will have to be about $20 IF the dude wants to stay in business. If I only have $20, but the "government" will kick in another $20 in taxes (other peoples money), than the price of that check up goes up because of access to tax dollars.

What happens when the medical industry starts charging MORE for their services and the "poor" can no longer be covered by the tax dollars allotted for them? Will prices come down? FUCK NO! What'll happen is that the assholes in congress will simply vote MORE of YOUR MONEY away and into the pockets of said medical industry shit bags.

"Socialized medicine" is just another government racket designed to play on the ignorant heart strings of morons while enriching politicians and their medical industry cronies.

I'd rather see tax dollars get spent on creating more doctors, who in exchange for their education, volunteer to serve in low income areas on salary for a time before they practice on their own. Increase the supply of medical assets available, then the competition should decline, along with the price.
Try asking your health care insurance provider why they upped your rates
As to your Blue Cross policy
how many years did you have it?
What did it not cover?
Did rates ever go up on you before Obamacare?


I had my blue cross policy for around 5 years and it was the same price for the whole five years. I never used it so I don't know what it covered really all I ever did was pay. It was 580.00 per month and now I pay 575.00 so I guess I am saving 60.00 a year.

As soon as my battery for my camera gets charged I will post a pic of the letter. It looks to me coverage went up 20% and if it does it again and again I may be forced to down grade to a lesser policy.
well ... we got screwed by obamacare too. The doctors visits are nice and easy 25 or 30 dollar copay but you get a nice hefty bill for almost everything.

Obamacare isn't insurance it is a facade of "ill pay some, you'll pay some."

only... you pay a hell of a lot more than they do. The numbers that they supposedly pay probably don't even get paid.
well ... we got screwed by obamacare too. The doctors visits are nice and easy 25 or 30 dollar copay but you get a nice hefty bill for almost everything.

Obamacare isn't insurance it is a facade of "ill pay some, you'll pay some."

only... you pay a hell of a lot more than they do. The numbers that they supposedly pay probably don't even get paid.

my doctor visits are $5 and I haven't paid a cent for premium..generic rx $5..what's not to like?
my doctor visits are $5 and I haven't paid a cent for premium..generic rx $5..what's not to like?


How can you get a gold plan for free? something is fishy. In oregon they don't give gold plans for free they have some other plan that is free for poor people. please explain so it makes sense too me.

How can you get a gold plan for free? something is fishy. In oregon they don't give gold plans for free they have some other plan that is free for poor people. please explain so it makes sense too me.

Nitro -

you know what's fishy?..i just followed the presidents directions and didn't create a nightmare for myself like most of the righties did COMPLAINING..i gave you specific instructions and all you had to do was follow along but you didn't trust me, you trusted the insurance guy who makes $$$ off you..now i hope this time around you will listen to me for the new year..based on my income i was due a credit of $343 to shop with..i figured out what was important to me and chose accordingly..are there any regrets?..it was an HMO and i've only had self-funded insurance or PPO in the past, so i'm spoiled..also, i didn't pay attention to the "formulatory" so a few meds i still have to pay full price because i cannot take generic.<3
Why does American healthcare cos 4x more per capita than European "Socialist" models where if you're sick you just go to the hospital?
Hey Harrekin..

I guess people like me are paying for Sky's free gold plans. Thats the only way it will work I guess.

Well, SOMEBODY has to fork out the cash. Naming rights for "sports centers" don't come cheap, and neither does real estate.



Surely the Moda health insurance company has your best interests at heart.

I am just presenting the facts as I get them. You must not care about rising health care cost, is that what you are saying?

health care costs have been steady for years now.

that you give you a pro tip hint about what's happening if your premiums go up anyway.

for the record, premiums tripled in the 20 years before obamacare. i guess it's you who does not care about doing something to contain rising health care costs.
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Here is a pic of me lying about my health care.
Yes you are proving that you lie. I see no ACA header on that piece of paper, just Moda, obamacare isn't cancelling your policy, Moda is, dueche, and further more it looks like they are cancelling it because they would like to offer you a better policy, see where they waived a bunch of stuff for you?? Are you really that blind and ignorant with rage to understand your new policy?
health care costs have been steady for years now.

that you give you a pro tip hint about what's happening if your premiums go up anyway.

for the record, premiums tripled in the 20 years before obamacare. i guess it's you who does not care about doing something to contain rising health care costs.


You must get the free shit too. What the fuck are you doing about it?
Yes you are proving that you lie. I see no ACA header on that piece of paper, just Moda, obamacare isn't cancelling your policy, Moda is, dueche, and further more it looks like they are cancelling it because they would like to offer you a better policy, see where they waived a bunch of stuff for you?? Are you really that blind and ignorant with rage to understand your new policy?


You must get free shit too. That would be the only way what you said makes any sense.

You must get the free shit too. What the fuck are you doing about it?

i live in colorado and have private insurance through aetna. i'm waiting on an ER bill right now to see how badly this obama guy fucked up health care and turned it into commie care.

i could just tell that the gay communist kenyan muslim democrats took over health care when i was in the ER because they finger fucked my ass hole. gay kenyan communist muslim types love that type of gay shit.