ICE WAX (bubble hash) with Matt Rize


Well-Known Member
My first time making hash, always used trim for butter. Have 5 more plants to do this was first test run anything I should do better?

I only used the 220, 120, 45, 25... I think when i do rest of plants though I will use 220 120 90 45.


Pic of plant i just harvested..



Well-Known Member
i use bags 220 160 73 45. depends on how much wax im expecting in return. i dont want to run 8 bags on a run thatll get 1g. a g in each bag hell yea! this last batch iv been keepin cold in the fridge...


Well-Known Member
i thought that had happened but false alarm, its been in there all week and no problems. if you dry it right you shouldnt get any condensation.


You are pretty well correct I believe that is what he says, I'm just not yet convinced it goes down like that.
After this last batch, I am thoroughly convinced. Matt has experienced and knows you must remove the moisture ASAP, and it must stay cold, for phenomenal results. None of my previous batches can be called ice wax. Again, I have new ideas for the next batch.

I will follow up on my other post about the refrigerator in another post soon.


Active Member
Shout outs to Matt Rize once again for passing on the wisdom to making the best hash possible. Theres no way my hash would be this good without following the RIZE way. So as the cold days get fewer and fewer here in Montana I am trying to get most of my trim made into wax. So the latest run was some Agent Orange and Cheesequake.

Agent Orange/ cheesequake. 120View attachment 2622822View attachment 2622823View attachment 2622824View attachment 2622825

Agent Orange/ cheesequake 90View attachment 2622826View attachment 2622827View attachment 2622828View attachment 2622829Once again The Rize method and the TGA genetics kill it. Nothing better than great homeade all natural Ice wax. RO water and Ice + TGA organic trim = killer wax


Active Member
I just got back from Amsterdam. All the ice-o-later (their term for bubble hash) I saw and tried is not even close to what we all now know is possible danks to this thread. RIZE UP!

The Ice-o-later was selling for 18e/g almost twice as much as the great import hashes I was trying. (Hash was the same price per gram as the flowers, mostly chemmy hydro, why would I pay to buy flower here?!) I only bought half a gram ice-o-later because it was dark and pressed just like everything else, grams of all the imports were bought and enjoyed (except their best seller TTcreme hash from Morocco). All they said when I asked why the higher price was because its the most potent. It was right in the ball park with all the other hashes I tried, nothing special in the flavor or potency department IMO, its smell and super shiny taffy texture was a bit above the rest tho. I can't wait to get home to my og and blackberry kush IWE, real next level hash that will take a while to get into commercial production outside Cali. Oh yeah and to be back smoking some love and light organic medicine again!!! If you are in the DAM I highly recommend coffeshop media as they have an all organic (bio is what the dutch call it) menu and lots of hash on the menu too. Just a real nice quality shop. Should have tried their Amnesia Haze Ice-o-later but had to catch the train =[ Theres never enough time when on a trip!!! Especially to Europe!

The secrets are all right here everybody, as montanachadly is nicely showing, study up RIZE UP, blaze some true IWE!


Well-Known Member
I heard the same thing you are saying. We do it better. Ive been following Rize's methods for a min. I don't have the machine yet. I use bubble bags only. Through trial and error and with guidance of Rize. Mixing by hand with a wooden spoon. Produces better quality than using a drill or egg beater mixer. Of course quality of water and ice plays a role too.

I'm anti bho..its butane geez. Might as well be huffing on paint thinner. No one prefilters the butane prior to making bho. Or most don't even vaccuum purge or even cure.........


Active Member
Thank Ganja that BHO has not made it over here! That stuff is not hash its chemical concentrate (sketchy little cough, sketchy little cough)
IWE for the win!!! When I get home I gotta sell my third of a tami!!! (LOL I only bought in cause they led me to believe I would get to try my art with some of the trim, IWE is the only hash I will work all day to create and happily put in my lungs!)


Active Member
Yeah Kalyx i totally agree with you on the hash situation in amsterdam. Ive been over there twice in the last 6 months and went to probably 90+ coffee shops looking for good hash. Needless to say there was a few places with OK hash like Grey Area had some ok Iceolator and i cant remember the name of the other shop i have it written down its like myrsol or something like that. There Americans from Cali that opened a shop and they do it right for the most part. Last time i went to the Dam i took some of my Space bomb ice wax with me and smoked a few peeps out like a few guys working at Paradise seeds and this chick at DNA grow shop. A week is def not enuff time to spend in the Amsterdam you could spend a week just window shopping in the red light. The Dutch are the kinda people that resist change it seems like there talking to some of them. They all admit my hash was awsome but said they could get stuff at coffee shop just as good fuck that. I didnt wanna start arguments just showing them how to up there game. Some of the Dutch where hip to the fact of upping there game others where more resistant to change. Even the Flowers in most coffee shops is subpar if your used to Cali bud or your own Fire. I am actually going back again in September to possibly make some hash for one of the seed companies for the cup in November this trip I actually wont have to pay for. So anyone can do it Follow the Rize method fine tune your art of hash making. Then after that take your killer Ice wax over to Amsterdam and show them whats up you might get offered a one time gig.

  • 11-23-2010, 11:34 AM
    Matt Rize

    HashmasterMr. Ganja
    Join DateSep 2010
    LocationNorth BayPosts4,259Journal Entries4


    Originally Posted by swishsweet
    What are your personal opinions on bubble hash vs. honey oil? I am finishing my first grow soon and I was considering investing in a bubble bag set or just being cheap and making my own honey oil. I have never made either one, and I have only ever smoked bubble hash once but it was BOMB! I feel like bubble hash looks much easier to store then honey oil but looks a lot more complicated to make. Is a set of bubble bags durable enough to last many hash pulls? Is it worth the money? Why am I asking so many QUESTIONS!?

    "Okay, Ill come out of the closet and say that I used to work at a well known dispensary. While working there I convinced them to stop carrying BHO as there was a lot of bad local press about idiots blowing up apartments. But properly purged BHO is awesome, and rare IMO. Good BHO should not be sticky or oily, but more like an off white-wax, imo of course

    Yes, the bubble gear is worth buying and lasts forever. The actual drain bags last literally decades. The work bag that comes with the machines gets beat up and will need to be replaced after... I'll say... around 200 pounds of trim if you take care if it well.

    As for worth the money... yes. Any hash you make will be worth at least 20/gram commercially. my suggestion would be to make your bubble as good as you can. Smoke it with your grower friends. Then convince them to let you make their hash, for a commission of half the final product.

    I would try (if you are on a budget) to just buy the bags you need to get started. The 45, the 120, and the 190."

    So why now are you so thankful that something that's potentially awesome isn't around? I mean you could say the explosions, and thats a problem. But its also common sense to not blast inflammable gas in unventilated areas. You could make ice hash thats just as bad to smoke or worse, by accident, easily. (Mold) I mean not one person here should be able to say they've never lit their pipe with a butane lighter, with far dirtier butane in it.



Active Member
Montanachadly - Congrats on the covered trip. I hope they take the lesson and good notes. I wonder if IWE hasnt taken hold here just due to the fact that the import hash seems SOOO affordable, especially to those that buy in bulk. They charge 2-4 times for ice hash from dutch imports as the imported stuff. They let the pros in Morocco, do it as they have for generations. It is hard work and maybe thats it too. FOR SURE the dutch do not like change.... they are still growing all the second and third wave varietals that were big in the US like twenty years ago. I guess name recognition tops quality and new varieties are available in seed form and then the shops all have White Widow and Skunk 1 for sale??!!


Active Member
Its also alot to do with the trim. The type of resin of the plant makes a difference in the end result also. Some plants ive noticed arent as full melt as others. I like the really oily resin to work with its so much fun thats what i was trying to explain to them. I was showing them pictures of some of my TGA shit i have run and explained what kinda plants you wanted to make good bubble. When i was there last time i got to see some pretty good size grows outside of the city. I am just all about the free trip and the opportunity to work with an amount of trim and shit that Matt gets to work with. Im just pretty stoked about that too see how much i get in the bags after agitating it and breaking the heads off. Thats the part im really looking forward too collection and rinsing cleaning it.