If Flint was white, would they be sucking lead

Does race play a part in the Flint water crisis?

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Mine disappeared because it contained your unedited post quoted. It`s all fine.

At least you are not a rat.

You just need to admit that Political stance has nothing to do with Flit crimes and so many more people had a roll in it.

already have. problem is, is they all work for or were appointed by snyder. nothing partisan about it
Has the water been shut off or is it still feeding homes and businesses ? There`s no way it can continue legally with all the lawyers in this world. Even if the CM approved the supply, it`s still approved by the State because he represents that State being appointed by the governor and not the mayor. The State has to be liable for injuries caused by it`s decision to run the supply, How can it possibly be any other way ?
Just a thought, because I seriously think that if Flint was a white Republican community in Michigan, say like Grosse Point for example, this shit would never have happened. Oh, that's right, its just a bunch of black Democrats, so fuck em. (I'm being REALLY polite now). So, do you think this is a racist thing, or some dumb as fuck Republicans doing their usual shit, which is (always?) a disaster for people of color. Vote

i am on a well . if i dont filter my water i will get poisoned . but now if i drink chlorimines i will get sick too ... so i drink filtered water always . you are a SHEEP if dont test the purity of you water source before consuming DAILY for YEARS !
Has the water been shut off or is it still feeding homes and businesses ? There`s no way it can continue legally with all the lawyers in this world. Even if the CM approved the supply, it`s still approved by the State because he represents that State being appointed by the governor and not the mayor. The State has to be liable for injuries caused by it`s decision to run the supply, How can it possibly be any other way ?

flint reconnected to detroit's water supply

what's a CM?
this is fairly simple man.....snyder's idea of an emergency manager got shot down in a vote of the people. he and the republican legislature overrode voter will and installed one anyway. under mi law, an emergency manager has total control and power. no one else in flint's government had a say in anything other than where to eat lunch.

all power and decisions come from this modern day dictator, the emergency manager. in michigan these ems can break any contract, fire anyone and decide where funds are allocated

the emergency manager signed off on using water from the flint river. snyder insisted on installing an emergency manager in flint and all his actions are right back in snyder's lap where they belong. the dept of environmental quality also reports to snyder and they blew everyone off on the water quality including the fucking EPA as evidenced by emails that have been obtained from those involved.

snyder's chief of staff wrote an email 2 yrs ago that bitched about the people of flint "getting blown off by us" when they complained about the water

do you get it now? you went from building inspectors to mayors to city managers. all your assertions are as wrong as trying to fuck a nun and about as useful.

no city in the country decides it's own quality of water. water must meet federal guidelines at minimum and flint's clearly didn't as evidenced by documents and emails already acquired

why in the fuck do you keep spouting off like water quality is determined by a building inspector, mayor or now city manager?
Lets look at this thread... The problem is a failure of government causing people to get lead poisoning.

Some people want to blame it on racism.

Others blame it on Republicans.

Yet others want to argue which person is exactly responsible for testing the water.

And we wonder why nothing ever gets agreed upon... LOL!!
This is just going to get ugly. Dont get me wrong its a conversation that cant be ignored. But doing it on here where you can hide behind your computer and call people names will never solve this.
I will say the same ol "because Im black" is getting old. I mean, I know people in Flint that are white as hell going through the same shit as the black community. And dont try and call me out..Im as far from a racist as they get. And no Im not going to follow that by saying I have a black friend...lol
This is our governments work people. The White guy is not "The man" anymore.....its the "White House now!
The White House had nothing to do with this crisis...State Governor and the appointed EM dropped the ball, whenever a crisis occurs with the pukes in charge where minorities are affected, they move at a snails pace to fix it...yeah you have white folks who are affected (Katrina also) but they're considered white trash by the State and therefore expendable...it is what it is!

I remember like it was yesterday how the folks in la. Were refered to as refugees by neighboring state governors...they have a country called USA.

Just goes to show you how the pukes think of minorities...fuck them all where they breathe!

The White House had nothing to do with this crisis...State Governor and the appointed EM dropped the ball, whenever a crisis occurs with the pukes in charge where minorities are affected, they move at a snails pace to fix it...yeah you have white folks who are affected (Katrina also) but they're considered white trash by the State and therefore expendable...it is what it is!

I remember like it was yesterday how the folks in la. Were refered to as refugees by neighboring state governors...they have a country called USA.

Just goes to show you how the pukes think of minorities...fuck them all where they breathe!


The White House hasnt held a press conference on it. One kid dies in a shooting and if it is politically worth the president has a press conference 5 minutes afterwards. I guess he doesnt give a shit about thousands of sick black kids. Shows you what Obama thinks of the poor and minorities.... Wouldnt make him look good to point out our failing infrastructure.
The White House hasnt held a press conference on it. One kid dies in a shooting and if it is politically worth the president has a press conference 5 minutes afterwards. I guess he doesnt give a shit about thousands of sick black kids. Shows you what Obama thinks of the poor and minorities.... Wouldnt make him look good to point out our failing infrastructure.

the racism drips from every retarded thing you spout.