If greed disappeared would it solve 95% of our problems?


Well-Known Member
I had a chat with a friend and we tried to think of a problem in this world that wasn't tied somehow to greed.

Human trafficking? People make money from it.

Clearing of the rainforest. Money.

War. Money.

Unhealthy food that is the number 1 cause of death in America. Money. If we are truly about "saving lives" shouldn't this be the number one problem to focus on each year?

And it goes on and on.

Should greed be illegal or are we so addicted to it that it can't be stopped?
I had a chat with a friend and we tried to think of a problem in this world that wasn't tied somehow to greed.

Human trafficking? People make money from it.

Clearing of the rainforest. Money.

War. Money.

Unhealthy food that is the number 1 cause of death in America. Money. If we are truly about "saving lives" shouldn't this be the number one problem to focus on each year?

And it goes on and on.

Should greed be illegal or are we so addicted to it that it can't be stopped?
Hard to argue with that
The people who are about “saving lives” are doing it for money. Nobody does anything for less
for money, tell docters/ without borders / medicans san frontier that then, there not in it for the profit, you use the term too widely.
yes, in order to create a new world order NWO, getting rid of money would be number one, but, thats all good n we;ll with those who can offer something in exchange for something else. nobody's going to give anything away for free. there would have to be a barter system, or everything desends into anarchy.
so how are you preposing to get around the situation?????
i would gladly exchange work fior food/shelter. but theres too many people on the planet as it is, if everyone was fit n helthy, there wouldent be enough food to go round for long, its un sustainable.
you would have to go through great hardship with many dying of starvation and illness b4 we could get it together and make it sustainable to feed/cloth.inoculate and house everyone. let alone employ anyone to help them out.
Barter would mean that we get something of value instead of just paper and a promise.
yeah, money aint worth the paper its printed on anymore anyway. id gladly give away, but food soon disapears, and needs to be replaced. bartering is the only way to go,
but at least you can keep it honest, its people we need to get rid of, greed is born from some, not all people, so we need to get rid of them, and again we decend into anarchy. vicious circle, now re education is a way foward
The problem is that people are often blinded by their own greed, and justify doing the things they do, based on a theory that they are contributing to a "greater good".
yes, pride wouldent go a miss, but with comunity education, pride in ones work is a given. pride would be taught,
The problem is that people are often blinded by their own greed, and justify doing the things they do, based on a theory that they are contributing to a "greater good".
back to comunity education and living, i think thats because weve lost our sence of comunity
"pride" sometimes is used interchangeably with "conceit" or "arrogance" with negative connotations.
where you coming from?
In this context it's obvious i mean pride in the negative sense, not like pride your home and family.
It's one of the seven deadly sins, and it's why God threw Lucifer out of heaven. Lucifer wanted more accolades than God was getting.